Trump shot at rally

I can see why so many on the right love trump. He thinks he is god and has followers just like him. If you can’t see through this man and his bs than that is on you. This guy could care less about anyone but himself. Not one thing about the country. This man has conned an entire party. He will go down in history as one of the worst human beings to ever hold the highest office.

Has not said one thing about what he will do for this country. Disgusting.

And yet his followers are completely blind.

He could be completely fake. I don’t know for sure, and neither do you as you don’t know him personally. I don’t understand how you are so definitive in saying he’s the worst person of all time.

I personally have a hard time listening to him speak. It can be annoying.

Here’s a news flash to you all, though, and that is that to be the president you have to have a really big ego. You don’t think Obama or Bush or any other president had a really big ego?

People like Trump because he’s pretty much the only politician that actually says what he means. You may hate it, and you clearly do, but all the other presidents came across as elitest and not for the average person. You may disagree that he really cares about the average person, but many of the stories and anecdotes say otherwise.

Most people that hate him can’t point to very many actual policies or decisions that he’s made for the hate. They just hate his personality.

I know you will point to what he did 15 years ago, his infidelity or how he treated tenants and such. People can change over time. And I’ll be honest, I didn’t want him as the Republican candidate in 2016 either, couldn’t stand his style.

You think Biden or Obama would have spent six hours with the gold star families or called them up right after their kids were killed?

Indiana, it is not about liking the president. I was not a fan of bush 2 but I would take him over trump. I would take mitt Romney over him. Trump is a con. If you can’t see it then you are not looking. When someone is lying they talk like trump did last night. That speech was incoherent. I see presidents differently. I see them as people that are not everyday people. When bush 2 stood up after 9/11 everyone got behind him. I seriously doubt this guy could ever do the same.

The first con is how hard everyone around him and Don trying to convince you that he is for this country. There is nothing further from the truth. Trump could give two shits about you.

Trump spoke about himself. This is a man that only cares about himself. It amazes me that his followers don’t see it. There was nothing inspirational about that speech. The people in that room looked like Jim Jones followers. I actually feel bad now for trump followers.

The religious con is the biggest one. This is the most disgusting part of him. He is so good at convincing people that he is some godly man. lol.

All of the above may be true, I’m not denying he may be a con man and it could all be an act. But, you also have to consider the other possibility in that maybe he does actually care about the country now and maybe he is a different person than he was 20 years ago. People can change.

And even if he’s not, I’ll still go back to my points that 1) His policies are America first and that resonates with people 2) He’s not about getting us in wars like the Dems and many Republicans and 3) he’s not really that conservative when you look at his actual policies.

The only thing conservative about him is his desire to close the border to illegal immigration. I call that common sense.


He thinks he is god and has followers just like him. If you can’t see through this man and his bs than that is on you. This guy could care less about anyone but himself

Lol…your favorite politicians all really really really really care about others

The first con is how hard everyone around him and Don trying to convince you that he is for this country. There is nothing further from the truth. Trump could give two shits about you.

That’s the 1st con god damn it! That’s the big #1!!

Accused Trump of being vague about policies and then proves this all to us by being vague

Completely worthless cunt 80 always has been.

Except, that’s only a perception and not reality. In fact, he’s clocked at lying over 30,000 times in 4 years on the record. Secondly, if he cared about the average person, he’d have not spent 40 years not paying his vendors and employees, not creating a scam “university”, not stealing from a Children’s Cancer charity, etc.

Let’s not forget, Trump is the only President to mock and insult gold star families (VVA: Trump’s Attack on Gold Star Family Is Disgraceful and Un-American | Vietnam Veterans of America)( Biden did already meet privately with these families ( Also, of the 13 soldiers killed, 4 of the families blamed Biden and the GOP has stoked it ever since.
I’d like to remind you, Biden finished the planned withdrawal of Trump. It wasn’t Biden’s plan, but Biden was the one who finally got us out. Trump essentially surrendered to the Taliban the year before, forced the Afghanistan government to free 5,000 Taliban fighters (PolitiFact | Mitt Romney accurately says Trump administration worked to free 5,000 Taliban prisoners), 400 “other” prisoners who’d committed major crimes, many of which then immediately went back on the offensive (Freed Taliban Fighters Return to Jihad in Large Numbers, Breaking Peace Deal, Report Finds), and beforehand forced Pakistan to free the leader of the Taliban (Afghan Taliban founder Mullah Baradar ‘released’ by Pakistan | Taliban News | Al Jazeera). Remember this picture?

Also, Trump forced the drawdown of troops in Afghanistan beforehand, down to 2500. (Pentagon says US has dropped to 2,500 troops in Afghanistan | AP News)

So, in summary on Afghanistan - Trump forced Pakistan to free the Taliban leader. Trump then forced Afghanistan to free 5000 Taliban prisoners. Trump then essentially surrendered to the Taliban, held a negotiation on US withdrawal without the President of Afghanistan even present, withdrew the forces needed to maintain a safe withdrawal, and then blamed everyone else when it went badly.

