Trump shot at rally

Why do you believe Elite 80 that illegal aliens have the right to remain in the United States after breaking entry laws, stepping ahead of all those who are attempting to come to our country legally. Do you stand in line in a grocery store, or do you just break the line in front of a weak looking, elderly person?

Bikki, immigration has been going on in this country for 200 years. So when you say illegal immigration it is based on what. My issue is why are Cubans allowed to come here but not someone from Haiti? The immigration policies are not equal to everyone that comes here. I am not for people pouring into this country. That being said I am not for taking people who have been here their entire life because their parents came and now are going to be rounded up and thrown out.

Donald Trump once said that he does not pay taxes because he takes advantages of the loop holes in the tax codes. How is that any different than those who come here by crossing the border. They took advantage of the loopholes. Fix the problems, let those who are here and have contributed to society are rewarded. Why be penalized. Deal with the ones trying to get it. If you are going to change the laws then it should apply to all illegals…not the ones who may vote against your party. The reality is and let’s be real the main reason why people on the right don’t want illegals from Mexico coming is they are worried that if they go through Texas the electorate will change and the state becomes blue. Once that happens the republicans won’t win another national election and that’s their biggest concern.

And the counter to this is the reason Democrats are turning a blind eye to illegal immigration is that they also know they will vote blue and that will win them elections going forward. It goes both ways.

They also like cheap labor. So does much of the Republican donor class.

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Based on it being illegal.

I am not for people pouring into this country.

Sure as hell coulda fooled me.

If you are going to change the laws then it should apply to all illegals…not the ones who may vote against your party.

LOL ^^^

The reality is and let’s be real the main reason why people on the right don’t want illegals from Mexico coming is they are worried that if they go through Texas the electorate will change and the state becomes blue. Once that happens the republicans won’t win another national election and that’s their biggest concern.

(He just hinted that some of them may not be voting blue?)

Also…they aren’t hiding that’s their concern. His side would have the same concern if they were all voting red.

My god is this a dumb motherfucker and one tough read.

I accidentally deleted my post.

It’s a start.

Again, GSC, that blood streak is NOT a bullet trail. It is blood from after the wound, plain and simple.

8 bullets were fired. The bulletin the picture is NOT the bullet that hit Trump’s ear because it is too low to have done so.

Even if you believe it WAS the bullet that hit his ear, the fact that it is now beneath his ear means that the shooter was elevated. But none of that matters because that isn’t the bullet that nicked Trump.

That is NOT an impact line. There is no wound or scar besides his ear. My “theory” is that blood spurts out of wounds or gets wiped onto hands and cheeks.

My other theory is that you take very preliminary false understandings of situations and derive complex conspiracy theories around them. This one is a joke with even a modicum of thought.

It is not illegal to pay less taxes if the law permits you to pay less taxes. The rich pay way more than their “fair share” of taxes in this country. Half the country pays no income tax. You pay no tax if you earn no money. You pay no tax if you lose more money than you earn. If you are rich and have a bad year, you are cheating no one if you pay less taxes that year even if your name is Trump.

And, what wonderful Americans are the Trumps who have hired tens of thousands, given them excellent jobs, and improved their lives as a result of the Trump organization. Yes, Trump was left millions, but he turned millions into billions because of talent and a paranormal work ethic.

Crossing the border illegally does break laws. Not enforcing border laws breaks our laws on immigration. Biden and his minions are in violation of immigration laws and subject to impeachment, removal from office, and other forms of punishment. That laws are not enforced does not mean you can break them. Elite80, your argument states that since it’s easy under Biden to break immigration law, that it is forgivable to break the law. How do you feel about laws governing homicide, rape, and kidnapping. Are they too forgivable, since the police are doing a crappy job of enforcement.

There is nothing whatsoever racist about the Replacement Theory. It’s exactly what is going on, however, if ninety percent of illegals voted Republican, you’d see enforcement enhanced to a significant degree.

