Trump shot at rally

DeSantis is a fascist, plain and simple.

He doesnā€™t work for the Heritage Foundation and has already disavowed project 2025.

So if thatā€™s the case, your entire comparison blows up right?

List all of the quotes in full context please.

I will be a dictator but only on day 1 is what he said.

Care to comment on the bloodbath comment that the media is running with 100% out of context?

EXACTLY like most of the mass shooters, along with every single White Nationalist and neo-Nazi organization. Not even a deviation in wording.

Rather than spend any more time on each point, Iā€™m not sure youā€™ve ever been correct on a single point youā€™ve ever tried to make. I do know, however, youā€™ve never been honest a day in your lifeā€¦at least any youā€™ve posted on here. Thatā€™s for sure.

False. Here is a list of all the Trump staffers working on Project 2025

Russ Vought is the head of it. Heā€™s also the Director of the Republican National Committee platform as of May 2024, and gunning for Chief of Staff.

Now, Trump said he didnā€™t know anything about it and then said he disagreed with some of its points. How exactly can you know nothing about it and disagree with some of its points? He said he didnā€™t know who was behind it.

LITERALLY the same person is writing both. Russ Vought

Yeah, I think the next words were about the cars.

But, Trump has a LONG history of violent rhetoric. Pretending he doesnā€™t is dishonest. I mean, he started his original campaign calling for protesters to be beat up and claiming heā€™d pay the bail.

Why dude? Really. You couldnā€™t care less.

That somehow negates him telling you in his own words he wants to be a dictator? You think it makes it okay? One day? When has Trump ever relinquished power of any kind in any way? In fact, when has he gone a day without lying about everything?

No, sir. I take them at their word. The head of Heritage said weā€™re in a 2nd American Revolution and it will remain bloodless as long as the left allows it. They openly want Christian nationalism and openly meet with Orban who runs a fascist state. Trump openly supports Russia, denigrates our allies and NATO and will attempt to align our country with our current enemies and against our historical allies. Thatā€™s not what I support in any way. None of it.

It was clearly a tongue in cheek comment that hair on fire folks freaked out about or was simply used to further an agenda thatā€™s obvious.

Trump could be the greatest con man of all time. I never claimed he was a nice person. Iā€™m purely looking at two options and how things play out under both options.

Tongue in cheek is saying it once. Trump wants to get into office and never get out. What is sad is Biden called the fireman wife. She declined his call because she said her husband was a devout republican. This is sadā€¦Biden is the president and he is calling youā€¦take the call. I know if that happened to me my wife would take the call from trump and we canā€™t stand him. Yeah trump is going to bring the country together. What a joke.

The Democrat Party is the party of hatred, and it is Democrats who are the looters, police killers, hate crime assailants, and arsonists responsible for billions of dollars worth of damage. Thereā€™s no comparison in comportment between MAGA supporters and Democrats. Rallies of tens of thousands of MAGA people are seen behaving miraculously well, exemplifying brotherhood and splendid good will among citizens. People love Trump for a reason, and there is no way any Democrat inspires similar love. Biden appears before paltry crowds and is hardly inspiring even when he is moderately lucid.

Trump stands for common sense government. His foreign policy has been his strongest suit. I believe there would have been no Ukrainian War had there not been a non-rigged election in 2020, nor would there have been a war in Israel. Trump had Iran broken, incapable of supplying Hamas with weapons. Under Biden both Hezbollah and Hamas are loaded down with Iranian weapons.

People entering the United States illegally should be deported. You cannot have a nation without borders. I for one hope there are mass deportations of undesirable aliens, especially violent criminals. Trump is right. Venezuela has less crime today, because its worst people have been sent to the U.S. Illegals have committed millions of crimes in America, none of which would have ever happened had we enforced existing immigration laws.

I have no doubt that Americaā€™s most patriotic, wholesome, and responsible citizens will return Donald Trump to office. It will be a victory of the good guys.

Deductive reasoning I think is in short supply when trying to ascribe the homicidal maniac as a conservative. Were he conservative, heā€™d hardly have aimed a gun at Trump the worldā€™s leading exponent of conservatism. Ergo, he was a leftist terrorist. Thankfully, he failed in his diabolical mission and received his just reward, shot dead on the rooftop.

I agree with you Elite80, the firemanā€™s wife should have taken the call from Biden inasmuch as he is the sitting President of the United States.

There is no data suggesting Trump has any intent on becoming president for life. After being swindled in 2020, Trump seeks redress from what was denied him in a rigged election. Trump was a much better president than either Biden or Obama. A hundred years from now, when an accurate, non-leftist, non-revisionary history is written heā€™ll be hailed as one of the best ever elected.

Trumpā€™s victory will be a victory for the good guys.

There should be no hysterical response to Project 2025. If anything, it is a well-reasoned plan for the nationā€™s future that would curtail government agencies from bypassing Congress and producing rules that have the standing of actual laws.

Insofar as the Projectā€™s stand on immigration, I think it is wholly warranted. You cannot have a country with open borders. The purpose of immigration is to augment a nation, not to make a nation a dumping ground for criminals, sanitorium patients, diseased individuals, economic refugees or potential Democrat Party votersā€¦ None of the crimes committed by illegal aliens would have occurred had they not been allowed into our country. IMO, almost all immigration into the country should be halted for the next five years. All exceptions made should require considerable scrutiny of circumstances.

