Twitter, etc...Part 3

And you people co-sign for this shit…

Pure evil

Imagine making these connections…Damn that covid was convenient doesn’t it.

Crickets huh?

Nothing to see here?

So many examples of this every…single…breakout

Liberals media says hospitals are overwhelmed and failing, and that just isn’t the case.

And her last statement is beautiful…It’s not like covid just started last week

Wake up people

The fear effect is waning Skeeter. They have to do something to ensure compliance.

Introduce “Mu variant”

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You gotta be one sick fuck to still support school closures or kids in masks. Studies and hell just raw numbers like this from all over the world.

Wake up sheep

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I don’t think kids should have to wear them in school. Kids are getting it left and right at the moment and I’m not sure masks are helping too much.

I also have concerns about social development - especially when they’re really young (pre-high school). You can’t see people enunciate, and you have to wonder about isolation/depression.

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No they’re not lol

Yes, they are. At least where I live. Both my kids got it in the past 3 weeks. I get automated calls every day from my school discredit indicating a student(s) tested positive.

Oh wait - these are fake calls right? Only 4 people in the US got it, and no one died right?

You must be wanting the Catholic Church to canonize Trump and Alex Jones, right?

No they’re not.

Children under 12 account for less then 15% of all cases. And if you look at the graph above, the cases are in line seasonally with last spike.

These new articles talking about children spiking are to scare you into accepting the vaccine for under 12. Period.

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I don’t know how old your kids are, but I don’t know how else I can explain it. I get calls Monday thorough Friday informing me that a kid(a) at the schools my kids go to have tested positive.

I don’t know where you got that chart (you’re like Storm and never post your source).

Wait. I forgot. The schools are probably all in on the fix right?

The CDC lol

This is hilarious. The same CDC that you say lies is the source of the information you provide.

Only when it fits your narrative right?

All I’m saying is that kids weren’t testing positive nearly as much last school year. This year I get calls daily.

Yes- the same ones. Even they can’t lie about the fact that kids are completely unaffected by this.

They are a great example to use.

Define completely unaffected.

Yea- we can do an experiment and prove it.

Perfectly healthy children don’t die from COVID.

The vast majority of the infinitesimally small amount of children who have died, were medically compromised.

It’s a joke and a disgrace to put our kids through this.

They aren’t affected! :point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2:

That’s not what you said. You said completely unaffected. This is literally false.

Now thankfully, COVID is sparring most children from severe disease, and on the side that believes masks in schools for young kids need to go away.

But don’t say kids are completely unaffected. This is not true.

No, the same one you slurp you fucking idiot…Or do you pick and choose your slurps with them?

It’s a joke and a disgrace to put our kids through this.

They aren’t affected! :point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2:

Bingo…No where near as effected as influenza. And I posted the proof near the top of this thread. Wake up sheep.

He said kids are completely unaffected by COVID.

This is literally and provably false.

Lol…You know what he meant little bitch. Kids can die of bronchitis…Lets’ move on.