Where are our leaders?

Ya I see both sides here…Leaving an unwinnable wear sounds like a good idea. I could have also been talked into trying to keep things in check…No strong opinion. But the execution seems like it was downright brutal

He spoke Monday, Wednesday, and today.

I just read them in an article but don’t have the link handy. I was surprised by that too, but I suppose some people would have preferred to stay rather than have a Taliban state. I could see that.

To me it was a grift of the American people. All that money we gave to afghan “soldiers”, the “president”, supplies, over 20 years, and look what good it did us. They were shooting bullets into the sky, selling the spent shell casings for scrap, and then asking for more ammunition. The whole thing was a scam.

Staying in that country longer was more money down the drain unless we literally declared it the 51st state.

I’ll defer to you guys with this…I’ve read summaries but didn’t delve deep enough.

We should have never been there.

It never made sense. There was never a defined mission.

You can’t occupy a land on the other side of the Earth indefinitely. It doesn’t work. It’s too expensive. And when the people of that nation don’t value freedom or any of your ideals, it’s a disaster.

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Agree completely GSC. Obviously the original reason we went there was because the Taliban refused to hand over bin laden. But after we got him - it became harder to justify sticking around there.

This is by design. This admin places no value on American life.

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Laughing at Americans stuck in Afghanistan.

What a strange lady.

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Before 305 comes in here to tell me that they measured her intonation and it was a defensive laugh… something she does quite often when nervous… I get it.

But that’s a question where you have to dig down deep and restrain yourself.

She’s a loser. Completely incompetent.

Sounds like someone else I know.

51 can’t help himself. Everything is automatically about Trump. Such a boring take. No nuance or critical analysis.

Y’all are the ones keeping Trump in the news. The election was stolen. “Trump would/wouldn’t have done this.”

You’ve never been critical of Trump. I’ve been plenty critical of Biden. He’s fucked Afghanistan up big time. He may not survive this from a re-election perspective.

Meanwhile y’all are zeroed in on an “audit” in maricopa county.

The comment was on Kamala. It had nothing to do with Biden or Trump. But you can’t help yourself and just reply but but but Trump sucks. Worthless post.

Great. Kamala sucks. I never said she was great.

VP’s have never been important.

You voted for her!!!

So? You voted for Trump.

Cool, I don’t even need to watch the video now. Thanks!

But that Biden sure is great huh?

Imagine anyone caring what a fucking totally incompetent moron like Kamala Harris feels about Afghanistan. She can’t spell it and has nothing to do with the decision or any thought process that went into it. She was there to get some women and minority votes…They may as well have ran Serena Williams.