Tonight's Debate

Full Stop!

That is very debatable, but all presidents say things that are false. Trump exceeds expectations in that department. Neither one of these men should be the president nor continue in my opinion.

This is a really strange point because Trump had zero to do with the Roe V Wade. That was a SCOTUS decision. So to say Trump did it and then didn’t plan for repercussions is wild.

The feeling of the Supreme Court majority in removing Roe v Wade was that abortion is an issue that has no place in a national constitution. I think the Court arrived at the correct decision on the matter. While I don’t like abortions, I believe that women have inherent rights as humans to govern their own bodies. Depriving women of same denies them equal rights under law. However, humans comprise a species of life, and being able to control population when the health of the species is threatened is an existential right of survival. Republicans are stupid to embrace forbidding abortion on a religious basis since our country is not a theocracy.

GSC, really. He appointed three judges all of which were responsible for overturning roe. This is the biggest problem I have with trump supporters. Just accept that trump was responsible. There is zero percent chance that if the court was equal it would have ever been overturned.

I am not for abortions. That being said I am not one who should be deciding a decision for a woman who I have never met. That is her decision. I don’t believe the Supreme Court should be making that decision.

The only thing the supreme court did really was send it back to the states by the overturn. Abortions are a free will decision. One in which that I’m totally against. I find it hypocritical to deny the unborn a fair chance at development by those who were allowed to develop.

The unborn…lol - that is your opinion. My biggest issue with those against abortion who feels that way will help pay for that child. Nah that socialism. Can’t give the kid financial help. Can’t provide food. Can’t provide clothing. Can’t provide homes for those kids. Once they are born all those against abortion are against taking care of those kids. It’s such bs. I am all for getting rid of abortions as long as those who want it to go away are responsible for those same kids.

Go and watch Wade Wilson. One parent was 14 the other may have been 13. They had that child. After having it gave it up for adoption. Wow that worked out well. Maybe if that teenager had aborted that kid we would have had not had that monster in the streets. Go and look at all those locked up or others who commit crimes. Most come from broken homes, single moms who can’t support those kids…but yeah let’s keep over populating our planet because some feel a month old fetus is actually a person.

If it a moral issue and somehow that individual actually gets to meet the individual man in the sky…then let them have to explain their actions. Until that day happens let people do what they want.

Good post, Fish… Raising a child is a task requiring responsible and devoted parents, two parents preferable to one. One’s past has lot to do with being a civilized human. Some of the worst humans propagate, emitting a constant supply of societal miscreants. While I favor abortion, I find late-term abortion bordering on being an abomination.

Bikki, I don’t believe and I am sure you feel the same way that anyone is truly for abortion. That being said. most people don’t make good parents. Forcing a single women to have a child who may have had a one night stand is not got me to decide what she wants to do. For a women who is in an abusive relationship with a man and she gets pregnant it is not my place to tell her what to do. For a women who gets raped it is not my place to tell that women what to do.

I feel that abortion should be left up to that women. I can’t tell someone who lives across the country, can’t afford kids, comes from a poor neighborhood and force them to have a kid they don’t want. I think that is morally wrong.

Or how about teaching people to abstain from sexual activity if they don’t want to bring children in the world? Especially the individuals who cannot nor want to take care of a child. I’m all for helping the less fortunate. That’s not the issue. It’s people who want to have sex, but do not want the consequences that come along with it. Would it not be appropriate for people to think, “Hey! I should at least use contraception if I don’t want to have kids.”? Using abortions as a form of birth control is outrageous.

This whiny cunt lists 19 “biggest problems or biggest issues” a week…

“My biggest problem is…” (then about 4 more sentences of worthless drivel)
“My biggest issue is…” (then another poorly written paragraph of bullshit)

lol. Teaching people to abstain from sex. This is straight comical. Sorry to tell you this but if people did not screw we would have a country and a world where everyone would be miserable. :sob:

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You conveniently left off the part about “If you don’t want to have kids”. Actions have consequences. I also see you stayed away from the use of contraceptives that I mentioned as well. Again, abortions being used as birth control is an abomination. If one doesn’t want to deal with potential consequences, one should avoid actions that would trigger said consequences. There are so many people who want to have children and cannot afford medical interventions; and then we have people just having casual sex, one night stands, and other types of sexual encounters that result in pregnancy, but then they don’t want the child. It is not ok to just terminate a life (and it is a life), just because we have those that say, “Oh, it’s just a clump of cells”, “Oh, it’s just a parasite”, "Oh, it’s not alive unless it’s born, or any other sayings in an attempt to dehumanize the fact that a fertilized egg that will under normal circumstances develop just like we were allowed to. I believe you or someone else have stated something to the effect about a child being potentially born into poverty. Every single person on this planet is potentially one day away from being in poverty. Person can be rich today, have a bad day at the stock exchange, and broke tomorrow. Good paying job, job goes out of business, now a person can’t pay the mortgage and the rest of the bills. That’s not a good reason to abort a life. If you don’t want a baby, don’t engage in sexual activity. That’s the only way to guarantee that you won’t create an unwanted pregnancy. Please don’t use the rape argument because rape accounts for less than 1% of all abortions.

