Trump shot at rally

In the ear. Led off stage

Hope he makes it

Ordinarily, I’d immediately suggest that the shooter was an Islamic terrorist which is not a bad guess, and I emphasize that I would be making a guess because I hold that Islam foments barbaric behavior. Maybe it was one of the Palestinians who slipped into the country due to Biden’s open border. Additionally, it is conceivable that it was an assassin hired by one of the Latin American cartels. Otherwise, the shooter is likely a leftist misanthrope similar to the profundity of other leftist maniacs, those that write manifestos and so forth. Trump rallies are usually sublimely peaceful,filled with wholesome Americans holding logical,traditional beliefs.

Interestingly, the shooter was taken out by Secret Service snipers twenty seconds after he fired shots. Not dealing with this guy earlier, I think, reveals a security breakdown. One person was murdered at the rally, and Trump was extremely lucky to have survived.

I would like to say that this was an appalling act by the suspect. I knew whomever did it wouldn’t make it out alive. There was definitely a flaw in the security detail. My heart goes out to the family of the attendee that lost their life. No one deserves to be shot at like that. Trump was literally defenseless.

A member of the crowd told the police about the guy on the roof. The police paid him little mind. Had they paid attention, the guy would have neutralized before he shot anyone. Break down in security.

It was a major breakdown. How does someone end up on a roof that close to trump. I know he likes to do these events but there is no way I would do them in the open. At least events inside you can control who brings in what.

Bikki, it was a registered Republican. Blaming all the world’s ills on immigrants is bs. I heard Sean Hannity saying this yesterday. I said to my wife probably six months ago I am shocked that this had not happened. Said it to friends of mine. You can’t incite violence for over 8 years and think someone is not going to go off the rails.

I really wish he and those around him did not use god today. To sit there and say god saved him but two others lost their lives is sickening. What did god not care about those who lost their life.

False flag operation. There were only a few buildings in the entire area. People were telling the police and Secret Service for quite a little bit beforehand. Registered Republican shooter that nicks his ear? He’s a large, terribly obese man. He only got nicked in the ear?

False Flag

The false flag was caused by a DEI hire, of course. Republicans would NEVER use a shooting as an opportunity to push a political narrative, so…much be entirely the fault of bitches, right?

OR, it’s was a planned false flag by the GOP

Even the GOP propagandists are leaning into that belief it appears

A registered Republican wearing a pro-gun shirt, 20 years old climbing right beside Secret Service agents who didn’t appear to care…hmmm

Isn’t it weird the photo op all the sudden had an American flag superimposed right after the shooting?

From GSC’s actual link. Where was that flag pole?

From GSC’s second link…where was that flag pole?

Yet…minutes after the shooting there’s a flag pole that magically appears. I mean it was the first picture GSC posted, right?

My response to this event was predicated by past history and who most likely would be involved in an assassination attempt. Call it deductive thinking. I am surprised that the maniac was a Republican because Trump rallies are characterized by wholesomeness and incredible tranquility pervading huge crowds of supporters. I stand by my contention that it was a security failure. Certainly, someone needs to look into the effect of DEI on the Secret Service. It is obvious that there was no right wing conspiracy involved in this matter. As for ratcheting up hate, I point to media outlets such as MSNBC that would be out of business but for constantly denigrating Donald Trump, who compared to this present White House occupant, was a superior president.

Bikki, Gingrich and Hannity both went on a show and said this was done by the Dems. Said they are afraid of trump being in office and wanted to kill trump. These two could care less about what garbage they spew.

Trump is the boy who cried wolf. This was bound to happen. While terrible - trump got a scrape on his ear. One person lost their life and two others were severely injured and you have heard nothing.

In less then four years you had a politician husband get beaten in his own home and had a riot at the capitol. Now this…you really think this happens if it’s Nikki Haley or Desantis out there. Some people always have these things follow…

The shooter may have been registered as a Republican, but evidence is mounting that he had become a leftist, donated money to a progressive group, and appeared in a Blackrock video made at his school. To be such a hater, he could only have been a leftist Democrat Party sympathizer who morphed into being a true homicidal maniac.

lol. 15 bucks. He was all in. That was two years ago. All his friends were maga. Kid is a right wing nut job.

Warden- you realize there was a flag above Trump. The photo angle is being shot below the podium which allows you to see it in that shot.

For someone who blasts everyone about conspiracies - you’ve certainly doubled down on this one huh?

Do Trump agreed to being shot in the head at 76 years old to get a photo opp? lol. Ok

Nah, I don’t think it was a false flag. I did want to play along though, considering how frequently you and Storm cited false flags on things like the Capitol Riot, Bill Cosby being released, the several instances of mass murder that you sidestepped as a false flag, etc.

…and he got nicked in the ear. Weird how if a bullet nicked his ear nobody else behind him got hit, though, huh?

time and time again, it’s always conservatives committing political shootings and over and over again, once they post what the reasons are, they sound EXACTLY like you.

One thing they’ve always said since we were kids…live by the sword, die by the sword. Trump has promoted violence since the first campaign and the conservatives are consumed with it. I have no idea what this little dork was thinking, but those around him said he was definitely conservative, he wore a shirt from a 2A Youtube channel, and he was a registered Republican and he donated $15 to ActBlue, a Democratic fundraising app. He didn’t make the rifle team in HS, and I guess we know why.

Warden, don’t bother. Trump has been stoking fears for over a decade now. There is not a single person who should be surprised this happened. The only surprise is it did not happen earlier. Like I said in another post Gingrich and Hannity both said that this was from illegal immigrants. The fact is illegals are not committing these crimes. These mass shootings are usually white, republicans who are pro guns. What is ironic is the gun used was an AR-15.

I don’t believe in conspiracies outside of Kennedy. I do believe the government killed him. I think this was a case that some kid wanted to be well known. He almost pulled it off.

No way this psychotic maniac was a conservative. The guy was a leftist just as I surmised. Reports are coming in about his hysteric behavior when encountering Trump supporters on a college campus. When they gain access to his phone, it will be revealed that the kid was a drugee, LEFTIST wacko, perhaps even connected to Antifa.

What is sickening is the travesty visited upon the Comperatore family, father Corey, a former firefighter, murdered while protecting his family as a human shield. A Go Fund Me page has been set up by Trump financial aide Meredith O’Rourke for the family to deal with their despair.

Right, right…because you’ve been correct so often, like Zelensky’s wife and the Bugatti. When the Christchurch mass murderer committed his slaughter in the name of far right, white supremacist beliefs, calling out the Great Replacement theory…you posted in advocacy of the site where he pushed his white supremacist manifesto. You repeated his claims over and over

When the El Paso shooter posted his manifesto alongside his slaughter of innocents, you championed his Great Replacement justification and again, repeated it over and over again.

When the 2022 Buffalo shooter slaughtered 10 people and injured 3 others, he posted his justification as being a white supremacist who claimed Great Replacement theory as a reason, and again, you championed and repeated over and over and over again.

Over and over again white supremacists cite the same sources for their views, like the Bell Curve fraud of a book, of which, you again espouse over and over again.

Time and time again, the mass shooters’ justification for violence is the same bunk theories you espouse regularly.

You are who you are. Pretty plain to see. More times than not, you sound exactly like the shooters.