Texas shooting

Wait does anyone say the Uvalde shooter isn’t at fault? Or is this a dumb meme? I can’t decide.

I love how the right views Rittenhouse as a national hero. Every time I see him I think of my 17 year old nephew and how catastrophically dangerous it would be to hand him an AR.

Rittenhouse may have been within his legal right to do what he did, but he’s a fucking child. A 17 year old, with an AR, going to a city that is rioting. What could possibly go wrong? He’s lucky he wasn’t killed.

You should have requoted yourself about memes tbh

Funny how they are so groupthink, the thing they hate the most…

Let’s go Senate, pass this one for the good guys pls. I pray to mother earth.

Fucking anything would be progress at this point.

It won’t happen but I’m all for raising the age to buy a gun to 21. How the fuck can an 18 year old buy an AR but can’t buy a six pack?

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@skeeter now he wants to use my meme where I’m making a very specific charge about hypocrisy to say I am a Rottenhouse fan and I think he’s a great guy…. A legend.

I can’t with you 51. I made no such claim, ever.

Why bring toilet wine into this? He doesn’t read, never does research and as a result doesn’t have a right to an opinion.

I never said you were a fan. Show me where I did.

I’m saying the right as a whole does.

Tell me you think a 17 year old with an AR is a fine idea.

You see this @GardenStateCane… I don’t read a CNN article and now don’t do research. This fuckin twat ruins the whole board. Dude has issues.

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Who ruins message boards? :joy:

You’ve had several people in the last couple of weeks call you out for your dumbass behavior.

I’ll put it to you another way. Other than you, only one other person on this board (including the old one) has ever threatened me and my family, and that’s Broward.

You’re in a unique and very limited club. Congratulations.

For the millionth time, if you didn’t read the article and don’t have an opinion on it, fuck off. Toilet wine.

False narrative. People were calling for the young man’s access to guns during Rittenhower.
Like always, you’re dishonest at your core.


Dishonest to the core.

You…Our all-important “moderator”

For the millionth time, if you didn’t read the article and don’t have an opinion on it, fuck off. Toilet wine.

No I’ll comment on the source, just like you do many times…So go fuck your whore mother.

And also…Nice deflection on the mis-quote problem that you seem to have that GSC and I addressed here.

Comment all you want. If you didn’t read the article, your comments don’t matter.

Ahh, toilet wine is back to just making stuff up now. Cool.

Still deflecting…Per uzh

Show me where. Waiting. Toilet wine.

Because GSC said something stupid, so he’s calling skeeter in to say something even more stupid to take the attention off him.

In all fairness to GSC - he’s smart enough to know that toilet wine is guaranteed to say something dumber.

Skeeter doesn’t read CNN article/Skeeter said in fall of '21 he is doing less covid research than 2020/early 21 = He doesn’t do research

GSC posts Rittenhouse meme = He thinks Rittenhouse is a hero

GSC and Skeeter both say they don’t give two shits about Ukraine/Russia = Russian support

That deflection…Get it cunt?

Yup, and now GSC can quietly slink away while the thread turns to trash.

As usual…51 turns it into Trash. All the bratty little cunt does on this board…Besides moderate when exposed.

How exactly is this deflection? Deflection from what?

Do you even know what you’re taking about anymore?

Yes. Threads are made so much better when you troll people in threads without commenting on them or reading the article.

Or when you call people cunts.

Or when you threaten them and their families.

We’re so glad you’re here.