Texas shooting

1,000%. There were babies in there. I don’t care if the police had spit wads. You go in there. You are literally required to get his gun to point at you. Not the kids.

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Yeah, I don’t have a good answer. I’d like to hear a complete explanation.

Sensible and absolutely correct.

Suddenly GSClown believes all the news reports he reads as MATTERS OF FACT. But only when he wants to… I guess this might be the first time I’ve ever seen him peek into reality???

(Minus his terrible conclusion that this is a govt conspirscy to take away our guns, of course).

So border patrol didn’t intervene? Let’s hear it Sally.

Who made that claim, Sally?

The border patrol agents themselves.

He’s totally 100% okay with 9 year olds being shot in the face. He’s also totally 100% okay with his priests raping that same 9 year old the day before. He’s shown that, emphatically, despite his minor notions of disfavor. When it boils down, he blames the media, not the priests.

Just wow. There is not really a bottom to the conservatives. None whatsoever.

Total horseshit.

Looks like a Ranger squad. 40% of the city’s budget goes to these cowards

Not trained, you say…for an 18 yr old with a gun?

Their actual pictures of their training of this very situation

More of their training - from 2 months ago

How they should confront the gunman

I believe on single border patrol agent went in and killed that dude.


Are you talking about?

You asked me specifically:

I asked you who made this claim and your response was

The border patrol made the claim that the border patrol didn’t intervene in the incident? I’ll assume you have some wires crossed and made an honest mistake that you would never admit.

Wow. Thanks for all the research on this. Doesn’t look good and I will need to dig in when I have time.

Bro, I know Rangers and a single Ranger would have walked into that school with a stick and killed that dude. These cops were pussies and should be charged with dereliction of duty, if that’s a thing. If not, find something else

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Please show us what GSC has said on this matter that make you believe this. Don’t waste your time - you won’t find it.



It’s tiktok. I know

What other conclusion could one come to? When presented with hundreds of years of priests raping children and the consistent coverup and protection by the Catholic Church, itself, his response was that it’s the media, that it’s not that bad, that its no different from Protestant churches, Jewish Synagogues or Muslim Mosques. Of course, he has no evidence of that and the numbers don’t play out, but he didn’t care. “Abuse happens everywhere” he stated and that Catholic Church is just targeted by the media.

Here’s the catch - you all have said you think the priests should be prosecuted, but nothing about the church. In fact, not a single negative comment about the church’s role in protecting these rapists, hiding them, sending them here and there to shield them from prosecution…nothing about 162 page report detailing how the Church, itself, was guilty in these crimes.


Of Nichols, it stated: “There was no acknowledgment of any personal responsibility to lead or influence change. Nor did he demonstrate compassion towards victims in the recent cases which we examined.”

So, if the church itself spent literally hundreds of years protecting rapist priests, and you guys have venom for the priests but don’t give a shit about the church itself, doesn’t bother your faith in the slightest despite the entire notion of the church being a representative of God, then you don’t appear to really give a shit. Does the fact that your church knowingly protected and hid rapists priests for centuries mean the church, itself, is responsible and directly question that the church represents God at all, in any way? Abso-fucking-lutely.

When complaints were made, the church failed to support the victims. They moved the priests to a different parish, or a different country. They refused to cooperate with the investigations when they came out. Up to the actual Pope (the previous one), they knew, coordinated efforts to hide the offenders and refused to cooperate or notify the police (they changed this in 2020!

So, based upon the facts that Catholic priests raped children for hundreds of years, hid it, protected the priests, denegrated the victims, denied abuse and thus called the rape victims liars, moved priests to different parishes or countries and still claims to work on behalf of God, and you and GSC and Indiana don’t have the slightest gripe with the church itself on this matter…well, that pretty much infers that you don’t really give a shit. Couple that with all of GSC’s excuses and deflection…it’s not that bad, it’s the media…well, the point it made. The point is clear.

You must have glazed over the first part of his response - the part about those who abuse getting the most severe punishment available. At no point has ever said that “He’s also totally 100% okay with his priests raping that same 9 year old the day before,” as you have accused him of.

As for the rest of your post, you are asking us why we haven’t turned our back on Jesus and the Eucharist because of the evil actions of some in the church.

Have you turned your back on all law enforcement officials because a few have broken laws/committed murders?

Stay on task here.

It’s not that it’s tik tok, it’s that you’re an idiot and have no integrity.
First, this psycho Christian podcaster is full of shit. She provides zero proof whatsoever. The reference came from this originally and a basic look at her podcast history shows she’s just a fucking Christian nationalist loon.

Here’s your first problem - you’re a fucking dunce.
Here’s your second problem - 1515 is 3:15. 1748 is 5:48 pm…NOT "approached at 11:02 and flew over #KUVA; entered a pattern at 11:16 and landed at 11:25…at 12:48, the plane took off and returned to Ft. Hood.

Here’s your third problem - you have no integrity whatsoever, always claiming your government is murdering people to foster a narrative against guns, just like that sack of shit Alex Jones and Sandy Hook. You truly are a piece of trash

Also, learn military time, dumb shit

Oh yeah, the MC-12W is run by the Air Force, not the Army, you lazy fuck

The common link between all progressive idiots

Overly dramatic

Tone your little tantrum down for once in your life please

The priests…not the church, not the organization who employed, provided them access to the children, gave them positions of authority and then shielded and protected them upon finding out they raped kids. Nothing about the church…ever. SO, if that’s the case, then you don’t give a shit in reality. You give lip service. Shit, he’ll probably blame it all on a false flag

You’re being dishonest. Turning your back on the church or holding your church accountable isn’t “turning your back on Jesus and the Eucharist” unless you conflate the church with Jesus and the Eucharist solely. As I’ve explained, if you consider THAT CHURCH, the church who shielded and protected and hid pedophile rapists for literally hundreds of years as the sole representatives of “Jesus and the Eucharist” then you prove my point, and also, you’re sick.

And this is where you do the same thing GSC does, showing neither of you really give a shit about any of this. You want to play “whataboutism” with child rape over the coarse of hundreds of years and tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of cases. But, to you…it’s “a few have broken laws.” A “few.” It’s not that big of deal to you. You have a sickness. You’ve sacrificed your morality for your loyalty to a church, a vile, evil church who’s spent literally over a thousand years doing the most heinous and vile things throughout.

In answer to your question, I don’t go and pray to law enforcement. Law enforcement doesn’t claim they get their authority from God, either. Also, some police protect bad officers, but the infrastructure isn’t built to protect, hide and shield the perpetrators like the Catholic Church did. But yes, for sure, I do not trust cops in general. I do not think the cops are going to do the right thing, or follow the law or anything else related. I"ve been assaulted by a cop and given a concussion. He violated my rights, period. Though, I did tell him to go fuck himself beforehand and I learned a valuable lesson…don’t tell a cop to go fuck himself. He’ll kick the shit out of you. Lesson learned.

But, for you…it’s not the church, it’s not that bad…It’s disgusting.

Not sure what else you want me to say. That is happened even one time, and covered up, is beyond horrible and those responsible need to be put under the jail.

But you’re asking me why I’ve not turned my back on the Eucharist. These are two entirely separate things.

They are not the sole representatives, first of all. Second, you’re including the large majority of good, honest priests in with the demons who are responsible for this.

Entirely untrue. You’re telling me that because of the actions of a few, I should turn my back on the Catholic Church. By this logic, you must turn your back on all of law enforcement, for some clearly have done evil.

Show me where I said this.