Trump shot at rally

What is sickening is the travesty visited upon the Comperatore family, father Corey, a former firefighter, murdered while protecting his family as a human shield. A Go Fund Me page has been set up by Trump financial aide Meredith O’Rourke for the family to deal with their despair.

I agree and that is why it is so disgusting that no one mentions this poor man who lost his life. While Trump got shot it knicked his ear. This guy was an innocent bystander. It is also sick that people are saying this is an act of GOD…No offense but anyone that believes in God and thinks that he would spare Trump and kill a fireman instead is SICK. This is why I can stand religion. There are people who are stupid enough to believe that God helped Trump. No the shooter sucked and missed him while shooting people who did not deserve to die.

Some really twisted logic to insinuate that Trump caused the assassination attempt by stoking fears when the media has been literally calling him Hitler for quite some time now. You don’t think the media needs to tone down the whole Democracy is ending and this guy is an existential threat stuff?

Whether it nicked his ear or not, it was inches from killing him. Reagan was the last really close call on a president.

I can’t believe people are spinning this as the fault of the right.

The Great Replacement Theory is the only thoroughly plausible reason for advocating open borders, that is, it is tantamount to being a scam to import a reliable Democrat Party voting block. Conservative rebellion against immigrant invasion is happening both here as well as in Europe. Recent elections confirm the rise of populist, anti-immigration sentiment.

Republicans simply behave themselves better than Democrats. For proof of same, one need only to check who governs the cities most prone to crime. It is through rational deduction that an informed citizen would surmise that this crazed, homicidal maniac, acted as a LEFTIST terrorist, because Trump stands for wholesomeness, brotherhood, and unusually peaceful mass gatherings of patriotic Americans. America was demonstrably greater under Trump than under Biden, and the coming election will be proof of same.

Indiana, the media on both sides is terrible and that is why I don’t watch anymore. That being said you had a president who lost an election. I know some feel the election was rigged. There were over 60 cases brought and each one of them turned down. Trump lost the last election. Trump incited a riot. This can’t argued. If you want to believe that it did not happen fine. I don’t want to hear anyone how the courts are rigged against Trump when he just had a judge in his back pocket in Miami who he appointed. Lets be real here…You can’t keep saying that immigrants are verman. It is a word used by Hitler against Jews. I am glad the man did not get killed but now he is going to talk about how god protected him and how Biden and the left tried to get him killed. Really…Do we really need four more year of constant bragging about what a great job he is doing.

Indiana, a man died. One who worked for the fire department and Trump and repulicans are saying this was a sign from God who saved Trump. That is disgusting. Luck saved his ass, not god. The other poor man was unlucky.

Bikki, honest question. I want you to be truthful. Why are Cubans allowed to come into this country and no one says a word? They all vote republican. Why is there never outrage from Marco Rubio about this. You bring up crime…Florida has crime as bad as any other state in the country. How about Arkansas, Louisiana.

Republicans simply behave themselves better than Democrats. This is straight BS. I have yet to have one democrat ever threaten me, call me an idiot or anything else not knowing I am a dem. I speak with friends of mine who are MAGA…have no idea where my politics sway…And the insult and anger from them is nothing like I have ever seen before.

Trump has said LOCK HERE UP…Regarding Hillary. He made up lies about Obama not being from this country. This country had people rioting in the streets when Trump was in office. He said Covid would just dissapear on his own that is was not bad.

I get it…You like Trump but to say that he had everything going great is just not true. I had my worst years in business under trump. I paid more in taxes under trump. Why, because his tax breaks were for the very wealthy. Stop…He was not good for everyone. It is just not true. He also left this country in a mess.

How many times is the media going to take his words out of context though? The bloodbath comment was a perfect example. He was talking about the auto industry. People still say he’s implying there will be a bloodbath in the literal sense if he doesn’t win. Any journalist saying that, and they are still out here, should be out of a job. That’s blatant deception and it happens all the time.

I’m still confused as to how anything he has said could be causing this weirdo kid to attempt to kill him.

Indiana, the guy loves to get people crazy. You can ignore Jan 6th but that was a bad day and Trump was responsible. Now you can sit there and say well he did not storm the capital. Yes, that is true but when people believe every word you say and take it to heart then you have a problem. He knows how to push the buttons of people.

Indiana, how much you want to bet Trump says Dems tried to kill him. This guy would not mind seeing a civil war in this country.

To me, San Francisco was the grandest city in America. Look what Democrat Party governance has done to the place. Who could have imagined two decades ago that you’d need a Fecal Map to know which streets in the city were free of human excrement.

