Tonight's Debate

If God exists, in the parlance of educators, God would be a massive underachiever. During the course of history, man has invented gods time and again. Man has also forgotten dozens of gods or declared them null and void. God could not possibly love mankind, and the worst argument trying to explain the inscrutability of God’s existence is the doctrine of free will. All humans don’t have free will. Where is your free will when you perish from an accident. How about dying during an aerial bombardment? Or dying at the hands of a serial murderer? The practice of religion can be the one of the most corrupt vocations of all. Nevertheless, there is some virtue to religious teaching along the lines of promulgating universal ethical behavior. Religion and politics are much alike. Both realms are filled with conmen. In reality, the tooth fairy has about as much credibility as God, Allah, or other deities.

But your idol Trump is perfect, right? I will tell you like I tell others who are willing to make statements like this. Keep that same energy when you meet Him face to face.

Free will means you have choices. Dying at the hands of another doesn’t equate to one never having a choice. Just because someone chose to kill someone doesn’t mean the person they killed didn’t have choices leading up to what one would consider in untimely death. Some actions will have unintended or unexpected consequences. Someone chose to get in their car and chose to go to work while another person making the same choice, makes a bad decision while operating their vehicle and struck the first mentioned person’s vehicle causing their death didn’t remove the choices they made before the accident happened. Yet somehow God gets blamed for all that’s wrong with the world. Even when God does intervene, He’s criticized for how he intervenes. The problem isn’t free will, the problem is choice and the consequences that come from the choices that are made. That’s why the conditions of a person’s heart is so important.

Not everything. I blame Jerry Jones for a significant amount. Old bastard

You’re not wrong! :joy:

I am cowboys fan. Between the Cowboys and Sixers - it makes me lose faith in a greater being. Lol