How did Obama treat Gold Star families? 'I was very comforted': gold star families recall receiving condolences from Obama | US military | The Guardian

How about other Presidents?

Dems get us into wars? Really?

Let’s go back, shall we?
Reagan: Grenada, Lebanon, Nicaragua,
George HW Bush - War in Iraq
Clinton: UN actions in Croatia and Bosnia, Somalia
George W Bush: Iraq and Afghanistan
Obama: Nobody new but didn’t end anything, bombed Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Iraq, Syria
Trump: Nobody new but surrounded to the Taliban, surrounded to the Turks who then killed the Kurds who had worked with us, surrounded military bases to Russia. Bombed Iran, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Sudan.

Are they? I don’t recall a single incident where Trump valued the US over Trump. At not point has he ever talked about loyalty to the US but only loyalty to him.

He started a trade war with China that we essentially lost.
He imposed tariffs which are essentially taxes on American goods paid by American companies and then claimed China was paying them. But, was he anti-China? No, two days after he praised Xi and told the American people we needed to remove sanctions on ZTE, his daughter got 19 of her pending patents passed by China. Again, Trump was Trump first.
He added 7.8 trilliion to the debt, third biggest increase relative to the size of the economy of any Presidential administration, even before the pandemic.
When he took office, federal deficits were projected at 2%-3% of GDP. It reached 4% in 2018 and 4.6% in 2019. The 2017 tax cut increased the deficit by about $1.9 trillion of 11 years
The trade war forced him to hand out $28 billion to farmers, who, unlike the Obama car bailouts, were never intended to be paid back.
Pulled out of TPP and Paris.
He gave up military bases to Russia, sold out our allies in the Kurds, attacked and wanted to pull out of the UN and NATO, attacked the WHO, and tried to undermine the EU
He withdrew from the INF, bolstering Russia
He attacked courts, FBI, the entire intelligence community, journalists, news organizations, CIA, literally anyone who could hold him accountable evolving into a deterioration of faith in our institutions, which was the main goal of Russia since the 60s. Anyone who wasn’t explicitly pro-Trump was not “unbiased” and therefore couldn’t be trusted.
He dangled pardons based upon loyalty to Trump, urged aids to not cooperate with Congress or the DOJ
He profited off the Presidency in a way nobody ever has
he rolled back protection on worker safety and pay

I can go on forever. I have about 60 policy positions I have problems with, everything from attacking overtime rules to allowing Wall Street to pocket more of people’s retirement savings, to dismantling fiduciary protections for retirement savers, to encouraging offshoring to criminals in the WH, corruption in the cabinet, to kidnapping children with no plan on returning them, etc.

Trump is about Trump. Everything he does is a show. He had one job last night and he could not do it. He had to attack Nancy Pelosi…really. How much money do you think it is going to cost to round up all those so called illegal immigrants.

By the way he said he built a wall…first off did Mexico pay for the wall and it sure as hell is nowhere near built.

To go for president you have to have a major ego. Major ego.

Joe Biden or Obama or Bush or any others are all altruistic and Boy Scouts right?

Furthermore, I actually don’t care if he’s all about Trump or not. What does he actually do and how is my livelihood when he’s president? How secure is our nation?

Those are things I care about. Not whether he’s a trash talker or mean or has bad hair. That’s the normy take that my non politics following inlaws have or the gossip girls on tv.

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Everyone who makes it that far has an ego. It’s not the ego. The guy is just straight phony. Just the fact that he brings up god is all I need to know.

That is my biggest issue with trump. He can be morally and ethically bankrupt and people are fine with it it because of policies. So basically fi he commits crimes or does something bad - oh no biggie because I got a tax cut. He knows this and that is why he can get away with everything. Very dangerous mentality.

19th time in this thread this moron has circled back to this

It’s only 80 and Joe Biden and a few other select dems who are the great carers of others. How silly of us to forget.

He had one job last night and he could not do it.

Lol…would love to hear what this was.

The guy is just straight phony

Ahhh so now we are moving on to “phony”

So it’s 80, Joe Biden, and a few select dems who are “authentic”

Very dangerous mentality.

So is the combination of stupid and overly emotional. Aka you, you cunt

No doubt it. Trump is the ultimate showman. On display was his marvelous family. Beautiful people exhibiting exemplary behavior and family tenderness. Granddaughter Kai delivered a wonderful paean in behalf of her grandfather. Trump’s speech was marvelously crafted and delivered sensitively.