With respect to immigration, we should screen applicants who wish to become Americans. In Africa, for example, Christians from Nigeria make excellent Americans who work hard, pay taxes, and rarely become welfare recipients. The same cannot be said for Somalians. Doesn’t it make sense to want more Nigerians and fewer Somalians?

Under Trump, we had fewer criminals penetrating our border and committing crimes. Had Trump not been swindled in the last election. huge numbers of crimes committed by alien criminals would never have occurred. This Elite80 is why Trump is loved. This is why Trump fills up huge auditoriums and attracts multitudnal crowds, something that Biden cannot do. The Bidens for years have run a crime syndicate. They have hundreds of bank accounts through which they’ve laundered money. It’s all revealed in Hunter’s laptop. Why didn’t the Justice Department go after Hunter immediately. Instead, we got the letter from fifty liars who stated that the laptop was probably Russian disinformation.

Really? How so? By nearly every measure, he’s out performed Trump. Trump, right now, is listed by most Presidential historian lists in the bottom 3 Presidents.

Republicans are officially the party of criminals at this point. Until a single one of you addresses that, nothing you say regarding law means anything in the slightest. From your party leader, President, cabinets, to the speakers at your convention…you’re the party of criminals.

False. Democrats put forth a bipartisan immigration bill and because Trump didn’t want it improved upon before his electon, the party turned on itself and shot it down after getting most of what they wanted. Your claim is false in its entirety.

Democrats are the only party who have put forth a bill benefiting labor over the corporation since before I was born. If you can find a single bill that benefited labor over the corporation the GOP has ever put forth since the 70s, lay it out. One single bill, I ask you.

Do you guys not know any Mexicans? Here’s a secret…from Texas…after 1 generation, Mexicans vote GOP. They are die hard Catholic, very 1970s machismo mentality (like Trump), and for some reason are the most anti-immigrant people on the planet after 10 years of being here. It’s weird, actually.

Half of the country is starved for wages due to GOP policies and GOP offshoring that they don’t make enough to pay taxes. Also, that’s 40%, not 50%. Do your research.

Horseshit. It’s not difficult to make it appear that you were operating at a loss and thus avoid taxes. Further, the compensations being sidelined as capital gains is a fraud way to avoid paying. You’re full of shit.

and notoriously didn’t pay them

False. Bankruptcy after another, over and over. Everyone else left holding the bag except Trump himself.

Not according to court cases. Fraud. He built the entire thing based upon fraud and a reality tv show. Fraud. From stealing from charities to fake universities to money laundering for Russians in NY…Trump is absolutely nothing but a fraud.

You’re the party of criminals and have nothing to say about the law.

False, as proven by the fact they never impeached him and every attempt landed as a pie in the face.

Another lie. You have yet to complete two sentences without lying.
Replacement Theory was created by Renaud Camus, a renown White Nationalist writer who’s claim was France was replacing whites with Muslims and North Africans. Jean Raspail was his inspiration with the book Camp of Saints, again, renown in neo-Nazi groups of the 80s and 90s. It gained popularity in alt-right, white nationalist circles in the US and was the theme of Charlottesville, who’s organizers openly discussed the purpose being to united white nationalist groups which included

American militia movement

Nearly every single one is a neo-nazi or white nationalist group. Once again, you lie over and over again.

False. Crime stats have gone down since Trump. Also, Trump is a felon and under indictment in many other cases. 3 straight GOP campaign treasurers were indicted. Nearly his entire campaign team was indicted and most convicted. His campaign manager was a felon. His personal advisor is a felon. His lawyers have repeatedly been disbarred. Hell, even your speakers at the GOP convention are criminals or criminal apologists. You are the party of criminals.

Another lie proven by the GOP’s own investigations. However, the myriad of indictments, fraud trials, business closings, fraud trials for the business, CFO jailed, all the way down to the charities all prove Trump and his family spent their entire lives as criminals and frauds.

From start to finish…lies, white nationalist bullshit, and projection…of course mixed with more lies. That’s the entirety of what you offer.

