Texas shooting

Very little about me is right wing

Everyone appears to be right wing to this delusional progressive movement though…So that probably is what has you confused. Glad I could help.

Bahahahahah ^^^^

Ole faithful…Him and djrion have me blocked, ya know

What man calls another man a cunt? You’ve never called anyone a cunt before

(do you guys see the nole80 structure in that last post)…Just use one “?” we’re begging you.

And yes, you are a fucking cunt…I remember when you used to spazz on mfcanes and he was a personal friend of yours…Over politics…You’re a fucking cunt, always will be.

Well, you talk about quality on a message board. I can’t say you add to it when you do these things.

I get it - I’m not saying I’ve not stopped low (I’ve never threatened anyone or their families)……but you kind of encourage those responses from people in the way you attack them.

Only your tolerance of others beliefs is right wing. Lol

I called it early on, surprised you missed this.

He GOT GOT by COVID. Melted his soul.

Mf and I speak all the time. We would joke about what we would say on this site. You obviously missed it. You on the other hand are crying out for help. If you need help then all of us are there for you.

Is this even coherent? There is you question mark. Had no idea we needed to be perfect with our writing skills.

Wow this thread took a turn. Lol

Including your whore mother?

Is this even coherent? There is you question mark. Had no idea we needed to be perfect with our writing skills.

You could Texas AM’s NIL money between you and perfect…At least hit the cutoff man somewhere.

He attacked everyone who wasn’t melting down over both Trump and covid MANY MANY times long ago.

And we weren’t talking about responses we were talking about the twat not wanting to come to a message board.

You got got by liberal twat

That’s why you are into sucking trannies and now of course…Championing their cause

Also you are a worthless fat fuck with that ridiculous goatee…There’s always that.

We were talking about why he didn’t want to come to the message board. He didn’t want to come to the message board because - in his view - you don’t make it a good place to go to. Case and point:

You got got by liberal twat
That’s why you are into sucking trannies and now of course…Championing their cause
Also you are a worthless fat fuck with that ridiculous goatee…There’s always that.

I get why. You’re a bummer to be around.

Hahaha, dayum. Haven’t t seen a meltdown Mollie post in quite some time. He still following me around while I live rent free?

Mental health is a major issue in this country. There is no question that skeeter has mental health issues. I would really like to see him get help as he could be a danger to himself or those around him.

Let’s get skeeter the help he deserves. Since GSC loves the guy so much he can be the ring leader. Gsc, tell us where to send the donations so we can get skeeter right.

Nah, he’d rather enable him.

Lol…The ole “I don’t see his posts”…Ole reliable

Talk about a flat out truth bomb

But, the cops aren’t held responsible in most cases. They have qualified immunity even when they shoot someone at their own home, in their bed, while serving a no knock warrant at the wrong home.

Also, you’re being dishonest. The shooter is held responsible EVERY TIME in these mass shooting cases, having either been arrested or shot. If you can name a single time they were just let go so we can attacking the NRA, I’ll concede. Though, you’re full of shit so I don’t expect that response.

BUT, cops have to have guns. School shooters who are 18 do not, hence the issue of addressing it by other means.

As usual, you show exactly who you are. It’s been summarized quite concisely several times on here.

Yup, chalk up another facebook meme as something that sounds like a good gotcha but actually makes no sense because the opposite is true.

Amazing how this works. So accurate.