Interestingly, when Trump finished, the family gathered on stage and the music from the aria Nessun Dorma from the opera Turandot was played. The choice of music was classic Trump. Here are the words from the end of the aria:

Dilegua, o notte! Vanish, o night!
Tramontate, stelle! Fade, you stars!
Tramontate, stelle! Fade, you stars!
All’alba, vincerò! At dawn, I will win!
Vincerò! Vincerò! I will win! I will win!

Last night, I got a text from one of my former students during the days I was a disciplinary dean at a local high school. This girl was a first magnitude thugette who had a violent temper and represented a threat to tranquility on our campus. I suspended her from school on numerous occasions, because despite her being an intelligent person, she had a huge racial chip on her shoulder that impelled her to behave aggressively.

Some years later, she wound up in my Composition and Humanities class I taught at Pensacola Junior College. She was serving in the Navy and the Navy did a wonderful job of taming her bestial impulses. She turned out to be a helluva student and a skilled writer who had a gift for storytelling. We became friends, past disagreements nothing more than water that passed over the dam.

I hadn’t heard from her for twenty years till last night, and the happening that compelled her to write was Trump’s speech and the superb Republican Convention. She wanted to tell me that she at last had emerged from the Dark Side and become a Republican, and like J.D. Vance, her opinion of Trump was reversed by what she heard and saw. She had her epiphany.

There is simply no comparison between Biden’s term in office and Trump’s. Under Trump things were demonstrably better, for Biden permitted the worst act in recent political history, allowing the nation to be invaded by Third Worlders who have committed thousands of crimes none of which would have happened but for Biden’s failture to enforce existing laws and practices pertaining to immigration.

you’re gay

You mean an upset person during the early 60s, just a couple of years beyond desegregation? Who’d have thought?

Not surprised you consider the black girl’s frustration during the heart of desegregation and civil rights to have “bestial impulses.”

Like most of the discussions, I think we’ve laid out how you’re a pathological liar. I think you neither heard from this girl, knew a girl like this, or taught much of anything. I used to think you were intelligent and just a liar. After several years, I think you’re just a lying old man who can construct a nice sentence. Though some might appreciate your fake aristocratic “alveolar trill”, I find you to have less integrity than potentially any human I’ve ever been in contact with and of similar value to the world as herpes.

I accidentally deleted my post. I watched a lot of the convention. I have never watched a more white group of people speak in one place. Nothing I heard related to me or anyone I know.

That convention could have been put back in the 60’s. If you are a minority, I have no idea how you can support that party. Project 2025 which was not brought up once will put this country back 50 years.

So now the convention is bad because a lot of white people spoke? They had a lot of black people speaking other days. The Republican Party of today is way more diverse than it was 10 years ago.

Elite80, I’m having a hard time following your rationale when you move all over the place. You say you hate Trump, fine. Then you more or less say you hate the party.

And yet, you will claim that you would vote Republican if it wasn’t for Trump.

I think you should just admit you are now Democrat through and through and just like the media would blast any Republican candidate they would put up.

Haley, DeSantis, Vance, Tim Scott?

Doesn’t matter.

I won’t vote for Biden, I think he is a joke. I admit it. I voted for Rubio in the last election. If it is Biden vs Haley - I would have voted for Haley. I don’t like the fact she basically caved. Lost a ton of respect for her. That was not a diverse convention. That may as well been one of those parties where someone invites the token black guy. I listened to a ton of the speakers and that is not what I want to hear.

When your party is for rounding up 11 million people and putting them on a train. You lost me. That story has been told before - in Nazi Germany.

Expectations are high that Biden willl announce an end to his candidacy this weekend, but still there are a lot of issues that may stand in the way of a unified Democrat Party.

You’ll recall that it was the same people–Obama, Schumer, and Pelosi that pushed Biden under the bus prior to the 2016 election. Seems to me that a measure of rancor stills exist toward the above three manipulators in the hearts of true Biden supporters, especially in wife Dr. Jill. Hence the question arises of whether the Bidens will allow the three ranking power brokers to push Joe out again? How will Dems explain that Joe is too senile to run again for president, but not too senile to remain in the presidency until the end of his present term. Joe has exhibited a lifetime super inflated ego that has gotten him into trouble from time to time. It’s hard to rule out given his own high opinion of himself that it will not manifest itself in defiance of being pushed out a second time.

No matter what Biden does, I cannot see any rescue of his miserable record as president, and he will receive blame deservedly from a host of others including Dems for weakening the Democrat Party. Indeed Biden was a failed president, perhaps the worst of all times, and in the end, all will turn on him in Caesarion style.

If I were to place a bet, I would pick Gov. Newsom as the Democrat candidate, winning the nomination by dint of super delegates on the second or third ballot. At this juncture, it may be too late in the game to rescue the Democrat Party. Trump wins just like the prince won in Turandot.