Where are our leaders?

You’re not understanding. They needed us. And we abandoned them.

Biden pulling US troops out of Afghanistan - while I think we can all agree was the right thing to do - left a woefully unprepared Afghan army. Hence the Taliban took over.

There are reports now that the CIA is saying that they warned Biden and he ignored the warnings. Lots of finger pointing going on right now. What a disaster.

Chile and Australia have more than enough lithium. Colbalt is the mineral that is hardest to source for batteries.

You’re not understanding. I don’t give a rat’s ass about that. I care about Americans. Kurds are not Americans.

We trained and armed them for 20 years. Stop. They were trained and prepared.

They are cowards. They have no sense of nation or patriotism. They are a backward people and we should have never been there in the first place.

19 out of the 20 hijackers were Saudi’s. Bin Laden was a Saudi.

This war had nothing to do with 911. It was about occupying a nation to run drugs and other things of value through it for our government.

For @Canes51

That’s you right there :point_up_2::point_up_2:

But all of those are things you just listed are Trump’s fault, so what’s your point.

You’ve made that quite clear.

So then by this logic you don’t care about Afghans. So if you don’t care about them, why are you so upset Biden fucked this up? After all, America first and fuck everyone else right?

Is anyone else witnessing this exchange?

Canes51 - I never wanted to go into Afghanistan.

And the reason why I care is that there are at least 10-15 thousand Americans stranded there.

We wasted hundreds of billions of dollars playing God on the other side of the world for people who are going to turn around and try to massacre us when they get the chance. It’s lunacy.

Your guy :point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2: fucked this up. Period. End of story.

You voted for pop tart. No no- sorry about that. Even a pop tart would be better than Biden.

This is what you’re trying to change 51. These people are savages. If they won’t fight for themselves and there land - why should we?

Now get our Americans out and never go back.

Here’s another

Backwards ass people.

Thanks for the link. That was a really awful way to say it. I’m hoping he was just being technical/modest about military capability, but who knows. Thankfully Biden’s statement on the matter was much stronger.

"We’re going to get everyone that we can possibly evacuate, evacuated. And I’ll do that as long as we possibly can until the clock runs out or we run out of capability,” Austin said.

President Joe Biden said that if needed, U.S. forces could remain in Afghanistan past his Aug. 31 deadline to get every American out of the country.

“If there’s American citizens left, we’re going to stay to get them all out,” Biden told ABC News in an interview that aired Wednesday evening.
U.S. working with Taliban to evacuate Americans and allies out of Afghanistan, Pentagon says

On this matter, I don’t get the criticism. I missed some of his statement, but he seemed to say the right things to me. He said the buck stops with him and he takes the blame. He also mentioned facts that many of us on this board have brought up, like this pullout being negotiated by Trump, Biden moving the timeline a bit later but still doing it, and us being surprised that the Afghans had no interest in fighting for their rights. (It’s possible I missed something, but I thought he laid it out plain.)

This isn’t true. The Taliban has no concern over making Biden look good or they wouldn’t have moved in so quickly. In fact, making him and America look bad was probably their aim. This is how they declare victory to their people. They want overlap of Taliban and American troops so it appears to be a battlefield we’re retreating from.

But I agree they won’t cross the red line. They won’t purposely touch an American hair, and they better damn sure hope they aren’t any accidents. But our Afghan supporters aren’t so fortunate.

Yes. The problem with Afghanistan is that there’s really no such thing as Afghanistan. Not to them. There’s no national identity. Although with the Taliban in 100% control, it’s probably that will change. Maybe our intervention has made them stronger, because the smaller warlords who rebuffed the Taliban are gone (at least some of them).

Because Milley said we had no idea this would happen SO FAST. We all knew it would happen.

Is it the public execution of perceived traitors that warrants this? Isn’t this exactly what Storm wants?

I’ve read that they are going door to door and checking phones to see if folks have a bible app. If they do, they are being executed on the spot. Christians are in extreme danger there.

The religion of peace!

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I agree with you. He’s in office, and the buck stops there (except if you’re Trump, apparently. But dont sit there and say Trump in office would have equaled a better outcome. The Afghans are who they are - as you say - regardless of who’s in office. So why would you expect the outcome to be different just because one is in office and the other isn’t?

And it kills you knowing pop tart beat Trump. He must have fucked up bad. Because he did.

Biden cheated.


The only place one can go when they know the truth and don’t want to admit it.

Biden clearly isn’t off to the best start and he may completely suck as president.

And it kills you that a guy like that lost to Trump. But you’ve got no one to blame but Trump. Trump fucked to so bad he all but handed the election to him.

I agree that it’s most likely that he lost if we look at it from a realistic lens.


“Ya I don’t agree with this”

(51 voice)
But Orange Man Bad trumps all

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The old Freudian slip!