Tonight's Debate

By far the worst debate I have ever seen. Neither one should be able to run. They are too old! Both of them!!!

Biden was a train wreck. There is no way he can continue to run. Trump could have passed on saying a word. Biden was a god damn embarrassment.

Even CNN can’t spin this. We need better candidates! Point blank. End of discussion.

Awful debate, I agree. Trump couldn’t answer hardly a single question. It was just attack attack attack. And Biden made the mistake of getting in the mud with him.

At one point the two of them were arguing golf scores.

This country desperately needs new blood to take us into the future.

Trump’s presidency was much more successful than Biden’s, especially with regard to foreign policy. There would not have been a war in Ukraine or Israel had Trump been president. Furthermore, the third world invasion of our country is THE crime of the century. Presently, there are dozens of terrorist running loose in our nation, and a terror strike is all but imminent. Biden is a crook, the Big Guy, whom we watched extort the Ukrainian government to fire a prosecutor who was investigating his son who was being paid eighty grand a month by Burisma. The war in Ukraine has been won by Russia for nearly a year, and it high time we stop funding the senseless killing of the Ukrainian male population. Biden is president as a result of a rigged election. Most intelligent countries already know that mail-in ballots lead to fraudulent results. There should be no mail in ballots and all voting should be done during one single day, make it a holiday.

Trump behaved like a president this evening. The same cannot be said for Biden. Biden lost the debate and failed to convince people his health is robust enough to carry out the formidable duties attendant to the job of President of the United States.

Joe Biden has always been one of the most egotistical pols in Washington. It will be a problem convincing him to step aside. I predict he resists so doing; he’s obviously under the misaprehension that he has done a splendid job as president.

I’ve been working to re-elect our congressman Matt Gaetz. Sanity reigns in the Florida Panhandle, and I anticipate Matt will crush the liberal against whom he is running.

Trump was awful as well but people saw a train wreck in real time. Trump lied constantly. He can’t say one word without lying. That being said Biden seemed to be a bad mental state. He had one moment where he stopped and went blank. Dems biggest issue is they are in denial. This RBG all over again. They should have told her to step aside and did not do so and now we have judges voting against the country’s best interest. If the Dems want to win in November they need to replace Biden. I can’t vote for him.

The beacon of truth, nole80^^^

Fucking halfwit

The big issue that shrouds dumping Biden is what in the world to do with Kamala. Incredibly, some Dems still support Biden rather than throwing in with Kamala whom they perceive as being less popular and electable than Biden. Kamala would LOVE being president and would likely raise a shit storm being excluded from consideration.

Wayne Root is predicting that Michelle Obama aka Big Mike may well step in during the convention. If this indeed happens, I see a Big Mike victory in November.

The left is exaggerating about Trump telling lies last night. Trump certainly looked like a president. The country is just in better hands with Trump in charge. We need the kind of energy possessed by the Great Orange Man.

Bikki, it’s fine you like trump.

He can’t tell the truth. Guys full of shit. It has nothing to do with the left. Trump does not tell the truth.

Correction…Joe Biden, the Democratic Party, and nole80…All, are beacons of truth.

Imagine thinking only Trump is lying.

The problem Fish, is whose truth is actually the truth. Even you’ll agree the Russian deal was a colossal lie invented by Hillary Clinton. The same goes for the perfect telephone call wherein Trump was impeached. Now we have lawfare. When Trump was not a politician, he was beloved, especially by minority groups. He was given awards for his community service. Were Trump not running for the presidency, there would be zero lawsuits.

Ask yourself, were things better under Trump or Biden? Did we have an alien invasion under Trump? In terms of whom to believe, I find myself believing Trump a helluva lot more than I do the media. `

Bikki, the media job now is to entertain and for profit. The media was not supposed to be for profit. So now the media is all about what sells. I barely watch the news. My wife watches the local news down here and it is one bad story after another. I can’t watch it. I will watch a fishing show or go on YouTube or net flix. I love documentaries on the mob or watching history docs. Last night was the first time I actually did watch and the news channels were very hard on Biden. They should have been.

I have told you that for my entire life I have voted Democrat. the last mid term election I voted for Marco Rubio. I actually met him at a football game as his son played. Super nice and nothing like he is on tv. I get it these guys have to be team players. Heck I have his phone number and we spoke on the phone a couple of times.

Honestly if the republicans had elected Haley, Rubio or basically anyone outside of Ted Cruz, I would have voted for them. I could never vote for trump. While not religious - I would never vote for trump. I think he is ethically and morally bankrupt. I just don’t like the man. You bring up who were you better under…under trump I had my worst years of business. No bs. Many of friends had the same. His handling of COVID was atrocious. You want to say Desantis did a good job, I give him credit.

To be stuck with Biden and Trump at this point is disgusting. I can’t remember ever seeing our president perform like last night. He should have had to step down today.

Full stop…. Debate doesn’t matter.

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Why would it not matter?

Fish, you brought up an interesting point about Nicki Haley. IMO, Trump’s best VP pick should have been either Tim Scott or Nicki Haley. Both would be appealing to Democrat voters. It would require some fence mending on Trump’s part to pick Haley.

