Texas shooting

How about go fuck your piece of shit pig whore mother?

You absolute fucking meltdown prone twat

Trump trump trump…Fucking obsessed little piece of shit cunt

Remember when nole80 told us college coaches who didn’t listen to him were fired?

Remember when nole80 knew every third person that died from covid?

Just stop talking you delusional fucking twat.

Dude is mentally ill.

Honest question to this board. Did something happen to skeeter. Really concerned for him. He repeats himself in every thread. Used to be a great poster before he got dementia. Hopefully he has family around him to help the guy through these final years.

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Look at this little meltdown prone OrangeManBad typing now

Absolute maniac cunt

You were never a great poster…And you’re more dramatic than 98% of the women I know you fucking cunt

Remember when you were spazzing on everyone on this board who didn’t want to shut down the entire world due to covid with novels full of run on sentences?

Ever hear of punctuation you fucking cunt?

Sad what you have become.

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Sad what you always have been you piece of shit fucking cunt


You’re a lost fucking idiot.

Full stop

GSC, what was wrong with liking Clinton. He was a very good president and honestly even republicans liked him.!

I just tried to read poor skeeters post. Wow, he needs to be put in a padded room. May need some shock treatment. He is a lost cause. I am being dead serious he has a mental illness and needs to be helped. If you guys want to start a go fund me page I will be the first to donate. Let’s help skeeter before he hurts himself or someone else.

You also think that the sun revolves around the earth, that Qanon is real, that Catholic priests raping children isn’t that big of deal and it’s the media, that NASA is fake and we’ve never been to the moon or outer space, that NASA webcams are fake, and Dictionaries are bunk. You’re Cliff Clavin. Dumb as a turnip, thinks he’s an astrophysicist. Also, as shown time and time again, you don’t even know what honor and honesty are, obviously.

The irony of this…so adorable. While he’s melting down, he’s calling someone else a meltdown twat.

So hilarious…Skeeter has less to offer than broken keyboard and couldn’t be more partisan if he tattooed Trump’s cock on the left side of his cheek

Yep. From what I was told, he used to be somewhat reasonable. A chick broke up with him and then told him she wanted him out of the lives of her and her daughter, probably something about Covid because he can’t go a day without bitching about masks, even now, almost.

From what I’ve been told, he’s pretty much a broken man in just about every way. Seems on here to be the case. Since then, for as long as I’ve been on here, he just lashes out like a little kid who just learned curse words. Seems pretty sad, actually. If anyone on here was to end up shooting random people, it appears to be this fella.

Skeeter is mentally ill. He was never like this. He needs professional help.

I don’t think gsc is a bad guy…I would probably get along with him. He has gone all in on Q and that is fine. I know many who have. The world is not flat. The media is not all fake. The last election was not rigged. What is amazing is GSC is ok with things that favor his ways. He was ok with a Supreme Court spot being stolen by Mitch…then in the same scenario happens and trump pushes through a nomination the rules change. It’s disgusting.

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Skeeter used to be a great poster. If the story you say is true I believe it. Something happened in his personal life and the guy has gone off the rails. There was another poster named Kencane. He never seemed to come over to this site. He was great

The difference is…I’m not melting down. I’m perfectly calm. I’m laughing at partisan sheep like you…You’re pure comedy.

I mean read the fucking piece of shit’s post…Hard to read, brings up Trump when not a topic. Shoulda saw his covid meltdowns, were funny to watch.

Nah partisan troll…I was pointing out the meltdowns of this maniac as well as my maniac ex long before the maniac ex and her partisan father took the child that they me and my family to be the child’s family and raise her even WELL AFTER THE spring '19 break up. All because you know…I didn’t shut down my whole entire life (even though I did shut down most of it, as did everyone around me) during covid because of you know…Asymptomatic spread or some other delusional bullshit boogeyman that you progressives pay homage too (we know warden, you weren’t down with it…But everyone you defend and support, and my maniac ex and her piece of shit father were)… And also because I told them I didn’t support the bullshit lies of BLM (even though they’ve known me 30 years, and know that I have black friends that I grew up with and have been tight with longer than the 30 years I’ve known them) Even though I made sure me and the child both had masks on, and I swore that if I felt so much as a headache I would stay home, check my temperature, if it persisted get tested (got tested twice, Dec 20…May 21)

It’s called…Say it with me…An OVERREACTION…Your whole political movement for instance is based on milking them. And nole80 is one of the most dramatic, over-reacting cunts we have on this board. REEL IT IN YOU FUCKING IDIOTS

It’s never enough for you maniacs. Partisan extremists

You have no idea the situation you are speaking about and the way CNN controls these otherwise good people. I mean you probably would approve of her maniac ass for not leaving bed for 3 days after Trump was elected…And then crying and screaming at Rachel Maddow every night for most of the 2 years I lived with her? That’s just how progressive maniacs roll. They aren’t wired correctly to begin with.

But yeah…You have no idea the attacks and meltdowns and trolling that commie cunt djrion and the walking distraught run on sentence god 80 inflicted this board with…Complete tantrum throwing little fucking twats

Why don’t you mind your own business to begin with? No one was addressing you, defender of all things liberal?? Oh that’s right…you’ve been the partisan troll since day one.


This is really you, 80…Only slightly exaggerated format. This is what your posts look like months and months into covid. You’re a disgusting, distraught fucking cunt.

Those college coaches got fired for not listening to you huh 80? Talk about delusions of grandeur.

Unreal. Talk about slandering a person. Knock it off man.

Not necessary GSC, Skeeter’s fine but thanks…You know what type of maniac 80 is. No talking to him in the midst of his cunty partisan tantrums.

These people have to inflict themselves on us EVERY SINGLE DAY…Disgusting people.

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Remember this cunt80??

Or we pleading the fifth you dramatic little twat?

It ain’t gonna be random buddy…I live in Pittsburgh, I could fill Heinz Field with my list lol

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