Tonight's Debate

That’s fine to have that stance. The majority of Americans are ok with abortion up to a certain point. 10 weeks, 12 weeks, whatever that number is. I don’t agree with that but that’s where most people stand.

All I’m saying is that to broad brush pro lifers as only caring about fetuses is just a made up argument. You know a lot of pro-lifers and what they do with their money and what they advocate for?

The objectivity of abortion as morally wrong or not should be removed from people’s opinion of what to do with children after birth if they are in bad situations. I don’t believe in justifying it just because there is the chance that maybe a kid might grow up in a bad situation. That kid should still have the ability to live and maybe they can have a fantastic life. Who are you to say they don’t deserve the chance just because their mom is a deadbeat parent and their dad is out of their life?

That is patently false. I may not be able to help every child, but I help when I can, where I can. Again, my talking points are about people not wanting to accept consequences and what they can do to avoid them. My statement or opinion as you may call it is reasonable. Your premise is just do what you want and consequences be damned! If something can develop in stages, it is very much alive. Amazing how the opinion put in a science book of “it’s not a life until…” is supposed to be taken as fact.

Canesc, why is it that it is not ok for government to get involved in another human beings decision with abortion but other issues how dare they.

I agree consequences should not be damned. But you are basing your opinion and that is what it is…an opinion on someone’s morals. I don’t think it is morally wrong. That is my opinion. You feel it it wrong. That being said it is not my choice. I don’t think it is your choice. I sure as hell don’t think it is the governments choice. It is a major responsibility to have a child. Bringing them into the world we live in you better have parent or parents that can deal with the the kid. Having the child and it basically has no chance to make it in my mind is morally wrong. That is my opinion…once again are you going to help take care of that kid once they are born. Where is your responsibility- where is gsc. Where is everyone else. Let’s have an abortion tax and if you are against them each month you have to pay.

It is hypocritical imho to tell someone they must have a child but want nothing to do with the child.

Now this is fucking hilarious ^^

I have seen it first hand and those same people can’t handle it.

So it’s for you to decide then? Not god or the people? Got it.

Not one time have I mentioned the government. I’m actually against making abortions illegal. I don’t think a law is necessary. I’m for teaching people how to be responsible. You simply cannot refute the simple truth I keep stating. If you don’t want to be bothered with potentially being a parent, then don’t do the actions that can cause you to be one. It’s not about forcing someone to keep a child, it’s about not making the child to begin with. There are so many people who would be willing to adopt if the adoption process could be made easier and more affordable. Everyone should be held accountable for ALL of their actions. This is no exception. You keep repeating, once the child is born people like me and GSC need to step up. How do you know we don’t?

At what point can we start holding the Catholic Church, Southern Baptist Convention and the myriad of other churches responsible for covering up child rapes for hundreds of years…well, the Catholic Church for hundreds of years and the others for a much smaller amount of time? That would be neat.

Warden, will never happen. These same people who are against abortion don’t give two shits about the kids once they are born.

I didn’t participate in nor condoned the crimes or the coverups. The coverups are worse than the crimes themselves. Anyone who perpetrated those horrendous acts should indeed be held accountable. The victims deserve every ounce of justice they can get. That has always been my stance, that will always be my stance.

You keep repeating that like saying it over and over again makes it true. :roll_eyes:

Dude, I don’t think the followers of the religion are complicit in the crimes of the religion. I just find it weird to still follow the church if the church is proven overwhelmingly bad.

Just because you say it is morally wrong over and over again does not make it right. It’s your opinion that abortion is wrong. More than 60 percent of the country disagrees with you.

Rape of anyone is a crime, and child rape IMO an even greater crime. Warden is right about responsibility for rape historically being constrained by various religious groups.

Abortion is an equal rights question. Do women have equal rights to those of men to govern their own bodies. According to the Constitution, all humans are endowed with equal rights.

The individuals who performed the heinous act are the ones who should be held accountable. They did not follow the teachings of Christ. Therefore it is not the accountability of the entire faith that’s in question. There are people of all walks of life that have committed crimes. So if a group of crayon makers start robbing banks, does that mean we stop using crayons? Speaking of banks, people that run banks have been robbing people for decades in the form of predatory loans, do we stop using all banks?

Does that include offspring?

Thou shalt not murder. That didn’t come from me, so it’s not about my opinion.

According to the Constitution, the rights of the unborn do NOT have primacy over the rights of a woman to govern her body. If this were not so, then women as human beings would not have equal rights with men. It’s that simple. Under law destroying a fetus is not considered homicide, or for that matter are fetuses covered under the Bill of Rights.

Religions tend to hold that interfering with pregnancy is a crime against humanity, and that fetuses have the same rights as those born. They do NOT. The ability to control population is an existential right of humans to control reproduction. It is based upon the ever greater scientific knowledge pertaining to the propagation of living organisms. Over population of any species can induce famine and suffering. In many cases, families are not equipped in a host of ways to raise children. Children are often born into deplorable environments. Some are unwanted and unloved.

All in all, people need to mind their own business and not believe in subjecting their own moral judgment on others, especially if their judgments are ethically unfair or unjust.

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You think it’s murder, I don’t. It’s your opinion it is murder. The death penalty is that not murder?

Death is death. I’ve not been advocating for the death penalty either. There is one stark difference between the two. One death is caused by the actions or deeds of the individual, the other is caused by the actions of another.

Just like atheism believes that “you can do what you want and consequences be damned. As long as it doesn’t hurt me, I don’t care what happens.”

Though I regard myself as a secular Jew, I consider religion one of mankind’s worst inventions. That I am an atheist does not mean that I’ve forsaken universal ethics. In so doing, I support our constitution which states that all humans are endowed by our Creator (that is naturally) with equal rights. That includes a woman’s right to govern her own body as she sees fit. I resent persons who inject religious morality that contradicts the explicit meaning of the Constitution. We are not living in a theocracy.

While I have a generally negative view of religion, I find some religions ethically superior to others. Islam politically in my view is intrinsically radical and by Koranic law not amenable to being amended. It is also a cruel affront to all female humans, and it presently foments a great deal of world terrorism. Muslim immigration has had a destabilizing and threatening effect on Western nations. It will be interesting to see what transpires when Muslims achieve critical mass in certain Western nations as will occur very shortly in Sweden, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

There is no place for religion in public schools. The “under God” phrase needs to be stricken from the Pledge of Allegiance. The original Pledge, the one I learned in elementary school, did not contain the “under God.” Hence, it was a better pledge. Perhaps the Pledge should be reworded in places like Dearborn, Michigan to read “under Allah.” Saying the Pledge as it now reads show religious favoritism to Judeo-Christianism. Schools moreover should have no religious clubs, none even meeting after school. Certainly no Satan meetings.

It’s odd that I once considered myself a liberal. I voted for Kennedy, Johnson, and for Hubert Humphrey. I marched for Civil Rights in Alabama. Like my father and grandfather, I was a member of NAACP. Unfortunately, classical liberalism remains the same, but now it falls within the realm of conservatism while the Left has gone woke sinking into anarchical nihilism.