Trump’s strong suit has been foreign policy. As a secular Jew, I much prefer Trump’s positions regarding Israel. I believe the Pro Palestinian bunch is going to create a measure of chaos at the Democrat National Convention. There is already a Palestinian state in the Middle East known as Jordan. There is no need for another one, certainly not a Palestinian Juden frei terror state.

I would guess GSC’s saying the debate doesn’t matter because we’ve seen both presidents in action. We can judge them based on that.

Biden’s foreign policy has been pretty good but far from perfect. Afghanistan pull out was a black mark but it got done. Ukraine has been great but it looked bad when aid slowed to a crawl. The Israel Gaza situation is just an ugly mess for everyone. That said, I could not even begin to imagine the mess Trump would have made in the face of these developments. Trump liked to take action on domestic issues. His foreign policy was a huge weakness and it hurt US credibility quite a bit.

Domestically Biden has been okay. He’s upheld certain Trump policies that got Trump by okay too. He’s been keeping the economy improving, which is not an easy recovery to pull off. The big investment in tech has been good for Biden, but he hasn’t been able to rework the tax system or do anything that will be a sea change for the American people. To be fair, Trump didn’t either.

All that out of the way, the debate still matters. Biden definitely rambled a bit, but it was clear he was putting forth some policy proposals. It was also clear he was familiar with the problems and the questions asked of him.

Trump was completely lost out there. He couldn’t answer questions. He couldn’t put forth any actionable policy for the American people. It was clear he wasn’t even familiar with half the subjects asked about. Instead of sidestepping and dodging, Trump would have done better by directly addressing the questions, even if it was to correct the questions and disagree with their premises. That would have displayed a strong candidate who had an idea of where to take the country.

Instead we get these two arguing over golf scores and porn stars.

305, I hate to say it, but you need some Southern training because your analysis of the debate shows well I think the mentally erosive effect of living in California. Biden’s foreign policy is awful. There shouldn’t have been a war in Ukraine, and it could have been stopped BEFORE the Russian invasion of the Donbas. How good of an idea was blowing up the Nordic Pipeline. How is it in our interest to partner with a corrupt regime in Ukraine, put there thanks to our CIA, while villainizing Russia which should be one of our allies, not the partner of the Chinese.

Nobody has been better in dealing with Israel than Trump. He moved the embassy, began the Abraham Accords, and cut off lots of the funding to the Hamas terrorists. Were it not for Biden’s stupid Iranian policy, Iran would be starving to death, nobody buying its oil, and incapable of financing either Hamas or Hezbollah.

As GSC said there’s no doubt that Trump’s record as president was significantly better than Biden’s. Biden committed the most mortal of sins imaginable, allowing our nation to be invaded by third worlders, turning us into strangers in our own land.

Biden’s failure in the debate was seen worldwide and is not really in dispute.

Moving the embassy pissed off the people in the middle east. I am not sure that was such a great idea. I think the problem with a lot of trumps decisions is that they may look great at first but then the repercussions are terrible. I know people are against abortion but turning roe was a horrible decision wihtout an actual plan. It was like Trumps idea on health care. He just has ZERO plans. He is the guy that drops the bomb and has no plan to clean up.

Do I think Biden is a good president…it is questionable at best. That being said this country is not the worst it has ever been. I think under carter it was much worse. The only other time people actually had to wait in line for gas, toilent paper and other goods was under Trump. His handling of Covid was a disaster. .

I really think the Republicans should have put in Haley or Desantis and this election would look like Reagan vs. Carter. I thought Biden was done after the debate but that is me…You listen to these pundits and those around Biden is they can convince us what we saw on debate night was not bad. Mike Dekakas lost an election for getting into a tank that he could not drive…This was WAY WORSE. I swear I really thought Biden was going to either fall down or pass out.

Honestly there is no chance that Biden can make it through four more years. Could he get through another year…sure. Four. He will die in office. I don’t think he will be alive in four years.

I think Tim Scott is emabarrasing. Haley is presidential. I really think she may end up the first women to get elected. I don’t think she is that extreme. I feel she would actually try and work with the other side. The Dems allowed RBG to hang on to long and it tilted the courts was too far right. Most people in this country are in the middle. You can’t have ideas that are far right or left.

My analysis is dead on.

Both candidates had an embarrassing debate performance.

This was, by far, the worst US presidential debate I have ever seen. No one came out of it looking like a leader.

That war was being fought since 2014, so let’s leave both presidents out of it. The only real way for the US to have prevented this war was to put boots on the ground in 2022. You remember that time, when Republicans were universally calling Biden a warmonger for saying Russia would invade? You still have a working memory for that part, right?

Thanks to Trump, Iran more or less has a nuclear bomb. But that’s the kind of thing that happens when Trump’s foreign policy isn’t so much a policy as it is bluster. Huge screw up on his part.

As the vast majority of presidential scholars said there’s no doubt that Trump’s the worst president of all time. People didn’t have high hopes for Biden, me included, but he frankly surprised by showing the world what a competent leader of the US looks like. It only took Trump 4 year to make everybody forget and fear it might never happen again.

Biden’s failure in the debate is not in dispute. I will agree with that. Neither is Trump’s. Those 90 minutes showed the world what a sad state American politics is in right now. We’ve actually somehow gotten worse since the 80s.