Texas shooting

These comments are outrageous.

Where are the board moderators? Absolutely ridiculous.

Whoa whoa whoa

There is but one BOARD MODERATOR…How dare you insinuate anyone but 51 handle such a monumentally important task!

Gsc, you have no problem him threatening people. Guy has mental health issues. You ignore anyone that is on your side. I could care less. The guy is unstable and has been proven for awhile now. I don’t even read 90 percent of what he writes because all he does is call everyone a vulgar name. Stop defending him.

One other gsc…if you were a true friend to skeeter you would not enable him. That does nothing for him. He needs someone like you to stand up and say skeeter——hey get some help.

Dude- skeeter has been a member of this board for almost 2 decades.

Not only that - but he is a high contributing member both on the football recruiting side and here… He’s filled the gap with Laus and Shadow disappearing . RIP laus03

He is also a good contributor in here.

In the first 90% of that time I barely witnessed him argue with anyone. It wasn’t until he came to the shelter to participate and was readily attacked for his ideas, and viscously I’ll add, that he has retaliated.

People have called for him to die. People have questioned his mental health…. And why? Because he has his own ideas? Because he researches and forms his own opinions? Because he has the balls to share them on a public forum and debate?

Fuck off with that shit. He has a right to defend himself from constant attacks.

On the other hand, we’re all waiting for baited breath for your next run on sentence tantrum novel

He has his own ideas. The guy has yet to post one idea. He attacks people constantly. He is one of the biggest assholes ever on one of these sites and that’s hard to do. Storm for all his bs I have never seen him go after people like skeeter.

Gsc, skeeter does not need to be defended. The guy brings nothing to this site. He is one of the biggest reasons why I barley come on here anymore. I have better things to do then argue with someone who has dementia. He has major mental issues that need to be taken care of. Dead serious all you are doing is enabling him. He needs help and you are not doing him any favors.

Gsc, stop the attacks. You are so funny. I never even started the attacks again. Skeeter once again came after me. At least be consistent if you are going to go after someone. He is the one you need to go after with the personal attacks. He came after me first and I finally realized the guy has mental issues.

And then

The guy brings nothing to this site. He is one of the biggest reasons why I barley come on here anymore.

Didn’t you just say that in the first paragraph you long-winded, half-retarded cunt?

He is one of the biggest reasons why I barley come on here anymore.

Most would consider that a win…Also, imagine a poster calling you names making you not visit a message board. Cunt

How repetitive can one person be

I like when he starts with your name

“GSC you say skeeter is a nice guy, he’s not a nice guy”
“Indiana you say Trump isn’t the devil, he is the devil”
“305 Skeeter used to be a nice guy, he’s not a nice guy”

Could you imagine a real life convo with this dork? That’s one annoying verbiage

He was a reasonable poster until about 6 months of covid. Then something went down in his personal life I won’t repeat. And now he pretty much acts like an angry incel all the time. He’s a broken man who tries to assert control by lashing out. He’s also Most Likely in the Shelter to Become a Mass Shooter.


I wrote my response above before reading yours. It is fucking eerie how similar our impressions of skeeter are.

Reasonable → Family Problem → Broken ->Lashes Out → Shooting.

Same fucking words too. Mind blown.

And for @GardenStateCane clutching his pearls over calling him a mass shooter, skeeter has publicly mentioned it on more than one occasion. These opinions of ours aren’t coming out of thin air.

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I think his comment has to do with the fact that, sorry, you’re just a dick. You HAVE to call people names, not to mention threaten them and their families occasionally.

And it makes him not want to come to a message board?

Is he a grown man?

He has threatened me…said he would spit in my face. He was mad because during Covid I said my friend was a doctor in NJ and his hospital was above capacity and he said it was all lies. He snapped and has not come back to the real world since. I had him blocked but one post is says hidden message and I hit it and saw what he post. It’s him calling me a cunt. What man calls another man a cunt. He has mental health issues and hopefully he does not hurt someone or himself.

You’re such a fucking pussy

Could be because he publicly called for the assassination of a world leader, attacked people children and wives and mothers and can’t seem to go two posts without lashing out like a bratty 8 yr old on meth. All that being said, I like Skeeter.

You, however, are a pussy and I despise you

I will defend this, though, I’m a shithead too. I love the word cunt. Oddly, Skeeter is my favorite right winger on this board. But, I am quite colorful in my language as well.
He’s from Pitt, I’m from Texas…maybe there’s a link


Did you cry and spit up a bit when you said this?

Imagine “despising” someone you’ve never met. What a loser.

Fabulous structure…Please at least put fucking quotes…Or use the quote feature around “he has his own ideas”

Jesus Christ man