Trump shot at rally

It doesn’t seem like much of a mystery to me. He was a Republican who didn’t like Trump. There are plenty of those who exist.

If I had to speculate, he probably thought Trump was ruining the Republican party, and maybe America in turn.

Wow, that’s pretty wild.

I love NC, dude. So beautiful there

False. He was a MAGA weirdo, just like most of the other shooters.

Because she’s a woman, not because she had anything to do with it. Of course, you ignore the actual men there who were supposed to do the job.

Acceleration theory. Maybe to make him a martyr. Maybe to miss. I don’t know, but he was clearly a Trump supporter.

He was a registered Republican, wore a 2A shirt, was literally designated by the Trump campaign as a Trump voter (Thomas Matthew Crooks' father profiled by Donald Trump campaign), had friends who said he was absolutely conservative, and their yard was filled with pro-Trump signed and MAGA decor.
Seriously, what the fuck do you want? Does he need to literally be swinging from Trump’s dick?

He’s never been a Democrat, at least registered. He’s only 20, too, so he doesn’t have a long history. There is data that shows someone by that name sent $15 to ActBlue made on Jan 20th, 2021. That would mean he was 17 at the time. But, he’s a registered Republican now

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Because of utter incompetence in leadership?

Her explanation of a sloped roof for not having a sniper there is a lie.

I’ve listened to numerous law enforcement and sniper types that are totally aghast at the lack of planning, security, you name it.

Major failing all around.

I totally agree it was moronic. I also understand holding the person at the head accountable. I own a company and I understand where the buck stops. But, seriously…she wasn’t there. You can do whatever you want to her but to pretend it’s somehow her fault is asinine. The guys on the ground made the call. It was a stupid and lazy call. Pretending she was somehow running the show with a bluetooth is ridiculous.

At what point do we all just go back to being real and having actual honest conversations? The GOP wants to hold her up as a woman in charge and thus a DEI thing and so they can make their political points. Weird how when it’s kids shot in the face, it’s two sentences about mental health and we all move on and any changes considered or accountability is thrown out the window.

When it’s all said and done, the weirdo will be revealed as a leftist, because the true haters and destroyers in this country are leftists. MAGA people are personifications of wholesomeness and traditional values. They are the good guys who are going to prevail in 2024. We’ll have a government devoid of embarrassing freakazoids that prevail in the Biden group. America will be made greater just as it was the last time under Trump’s able leadership.

Yeah maybe some are going the DEI angle. I don’t really care about that. I remember people criticizing the Uvalde response and Parkland too.

A lot of questions need answered because this was a major failing.

I just don’t understand how how you don’t have all roofs covered.

This just goes to show that Republicans are the party of hate, right bikki?

Ya it was really weird and I found out randomly…From a certain area originally, and he knew local fire dept guys in that area (he himself was a fire dept chief up in a county area kind of between this place and Butler, where it happened 30 mins away I’d guess…The connection is the area I knew these people, and the fire depts if I didn’t say that clearly)

You really are going to ask that question. When you are messed up mentally like the people who stormed the capitol- you will even turn on your own. GSC, how do you and others think Biden is so incompetent but could put together a plan to take out trump.

Wait if the kid was a patsy was that god that put him there…because according to the right god intervened. If the government wanted trump dead he would be dead today. They would not have used a 20 year old kid to do the job. They also would have made the hit.

Lol…Yeah, I’m sure he believes it’s all Biden on his own.

Special kind of fucking stupid here ^^


  • Thomas Crooks visited site of rally day before event, per NBC

  • Was photographed 62 minutes before shooting

  • SS counter-snipers spotted him 20 minutes before attack

  • Cell phone depicted livestream of rally, per NBC

  • Still no motive

Apparently SS also knew of threat and identified it 10 minutes before he went on stage but still allowed him to do so.

Ok 305…. If you say so

I’m concerned no matter the outcome.

Listen to Don jr…that should scare the shit out of you. Here is a guy talking about the ELITES…serious the man who has not worked an honest day in his life. Nothing that has come out of his mouth that is truthful.

Uh-huh, now show me where the bullet trail is “rising on Trump’s face” like you originally claimed…

This new picture you’re referencing actually shows a bullet mid-flight and the path is veering slightly downward, indicating the shooter is elevated above Trump’s position.

You’ll note this is the OPPOSITE of what you said.

It’s not possible to see the true angle of the bullet fired because it already made contact with Trump’s face and ear. The trajectory could have been slightly altered after impact.

But the scar of Trump’s face clearly shows an impact line that leads to the bullet hole in his ear.

If it’s not caused by the bullet- what is it? Give us your alternative theory?

So, tell me good sir - if he had a “scar” as you put it, why isn’t it there today? Why isn’t there a bandage or a mark or a cut on his cheek? Where did it go?



Also, bullet hole in the ear? From the first moment of the shot, all the news I saw said bullet fragment

Doesn’t look like a “bullet hole.”

So again, you clearly wrote

What “scar”? What impact? Where’s the scar and where’s the sign of impact?

Looks like a 2cm nick at the top of his ear to me.

Honestly, I think it is wrong to act like getting shot is no big deal. Even if it scraped his ear - it’s still a big deal. My bigger issue is trump and his vp Vance is not what this country need.

The new narrative of trans people taking over women sports is a joke. I just can’t believe how zero policy matters.

lol- gsc - it must be so hard for him to have to cheer for these guys. Man he must go and ask god for forgiveness every night.’