Anyone who says the Replacement Theory is not a credible explanation for Democrat Party open borders is supporting a falsehood. They are also complicit in trying to destroy the America that true patriots have traditionally perceived their country. If those entering the nation were expected to vote Republican, it would be leftists hollering about being replaced. The Replacement Theory is exactly what is going on and should be a valid consideration in our national policy regarding immigration. Mass deportation should be a remedy for removing undesirables from our nation.

Kudos to Trump for picking J.D. Vance, a first tier intellect who will likely become the MAGA heir apparent. I like Vance, but Iā€™d have picked either Nicki Haley or Tim Scott both of whom would have added a constituency in support of the Great Orange Man. Since Biden has been an awful president, I see Trump winning by taking the states of Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia which will still deliver an electoral majority even if Trump loses Wisconsin, Michigan, and Arizona. The good guys are going to win in 2024.

ā€¦says the guy whoā€™s dishonest to the point of irony and supports our direct enemies over our allies. To be candid, youā€™re a traitor to this nation and a point could be made that everything youā€™re in favor of is directly opposed to the United States. You hail Russia, support white supremacists, etc.

Supporting the admittance of Ukraine into NATO will lead to a continental war in Europe which NATO forces cannot win. That is Putinā€™s red line. No way NATO matches up in terms of manpower versus the Red Army. This factor alone would militate Putin to use nuclear weapons preemptively, knowing that NATO could only prevail by dint of its nuclear arsenal. So, Putin would beat NATO to the punch.

We have cadre of State Department Employees whose hate for Russia has been a perennial problem. I suppose it has been easier to hate Russia when China is producing half the manufactured products sold in our stores. The war in Ukraine is a civil war that was provoked by Western interference in the nationā€™s politics. The breakdown of the Soviet Union left islands of ethnic Russians without a motherland, an intractable problem requiring intense negotiation, not everlasting armed conflict. if youā€™ve read Putin, youā€™ll ascertain that Putin has no territorial ambitions pertaining to Europe with exception to parts of Ukraine and a small part of Moldova.

Russia has won the Ukrainian War months ago. Our sending monies for weapons is insanity unless weā€™re purposely trying to eliminate the young male population of Ukraine. The war has to be stopped and talk about inclusion of Ukraine into NATO halted as well. Aid sent to Ukraine should be a part of the ultimate territorial settlement. Moving borders in Europe has been going on for thousands of years, and no doubt parts of Ukraine, certainly Crimea and the Donbas will be incorporated into Russia. Other parts such as Zaporoshnaya, Odessa, and Kherson will be debated.

Certainly a lot of questions

You can clearly see the bullet trail was rising on Trumpā€™s face indicating the origin of the shooter was below the podium- not on the roof.

We have an out of control, rogue government.

Youā€™re a joke, dude. A traitor to the United States and a joke.

Oh, good lordā€¦Grow the FUCK UP, dude. A Trump supporting weirdo kid shot at the guy. Jesus fucking Christ, you have legitimate mental issues.

The perp could have been just a leftist weirdo as Warden suggests, emphasis on leftist, however, a thorough investigation is certainly in order. IMO, the Head of the Secret Service should be fired. Some of her answers pertaining to deployment were simply absurd, especially the matter of standing on a minimally sloping roof. Failure is the hallmark of the Biden Administration, so it should not be much of a surprise. When Trump gets in, he should definitely look into the governmental improvement suggestions offered by the 2025 Project.

I just skimmed over these, brieflyā€¦Iā€™ve been traveling and golfing lately. Was actually traveling south thru WV on my way to NC when the shooting happened. Iā€™m semi- familiar with Butler, and have travelled thru Butler County many times obviously, went to college with kids from that area, etc.

My initial gut was that this was all phony

I will say thisā€¦Without getting into the exact connection because itā€™s not that important and is something that doesnā€™t need to be out thereā€¦I do have acquaintances who knew the guy that diedā€¦So if any part of this phony, that part isnā€™t.

Why would a Trump supporter shoot Trump?

Iā€™ve been trying to square that circle for the last few days.

I thought I read that he was Democrat and voted Democrat but changed his party affiliation more recently. If thatā€™s true, who knows why he is registered as a Republican? Maybe he did it to vote in Republican primaries or something. Clearly he wanted to kill Trump, so it doesnā€™t really matter if heā€™s Republican or Democrat.

At least when Warden does it, I know heā€™s joking.

  1. That is NOT a ā€œbullet trail.ā€

  2. Even if it was, that angle would basically line up with someone at the foot of the stage, not 400 feet away like the tweet claims.

  3. Trump was facing right and the bullet came at him head on. A ā€œbullet trailā€ of blood would be BEHIND his ear, not in front of it.

  4. If this WERE a bullet trail, it would indicate the bullet came from an elevated position and from behind his head.

How you can look at this picture and conclude there is a ā€œbullet trailā€ that is ā€œrisingā€ on his face really shows a lack of critical thinking.