Crimes committed by illegal aliens cannot happen if they are prevented from entering the country. It’s really that simple. Check the chart out that saved Trump’s life. it shows how many more illegals entered the country under Biden. It was a veritable invasion, and it’s the biggest reason Trump will be reelected.

People cannot find housing today due to inflation. The inflation was caused by Biden’s energy policies, and silly expenditures to force electric vehicles on people who cannot afford them. He spent billions to build charging stations and only erected seven stations. Prices at the supermarket are significantly higher. Used cars have gone off the chart in price. Buying a home is out of reach for multitudes of people. Rents are astronomical. All has changed demonstrably under Biden’s failed governance. Americans were considerably better off under Trump.

I have no regard for leftist historians. They did the same hatchet job on Ronald Reagan, and now Reagan is considered one of the better American presidents. Trump will be even higher on the real list than Reagan when better histories are written, not the revisionist junk we’re reading today.

Nope, you aren’t getting away with this argument. The bill they put forth was full of loopholes. And they only proposed it after 3+ years of open borders and in an election year.

Millions of illegals have been pouring into the country for years and it got worse under Biden. That’s not even counting the gotaways, so we don’t really know the true number.

Paying less taxes by taking advantage of legal accounting strategies is not illegal nor immoral. Trump’s New York conviction will be thrown out in appeal. Not a chance they survive appellate scrutiny. Trump’s taxes have been examined ad nauseum and found by IRS to be faultless.

As for bankruptcy, there is nothing illegal about bankruptcy. It is often a remedy to save a corporate entity, or it is a way to eliminate a corporation in the most ethical way possible under law. Trump has started over 500 private corporations. In so doing, he has provided jobs for thousands of people, enabling them to live comfortable lives. Some of his holdings have been partnerships in which Trump did not actively manage. Through bankruptcy, Trump’s interests in the companies were separated and in some cases it resulted in preservation of capital. All in all, Trump has been a marvelously successful businessman who has bettered the lives of tens of thousands of people. Admittedly, not all his ventures were successful; some resulted in bankruptcy.

You know what has gone up my property taxes. I pay flood insurance and live nowhere near water and my front yard has a pitch. Everything in florida has gone up and been run by republicans for years. People can’t afford Homes because prices have skyrocketed. You may not pay for income tax in florida but the home owners issuance has raised so much under our governor that it wipes out what you may pay in taxes. It such a bs con.

Bikki, the problem I have is these are talking points. They are not facts. Where is the wall that trump was going to have the Mexicans pay for:

I hate property taxes myself, Fish. I moved to Pensacola Beach because there were no property taxes whatsoever on our island. Instead, you entered into a 99 years leasehold agreement rather than receiving a deed. My lease on my 6,000 sq ft prime waterfront home was only $400 a year. We were guaranteed never to pay taxes living in Pensacola Beach. False advertising.

Eventually, citizens on the mainland complained about the great deal enjoyed by the leaseholders, and a lawsuit emerged from the tax assessors office… The beach leaseholders lost the lawsuit due to our attorney’s error in being late filing a document, and we’ve been saddled by taxes ever since. I have thought about filing another suit myself to return the beach to its original status regarding taxes since we actually don’t own either the land or our own buildings on the land yet we are taxed on them. I think I could win the suit inasmuch as there are several examples of non-taxed leaseholds in the state including the Miami Airport and Daytona Beach Speedway, but it would require more effort and energy than I possess or can muster. I have never lost a court case which I myself have tried.

We’re lucky in Florida having no state income tax. Insurance has gone off the chart expensive because lots of companies have fled Florida due to Hurricanes. I refuse to spend $25,000 a year on insurance for windstorm protection. I have no mortgage on my homes, so I self-insure. I have saved more than a half million dollars not buying insurance. Ergo, I am ready to sell my big house and move permanently to my camp in Hurricane, AL Persons are now losing their homes because they are forced by lenders to buy insurance. All this is due to Biden’s inflation caused by his poor stewardship of energy. Things will improve under Trump, Fish. You should vote for him.

