Tonight's Debate

Your ego centrism is showing. It’s a basic problem with Catholics. You don’t realize there is a world beyond you. Faith vs works has been an argument since the first cannons. There are a myriad of sects and they have varying beliefs. To think yours exists in a vacuum is childish. And, I was a Sunday school teacher. I would call that a hall monitor more than a teacher

Never been Catholic. I’m from the South. We don’t have a ton of them down here.
It is personal, though. My belief is all religion is bad, in every way, for every one.

Really? Show the data. Seems like another rape apologist for the Catholic Church’s hundreds of years of child rape, once again, like always.



Gotcha, but you didn’t prove your point.

First, you listed 4% of priests over the last half century, 50 years. We have records of Catholic priests raping little boys dating back to 1629. Your data goes to 1974. You left out 345 years.
Also, that’s sexual experience with a minor.

THEN, you list most abuse happened in the Church. Not sure why you put that. That’s worse, not better.

THEN, you listed a little AI search that said 10% of students experience sexual misconduct INCLUDING sexual comments, touching, physical contact, and rape.

We’re talking about rape, not saying the word pussy. Your priests rape children. Your church covers it up and protects the rapists. Not saying pussy, or touching their leg, or showing them a picture of titties…raping children. Schools or the Dept of Education isn’t in the business of hiding and protecting the rapists either.

Once again, you’re full of shit and trying to defend rapists in your church and your church for protecting said rapists. Next

You have mastered the art of taking scripture out of its context to once again justify your unbelief. Carry on!

Always an excuse. It’s as clear as day. The Bible is one of the least moral books to ever be in print. Further, most people walking the earth today are more moral than the God of the Bible, in every way.

Honestly man, you’ve always seemed like a nice guy, a good soul from what I gather. You happen to value closely something I abhor. It happens. I hate the 49rs too. It’s not just Catholicism, in fact, I think I like that sect more than most. It’s true the time involved makes it where it’s at a disadvantage, historically.
That being said, don’t tell me why I don’t believe. That rubs me a bit the wrong way. I don’t believe because of years of study and that’s the conclusion I’ve come to. You have your beliefs, I have mine. The difference is, I’m not forcing mine on you in the same way, in that my belief is that people can believe whatever they want as long as they don’t impose that on others. We have basic laws, built on secular common law and that’s the way I like it. Too many of the religious folk, from the beginning of all religion, want to force everyone to believe and act in the way they, personally, deem viable.

Curiously, we have centuries of example of how bad that is. Funny that Christian Nationalism being in vogue with the GOP these days, with ample Catholic support, won’t play out how you think.
They hated and fought against you tooth and nail until the 90s when it became an agreed upon stand down so they could work together. Let’s say they get what they want…how do you think that plays out for you? Here’s a secret…they aren’t Catholic. They think you worship Satan and your church is headed by Satan. Once in a while, it slips out of their mouths even now, like with Marjorie Taylor Greene. Right after they go after me, they’re coming after you.

And we have records of people doing evil since the beginning of time. But since it was priest that did this act, you blame the entire church. You have displayed the inability of being able to separate, quite intentionally I may add, the person whose heart was filled with evil thoughts, from Jesus’ teachings. In no way would I ever be in favor of covering up the crimes. The coverup is worse than the actual crime itself. I’m glad they got exposed. But until you can show me that God ordained what these monsters did, your stance has no merit. But do carry on

Make sure you keep that same energy when you are face to face with Him on Judgement Day.

I blame the church for hiding it and protecting the priest. You don’t.

Jesus is a dishwasher at Steak n Ale. Yeshua bin Yoseph was the dude’s name and that translates into Joshua. Christ is a title and Jesus is a misnomer and you have zero direct proof of any of his teachings. It’s my belief you don’t, as a religion, even worship the guy you call Jesus. You worship Paul. He had a brother, James, who had his own church when your Catholic church was being organized and grown. Your church slaughtered his people and his church for being apostates. I’d moreso believe his ideas were much more similar than the "church.’ Do you read the cannons from the Greek Orthodox Church? What about Russian Orthodox? What about the apocrypha? Spend much time with the Gnostics? Fact is, you nor I know fuck all about the teachings of “Jesus.” You and your church follow Paul, a dude who never met the guy outside of his own claim…and that somehow the dude knew more than all the actual apostles who hung with him over the course of a few hours on the side of a mountain. From there, Paul’s interpretation is from which your entire church is built. It’s my opinion you know as much about the teachings of the guy you call Jesus as my Golden Retriever puppy.

They and you claim God ordained them. I mean, it’s the foundation of their roles in your church.

I try to be kind and treat people well for the sake of it and for the value they inherently have as humans, not for a scorecard from a Bronze Age collection of myths.

…and yes, Bikki - Islam is worse, by far. Pre-Muslim Brotherhood, I’d say Islam was overwhelmingly better. But, not 20th century on.

I blame the actual people that performed the acts. They are solely responsible. I also blame the people who covered it up. That’s who I blame and that’s who should be blamed. By blaming the Church, which is the entire body of people, you have collectively blamed people who had nothing to do with what happened, that shouldn’t have happened, instead of focusing your outrage towards the people who actually did it. That is disingenuous!

