Texas shooting

See, another dishonest post. You have no ability to just be an honest person. I’d be so embarrassed to be your kid. I’m sure they are

There was a transition to Biden right? Even though he felt, and had credible reasons, to continue contesting?

Trump didn’t yield power, he tried to stage a coup. He was forced out and still hasn’t stopped trying to change it. He was repeatedly told he would be escorted out, legally, if he did not leave. It took the coup falling apart, an attack on our capitol, an attempted attack on our Vice President, an impeachment and then he was told he would be escorted out by force if he didn’t leave.

No, he didn’t. They knew they weren’t legal or credible. He knew his plan was illegal. In fact, he clearly stated that if he won, it wasn’t rigged, but if he lost, it was rigged and the election was fake WAAAAY before the election itself.

As always, you’re being dishonest.

Lol…what does one have to do with the other?

I think at some point we need to stop pointing at one party and pointing out their faults…When it is easy to also do the same on the other side.

Says one of the biggest partisan sheep/orange manbadders in the history of this message board.

Lost little partisan fucking idiot.


So Biden isn’t President? That’s odd. Now you agree with @Stormfront?

Again, you’re being dishonest. I am not sure you have the ability to be honest, or moral. As mentioned before, and you know this as well, Trump didn’t relinquish power. His power was taken from him, stripped, under penalty of law and yes, that was so necessary that several public figures explained that on the day Biden was inaugurated, Trump will be forced out by the Feds if he refused to leave…being, that he attempted a coup to stay there.

Again, you show on nearly every post that you’re not an honest man. You’ve show quite regularly, lately, that you’re also a whiny pussy who won’t own up to anything.
Trump has never yielded power in his life without being forced. Your statement was that if anyone would, Trump would give the power back to the people…despite his entire life showing a history of not even paying those “people” when they perform work for him, stiffing investors, stiffing contractors, stiffing vendors, literally stealing from things like Children’s Cancer Charity.

You’re not honest in any way. It’s unfortunate, but clearly evident that you do not have morality. You do not have patriotism. You do not have honor, nor integrity, in any way. If there ever was a sleazebag Jersey salesman…you fit the bill as much as any human ever has.

305- you have to admit, this makes you roll your eyes too, no?

The moral indignation of this one is supreme.

Eh, you gave him a smart answer and he clapped back.

Warden is asserting that Trump did not willingly leave the presidency, or at least that he only left after the threat of security removing him.

You haven’t honestly addressed that claim. (For the record, I’d never heard it before.)

Nah…He tried to clap back with the typical OrangeManBad tantrum…And then brought up that big bad (also…what, about 4-5 hours long??) coup nonsense. Embarrassing himself per uzh

Absolute partisan sheep, meltdown prone troll

So which is it?

Anyone who actually believes this is an absolute fucking moron.

You think it was an article, alleging that secret service threatened to remove Trump, that was the deciding factor?

He said months before he left that he would leave. He left because it was the honorable thing to do and he’s a man of honor.

If he was a man of honor he would have conceded.

But he’s not, which is why he left because it would have been embarrassing if he had been escorted out. If he was a man of honor, he’d focus on 2024 and not continuously pretend it was fraud.

To say you’re brainwashed by Mr bone spurs doesn’t come close to how far down the rabbit hole you are.

Exhibit A is how you were entirely fine with him taking over the media (temporarily, you say). That he was a man who would give the power back to the people. Bull. Shit. You were fine with it because you (and he) didn’t like how he was being portrayed.

Funny how you never responded to my question of how you’d feel if Biden did that right now.

Zero integrity.

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Huh? If you truly believe (or know) you won then wouldn’t conceding be the DISHONORABLE thing to do?

This is why I say your soft sometimes 51. You think doing the right thing is appeasing others instead of the actual right thing by principle.

I think Trump is the only uncontrolled, honorable and honest president we’ve had since I’ve been alive.

Even Reagan became a puppet after they shot him.

But he knows he lost. Er go, dishonorable.

Trump knows nothing about doing the right thing. It’s all transactional.

Same with you. You refuse to admit you’re wrong. You lied the last couple days about how you stated you would have been fine with Trump taking over the media (“temporarily”). Yet you ghosted the thread when asked if you were ok if Biden did it.

You finally admitted it, but then ghosted the thread (again).

So don’t lecture me about being soft. Soft is being proven wrong and disappearing immediately after. You’ve got a long history of this.

And you’ll do it again. Probably in this thread.

Uncontrolled. 1 out of 3 isn’t bad I guess.


Trump was honest. How can anyone honestly say this. I get it you like the man. The guy is full of shit.


Honorable…I liked Clinton but it would be like me saying he was honest and honorable. He lied more then any president in the history of our country and he was honest. I really have no idea how you a religious person who just said this about trump.

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Shut the fuck up you cunt

How many years of this shit with you? We get it, OrangeManBad

Absolute Fucking Cunt

Skeeter, I am sorry you have gotten dementia and lost your marbles. You love the word cunt - it describes you perfectly. Good luck with your mental illness.

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