Allowing ten to fifteen million illegals to enter the country is the crime of the century. They’ve all committed a criminal act by illegally entering the country. They have stepped ahead of all those who have tried to enter the country legally. It’s the same thing as being in a supermarket line, and another person breaks the line and barges in ahead of you; it’s consummately unfair. Furthermore, illegals have committed hundreds of thousands of crimes in America. Had they not been permitted to enter the country, none of the aforementioned crimes would have happened.

I don’t know. I wouldn’t go that rout if I were him because he pretty much doesn’t have to say anything. Someone did try to kill him.

I’m surprised it hasn’t happened sooner.

I don’t think he wants a civil war and not sure how you come to that conclusion.

I don’t think he wants a civil war and not sure how you come to that conclusion.- If Trump loses this election he is not going down quietly. He already thinks he has won the election and the reality is the election has yet to be decided. The people that don’t like Trump like myself will NEVER vote for him. That is half the country. Nothing that has happened is changing that. Some think that because he survived this attempt on his life that people are going to wake up and go that is my guy, he survived an attack on his life. Not happening. He is not the president. I think if he was the president and this had happened it would be different. He is someone that was president and those people who wanted him out the last time…want him out now. Those women who did not vote for him four years ago…Are not voting for him now. He is not winning more than 8-9 percent of the black vote. The narrative has not changed. Biden is a weak canidate…no doubt. I don’t like him but Trump is weak as well. He is not changing him. He can’t change because then he reveals the CON…Conman can’t change. Once he no longer believes in his own CON…Don is done.

Trump is going to go in HARDER…Unite…People think this man is going to unite the country. He thinks he is GOD…He just survived someone trying to kill him. This man and his ego and people think he is going to change. LOL. Trump is going to go harder. He is going to say that there are 20 million illegals…maybe more and they are coming. Look they tried to take me out. They will say the Dems tried to kill him.

I am now concerned that if Trump loses that there will be riots worse than Jan 6th. People will not accept under any circumstance that this man could lose. Look at that guy shooting the bird the other day on TV. That is anger and rage…those are the type of people don will continue to con. Trump is an awful canidate…The problem is the left is to stupid to realize they may have a worse one.

You just said this guy would not mind a civil war in this country. Were you not talking about Trump?

I was actually thinking the other way around. If he wins, cities might be set on fire.

If we can step back from the partisanship and hatred of Trump for just a second, I think that we can all agree that the fact that there was an assassination attempt on one of the candidates for president is a really bad thing.

Tensions are way too freaking high on both sides and it’s a powder keg right now.

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I mean, you even had Storm on here daily with threats of violence against Democrats…daily.

What the fuck are you talking about? You entire party is built on this right now.

Trump and Hitler? Let’s see…he opens says he’ll be a dictator, plans for concentration camps, mass deportation, using the justice system against his enemies, prosecuting journalists, eliminating tends of thousands of public employees and replacing them with political appointees…

Again, what the fuck are you talking about?

So you are one of the unhinged ones, eh?

Lies lies lies.

He said I’ll only be a dictator on day 1. Idiotic take that you took hook line and sinker. Concentration camps?

Eliminating a lot of bureaucracy, yes! Persecuting enemies? What’s Joe Biden and the left doing now?

Complete projection on your part.

I can’t believe you are this unhinged. Disappointing to be honest.

What did Trump do to you all in his four years that makes you think he’ll suddenly turn into Hitler?

Not sure why I’m even getting into this as it’s pointless and I’ve stayed away from posting on this site because of these idiotic takes. Couldn’t help myself here.

100% Trump would not mind a Civil War. 100% Trump wouldn’t mind literally anything that allows him more power. Trump is one of the worst humans walking the planet and doesn’t have a single redeemable quality in any way.

You know him personally or know someone who does?

One reason that I’m not buying the Trump Hitler thing is that I’ve already heard media call Ron D basically the same thing.

Seems like a pretty common refrain in that any major Republican candidate will be compared to Hitler.

Not a single thing in there is a lie. I can list you each one in print.

Either you’re being a liar or an idiot. Firing federal employees across the board who have had non-political positions throughout several administrations and REPLACING them with political appointees isn’t eliminating bureaucracy. The same positions are still there, but now replaced with political minions who’ll do whatever the boss wants, regardless of its legality.

100% a lie. Trump committed crimes, was prosecuted. Literally no integrity in a single Republican. Not a shred. You want each one of these directly from the horse’s mouth? Of course, you would already have it if you actually gave a shit in any way.

He’s clearly outlined his plans for 2025 and beyond. It’s in print. The same guy who lead Project 2025 is the same guy who wrote his campaign platform.