Once again it is your opinion that it is a life. That is the problem with your argument and those on the right. Have you seen a tadpole. Most people domt see it as life at conception. Your belief is an opinion and one that is based off religion. Sorry but that is not enough for you or anyone else to dictate what someone else that is not related to you making decisions for.

If you are against abortions then that is your belief. If you are against abortion than step up and…

1-pay for the kid once it is born
2-pay for the kids clothes
3-pay for their food
4-pay for their medical expenses- especially if the kid is born with a condition that is life long
5- pay for the kids education

I believe this should be the trade off. That those against abortion should be responsible for taking care of that kid. Wonder how many will be against abortion.

The biggest issue I have is people like you and gsc are morally against abortion but the moment that kid is born want nothing to do with it.

It amazes me that abortions can even stand up to the slightest of scrutiny.

Only in a depraved world can anyone defend the murder of the most defenseless human being.

Here’s how you know abortion zealots are intellectual liars. If you took the zygote, blastocyst, embryo, or fetus out of the womb and into an incubator, NO ONE would support killing that being….

The simple act of seeing it grow and develop would be overwhelming evidence of its right to live.

But because the child is veiled, we pretend it’s not alive. Absolutely disgusting.

GSC, it’s because the other side does not see it as life at conception. Murder…lol. If you say so. As I stated before…open you wallet up and support that tadpole once it becomes something.

What amazing is you pro lifers want nothing to do with those kids once they are born. Tell me how that is morally right. The rights beliefs it’s ok for the death penalty but god forbid some women has an abortion. And I am for the death penalty.

I am pro choice. One I don’t believe it’s a human at 1-2 months old no matter what you guys think and it’s an opinion anyways. Next, no one is about killing babies that is your bs excuse and scare tactic. No, I believe it is someone else choice to do with their body. I also can’t tell someone I never met what to do with their bodies. Last if you are not going to financially invested then STFU because I could care less what you have to say. You guys are the same one the moment that mom needs food stamps or some other government aid you say well we can’t have that.

I think the best option is to pay women for having less kids. You have 3-4 kids or more the less government aid you get. People have kids and it’s to get money from the government and they could care less about the kids.


Then they are idiots.

If I kick a pregnant woman in the stomach and she miscarries. Did I commit murder?

I want an honest answer from you.

If you kick anyone in the stomach and they die is that murder. If the women gets into a fight knowing she is pregnant and the other person does not know she is, then I would not convict them of a crime. Self defense. Next, most women won’t know they are pregnant after a month.

I want to ask you something GSC - say that women has the kid. She has no money to support that kid. She can’t be around the kid growing up. He gets into trouble. She can’t control the kid. Now that kid goes and shoots up an entire school and murders 20-30 people. Would you rather have that scenario because it has happened.

Once again unless these pro lifers are willing to support that kid both emotionally and financially then they have no rights to tell another human being what to do with their life. It’s your opinion that the kid at month or two is actually a life. It’s is an opinion. Your definition of murder is bs.

I know most people are dug in one way or another here and you won’t change anyone’s mind but the argument that an unwanted kid could grow up to be a murderer as a reason for abortion is faulty logic.

What if you aborted Mozart from the single mother that didn’t want him? I could just as easily say that you robbed humanity of one of the greatest human beings ever.

The Left is all about science except when it comes to human life. It’s really weird the lengths they go to absolve promiscuous behavior just because it feels good.

Not saying you are like that Elite 80 but I just think personal responsibility has to play a part in society.

And yes, the Right can do a better job of focusing on life after birth as well. I agree with you there.

Indiana, I think for myself. I don’t need a Bible to tell me that it’s wrong to steal or cheat on my wife. There are things in life that are common sense. I am neither pro abortion or anti abortion. It is not my right in my opinion to choose whether or not someone I don’t know make a decision for them. If someone does not want to have a kid for any reason it’s their decision. If someone thinks that it is morally wrong then let them have to deal with the consequences. We live in a free country and as long as you are not hurting anyone else then do as you want. I am not for abortion but I also don’t consider it murder. That is my opinion and if you feel differently fine. What happens if someone finds out they are going to have a kid with a major disability- should they be forced to have the kid? I can’t make that decision for someone. Please spare me that god won’t put something on their plate they can’t handle. I have seen it first hand and those same people can’t handle it.