Where are our leaders?

Wow. I done fucked that one up! :laughing::laughing::laughing:

You know what I meant! :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

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As I said

It seems to me this isn’t the type of thing you can publicly consider. Either you do it quickly or you lose your chance. Maybe this is being used as leverage in dealing with the Taliban.

The US industrial military complex folks don’t ever want to leave.


Thank you Joe!!!

Think this shit would happen under Trump. Not even a chance.

Everything is politics. You’re a fool if you think otherwise…

Why are the French and British willing/able to go out in country to rescue their civilians but our troops are limited to the airport?

Uhh. Yeah. I sure do.

Based on what?

Based on his past fuck ups?

Lol…Like what asshole?

One of the smoothest presidential terms we’ve had until he and every other western leader “failed” against covid.


You would think that.

Cute fuckboy emojis…Then…(Drum roll)…MORE RUN AND HIDE

If the conversation is focused on foreign policy, then I think it’d be worth looking at what was done.

Obama lost an embassy in 2012. Biden lost an embassy in 2021. Soleimani “apparently” coordinated an attack on the American embassy in Iraq and we saw what happened to him a few days later.

That being said I disagreed with Trump’s 2 different air campaigns against Syria over alleged attacks of chemical weapons by Assad against his people. But, I think it would be fair to say that Trump was no unwilling to make difficult calls even if unpopular (if you recall Biden was against the Obama decision to take out Bin Laden).

It’s difficult to speculate what Trump would have done or would not have done in Afghanistan but it would be disingenuous to say he wouldn’t have had a plan (he did and Biden abandoned it) and it would be disingenuous to say that Trump would have gone into hiding like Biden has.

Probably because our troops are the ones securing said airport.

But I don’t disagree that more measures need to be taken.

Part of our public inaction may have to do with agreements we made with the Taliban. As long as they are letting people out, we agree to stay out - that sort of thing.

At the same time, if the USA is sending special ops forces into Kabul to extract Americans, we probably aren’t reporting on it. Especially if that violates our terms with the Taliban.

So… it’s hard to say, but definitely important to keep a critical eye on things.

You keep saying this but he keeps making public addresses. I’m honestly not sure what you mean.

I will say, it is funny how many Americans are flip-flopping on backing the troop pullout.

In April, 70% backed the pullout.
In July, 50%.
This month it’s 40%.

I suppose they didn’t realize the disastrous consequences for Afghanistan. That said, what other options did we have? Either we pull out or declare Afghanistan a US Territory and take over. Anything else is a half measure.

Did I miss Biden’s other press conferences and public appearances after his address earlier this week (honestly asking)?

My brother thinks they want Americans to die in order to have a news cycle to deflect from the Az audit report.

I don’t agree but I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility.

Where are those numbers from?

Most things I’ve read and heard, the complaints have not been about leaving but how we went about it. People tend to agree either was time to go but we needed a better strategy.