Texas shooting

Yea, he just said I said a bunch of shit I never said either lol. I posted a video that is absolutely interesting and food for thought.

I asked 51 to look at it. Now suddenly this guy is telling me I can’t tell military time or that I said army vs Air Force? He’s a lunatic.

In any event- I planned on looking into the content maker’s claims later. Just thought it was interesting.

You see how up my ass this guy is @skeeter ?

He runs this huge business and has all these pals at the Petroleum club in Dallas but takes hours researching everything I say in here in an attempt to rebut it. I practically live inside this guy’s head.

Ya he’s just another tantrum-throwing progressive maniac…And he’s been a troll since day one.

You either have Bikki type dementia, or you’re lying. You mentioned the government “temporarily” taking over the media during Trump’s presidency more than once. You absolutely stated this on the old board.

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Not even sure what you mean.

I said I believe the government SHOULD temporarily take over the media. And? Not sure how that applies to what you quoted.

Yes you do. Because you admitted it:

Thank you for admitting what you were previously denying.

So, you’d let Biden’s admin temporarily take over the media? Why? Shit, I wouldn’t want that.

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His had had control of it for decades.

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The establishment, which is what Bush, Biden, Obama, Clinton are, has always controlled the media. I’m trying to whisk it back to neutral.

LOL. What a dumb response.

But you’d be fine with Trump controlling it. Fair, objective reporting.

You may as well just watch OAN or Newsmax.

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I trust Trump. If anyone would give back power it’s that man.

From a guy (Trump) who denies any fault and trashes anyone who speaks negatively about him in any way. You believe he would send the media back to the middle.

Thou shalt not lie.

I will never understand the raging boner you have for Trump.

Liberal prosecutors and judges allow a goodly number of crazies out on the streets when they should be in prison.

Bikki, you do realize that Reagan opened up the mental hospitals while president. I think at some point we need to stop pointing at one party and pointing out their faults…When it is easy to also do the same on the other side.

I have never said people should not be able to get guns…but the 2nd amendment has been abused so badly by those on the right it is not even funny. If those who had written it had EVER imagined what we are seeing today…there is zero chance that a single one of them would not have changed what they wrote. Like every thing else in this life people interpret it the way they want to fit their argument. It is not even worth arguing anymore. If you think that there are no issues with it…You will never change your opinion and there is no reason to argue anymore.

Like I said before…We need to have a school with senators and governors and other politicians whose kid go to a private school in DC to have this happen to their kids…40-50 kids need to die, many others need to be injured…When this happens and it will at some point them these assholes in charge will stop telling everyone about thoughts and prayers and do something about it. Until then there is nothing to discuss.

You read GSC…and there is no doubt he has bought all in on the loony train known as Q. He has bought all in. He hates to admit it but is to scared that people will think he has lost his marbles. This guy would vote for the bat shit crazy bitch in Georgia.

Kennedy was the one who deinstitutionalized. Reagan cut funding but it was already a done deal from year prior.



Don’t judge me by the content I post and don’t even bother to look at it before I post it.

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No you weren’t. And you know it. :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

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you admitted this to be a lie.

You’re a whiner. Are you now crying to the board moderator that you got called out?


Oh, gotta cry for someone else now…you need your backup, huh? Can’t address how your video is full of shit on your own. What a pussy

My partner has friends at the Petroleum Club. I’m poor.
But, you’re not the only one I post to and you know it. You’re being a whiny bitch, just like I explained yesterday - you’re biggest problem in life is other people exist and don’t think like you and you just can’t take it.

Nope, if you checked anything you post, you’d find out it only take a few minutes.
But, yes…I do run a business. We’re quite pleased as of yet with its progress. I can easily take a bit of time to dismiss your bullshit while I wait for a website to load, an email back from a customer or carrier, or while a spreadsheet uploads to the DHS/TSA. You’re not that difficult to “rebut.”

That’s called Communism. Thanks for playing.

Let’s note this one - the statement was that Biden has had control of the media for “decades.” That was his declarative statement. This man votes and has kids. Very few opportunities one has in life to be this willfully ignorant.

Not if your wrestling it back from communists. Then it’s just a correction.

When has Trump yielded power…in any way, at any time, to anyone for any reason? I’ll wait…