Bikki, if you have a mortgage you must pay for insurance. In the past five years my homeowner insurance has doubled every year. The state should have a fund you can pull from to offset the cost of insurance if it is needed. The main reason insurance is higher here also is because of all the fraud in florida.

First, we don’t have open borders. Open borders are like those between EU countries; there are no border patrols, no anything. If we had open borders, arrests would be going down, which they aren’t. You don’t have to be dishonest to attempt to make a point.

That’s how negotiations work. You get some stuff and you give some stuff. It’s the foundation of our Congress since origin and actually the foundation of society for about 200,000 years.

It gave $20 billion for border security, “including the Homeland Security, Justice and State departments, as well as other agencies — to hire thousands of new Border Patrol agents and asylum officers, increase detention capacity, and invest in technology to combat the smuggling of fentanyl and other narcotics.”

A trigger mechanism to shut down the border
“That “border emergency” provision, which expires in three years, would automatically kick in when crossings reach an average of 5,000 per day over seven days, or 8,500 per day on a single calendar day. A president could choose to use the tool at a lower average of 4,000 per day over seven days.”

GOP Lankford: “This is not someone standing at the border with a little clicker saying, ‘I’m going to let one more in. We’re at 4,999,’ and then it has to stop. It is a shutdown of the border and everyone actually gets turned around.”

Restricting, expediting asylum cases: Migrants also would face a higher standard of evidence at an initial screening to apply for asylum.The bill also encourages quicker resolutions to asylum cases at the border — aiming to reduce the average time for an asylum claim to be resolved from several years to six months — and creates a new removal authority to speedily remove migrants who don’t qualify for asylum.

Increased visas, legal immigration pathways

The proposal adds thousands more family-based and employment-based visas, allowing work authorization for spouses of U.S. citizens awaiting immigrant visas and guaranteeing access to counsel for child migrants in removal proceedings.

As a note, it was nearly identical to the legislation passed by GOP Republicans in the House last year.

" Democrats argued that the bill, H.R. 3602, was a rehash of H.R. 2, a bill House Republicans passed last year that would reinstate Trump-era immigration policies such as the construction of the border wall. Both bills would also require asylum seekers to remain in Mexico."

You’re right. By the numbers, it got worse under every President since 1965

Curiously enough, you never even attempted to find a bill presented by the GOP that favored labor over the corporation…dating back since the 70s. Not even one bill.
Tell me, is that a good thing in your eyes?

It’s so dishonest to say the immigration bill “wasn’t good enough” so “it’s better it never passed at all.”

This bill was a HUGE concession to Republicans. It gave them a lot of things they have wanted for a while. It gave the president additional power to deal with the situation.

And even if it didn’t go far enough for some people, it was a step closer and incremental fixes are better than none at all.

It’s clear to everybody that Republicans were all about this bill UNTIL Trump shot it down. And it’s clear to everybody that Trump shot it down specifically because his main platform this election is anti-immigration, and he couldn’t have a Dem president addressing the issue he’s trying to use to rile up his voters.

Negative reaction to this bill was a political stunt, nothing more. A year before and the Pubs would’ve eaten this up and declared it a win.

The Pubs don’t want to fix immigration. This is a reality. They talk about things like immigration but once fixed what will they really run on. They basically got rid of abortion. What they are going to get rid of immigration. Heck there is not much left…other then getting rid of gay marriage. Getting rid of any laws that effect you from buying a gun. And the dems will get rid of their bibles. Well it used to be getting rid of gays that now has gone over to the trans people. The people that are less then one percent of our population if not less. They run on fear…Bush ran on Al Queda and WMD’s. This is how they run their campaigns. There are no policies.

Oh wait lets run on lowering taxes. Must give the top one percent that big tax break as it will trickle down to the rest of the country. LOL. A joke. What is a fiscal conservative. The only one is Rand Paul. Trump ran up the largest deficit in one term EVER. When you lower taxes and don’t bring in enough revenue to off-set those losses it is not going to help us out.

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