That’s where our interpretation differs. The “church” to me is the actual Catholic Church, its priests, it’s nuns, its clergy, it’s finances, etc. If I blame Pepsi, I’m blaming the people working for Pepsi, not the people who drink Pepsi. You drink it. You don’t make the drink. You might think you make the drink, but you don’t. They give it to you. You gulp it down. Pepsi is responsible and you don’t work for Pepsi. You drink Pepsi, despite the grandeur you think that includes.

The wonderful game of semantics you play. An ordained servant, breaks his oath, and it’s the Church’s fault. Show me where God ordained the evil acts. Being a priest gave that person no rights, no power, nor authority to do the evil deeds that they did. By doing his evil deeds, he went against everything the Church stands for.

It is when they cover it up, protect him from the law, and then attack the victims. Yep.

Oh, you really don’t want to do this, do you? Your book is filled with them.

So, it only gave them authority, power and rights to do the good stuff, but we pretend they didn’t do the bad stuff?

Doesn’t seem so. The church has protected rapist priests for 400 years. Sounds to me that’s exactly what the church stands for.

So when you work for a company that has rules and regulations, then a person who has a high position does things that go against said rules and regulations, it’s the company’s fault not the individual’s fault. Got it!

I assume you are going to point out all the times God executes judgement on a certain groups of people in the Old Testament. In case you are unaware, God has absolute authority over his creation. Creation does not get to dictate to the Creator what He can or cannot do with His creation. He is the only one allowed to pass judgement on us, and He will do so according to His own authority. That’s the problem most people, who claim they don’t believe in God, have with God. They believe that they have right to tell God that His way of doing things are unjust and unfair. The beauty of it all is that God gave them the Free Will right to choose to have that mindset.

The level of protection you give your church is remarkable.

YOUR CHURCH didn’t hold them accountable. How exactly do you justify this? Your priests raped children. Your church then protected them, reassigned them (sometimes, only when there was a legal issue they were trying to hide them from) and then when they were found out, attacked the victims.

You neither hold the priest nor the church responsible for shit. YOUR CHURCH protected rapists. YOUR CHURCH attacked the rape victims. It’s the person and the company at fault here. The CHURCH is the COMPANY. You aren’t the church. You’re a Pepsi drinker. You’re are not special. You don’t make the rules or act as clergy. Your CHURCH does.

That’s just one single act, as well. Your church protected Nazis, smuggled them out of Germany. Your church burned women and committed the most heinous acts imaginable for centuries. Your church kidnapped children. Every atrocity one can think of was committed by your church, every single one. There exists nothing holy about your church in any way. You fund their power and corruption, and they tell you you’re following God and righteous to make you feel better about it.

Which one? El, Yahweh, Baal? Which one? El had 70 children and Yahweh and Baal were only 2. Do you know the other 68? What about Ashera? Do you even know anything about your “God”? The origins of your religion come from Judaism. Do you have any idea who Yahweh is? What about El? Did you know your religion originally was polytheistic? I propose that you know almost nothing about that which you call your God other than what equates to a few nursery rhymes.

I have some really good book recommendations if you’d like to learn more about your God beyond your church’s dogma, if you’re really interested.

Why yes! I do know about El. I do know about Yahweh. I actually read up on this topic. It’s a thing called, oh I don’t know, history of early civilizations. I’m not your average church goer. By the way, I’m not a member of the RCC. I follow Christ. I don’t need a denomination to be a part of Christ’s church. I fully understand that no matter where you go in this world, there are corrupt people in every walk of life; even in the church. People are the problem, always have been, and always will be. So when someone or a group of people, no matter who they are or what title they hold, do something wrong, I hold them accountable for their own actions. Contrary to your definition, the Church is the entire body, not just the ones who are priests, nuns, clergy or what have you. I fully am saddened that this people who were put those positions did such horrible acts. It’s despicable. No where have I ever tried to justify their crimes nor the coverups. As I have repeatedly said, they will get what they deserve. I have no doubt about that, but do carry on. I believe it’s crystal clear where we both stand on this matter so there is no need to continue repeating the same things over and over again. You blame the church, I blame the perpetrators.

Okay…I think the Church are the perpetrators too, considering they protected them, but okay. Our interpretation of what the “church” is, well…is quite different. So, what do you call the actual church…like the people who make a living working within the Church. Clergy, popes, accountants, etc? What do you call them? So, when you say Microsoft violated this or that law, does that include all the Microsoft users to you, too?

Also, what’s the RCC? I am not privy to that one. I grew up in the South, though. Baptists were the primary here, Methodists, etc. We have Catholics, but not nearly as many as you’re used to where you’re from. I went to one Catholic wedding in my life…it was like calisthenics. Lots of up and down

Roman Catholic Church. Early on in church history all members of the church were considered catholic, since the definition of the word catholic simply means universal. However over time, much separation and division was taking place. The biggest event being the Reformation. Unlike other organizations of human origin, the church is very unique in the sense that its members should also be workers. You don’t need a title to do God’s work. Those who have titles are held and should be held to a higher standard. That’s why when members of the clergy, priests/preachers what have you, do the things that these people did, it gives the church a black eye. The company I work for; if I commit a crime, even though my job had nothing to do with what I did, would or could be seen in a negative light, especially if the crime involved the company directly or indirectly. So in a sense, I get where you are coming from. At the end of the day however, it would be me, not my company. If someone at my company helped cover it up, it would be them, not the company. The company should be able to be separated from what I did. So to use your example of Microsoft, was it Microsoft that did it, or was it someone who works at or a group of people at Microsoft that did it? There again, I go to the directly to the source of the problem.