Texas shooting

Because this is why GSC @'d me… Exposing the bullshit connections you try to make between stances and statements posted make. When I agreed and gave another example of it…exposing this faggotry of yours

You deflected. Ran and hid. Plain and simple.

Ban me then…Come on faggot, where’s your juice?

Irking this twat so bad that he is powerless to ban me from this board.

You have no idea what you’re talking about. GSC said something dumb, was getting called out for it, and wanted help from you. He doesn’t mind that you’re not smart enough to know what you’re talking about, just that you’re loyal to swoop in and start calling people cunts.

It worked.

Nope…You can’t refute the fact that you go out of your way to misquote message board members

If you can show me once where I said I don’t do research
If you can show me once where GSC says he refutes Putin

I’ll happily digress

Waiting patiently you dramatic little cunt…you’re on the clock

Where did I misquote anyone? Show me. You’ve said you don’t do research.

You’ve admitted this by saying you don’t read articles.

Pretty obvious to me.


My quote from Fall '21 was…FOR THE 10000 TIME YOU FUCKNG TWAT

“I’m doing less covid research than I was last year or early part of 21”…And you have misquoted me many times saying I don’t do research

And GSC (and to a lesser extent me because you haven’t attacked me as much) has told you COUNTLESS times he doesn’t give a shit about Russia vs. Ukraine…And you have repeatedly accused him of supporting Putin.

So THAT is where you misquote people you fucking twat. I’ve explained it 3 times on this thread alone and there are countless other examples…

(Watch this RUN AND HIDE job)

It’s not. You’ve admitted you don’t read articles - especially from CNN. You probably don’t read much at all. Er go, you don’t do research.

I’m sorry you don’t like that.

As for GSC - he’s absolutely supported Putin. He’s claimed to at Ukraine should belong to Russia, given its large Russian population.

Keep on trying. Toilet wine.

Nope…I said I don’t read CNN Articles

Obviously I read my fair share of articles. Reading CNN is like reading QAnon…I don’t read that either.


There it is, folks…Distraught little twat. Complete misquote. Has to put someone in the box based on his overly emotional outlook of what GSC SHOULD be caring about

Exposed for what you are, cunt

No you don’t. You make emotional decisions based on your extremely narrow world view. It’s obvious.

Not a misquote at all.

It doesn’t shock me that someone who doesn’t do research doesn’t understand this.

Nope…Wrong again

I don’t read extremist articles that may as well be written by Mother Goose

Not a misquote at all.

It doesn’t shock me that someone who doesn’t do research doesn’t understand this.

So all this supposed research you do…Means that you can tell GSC what he “really means”?

I know you didn’t read it, as since you didn’t, you won’t know that this story was verified by multiple sources/witnesses. It’s not someone in their basement writing a manifesto.

I’m not telling him what he means. He’s telling us himself.

Exactly why Pubs love trump. He provides the extreme crazy cover, while they run rampart as the media focuses on the shield.

305 will never understand that I don’t care one bit what people in this forum think about me or my thoughts.

Yes and you are misquoting him

He said the words…Say it with me

“I don’t care”…You are translating into something else in your patented, cunty way.

I know you didn’t read it, as since you didn’t, you won’t know that this story was verified by multiple sources/witnesses. It’s not someone in their basement writing a manifesto.

A. Doesn’t matter to me…And I didn’t attack you to start this long, drawn out, cunty argument. So why do you care what matters to me.

B. Lol “sources”

Nope. I’m not. You can choose to believe that if it makes you feel better, but I’m not.

Yes, you did. So if you’re no longer interested, fuck off.

You didn’t read the article so you don’t know what those sources are.

Toilet wine.

He literally said the words

“I don’t care”

So is that how you are quoting him, faggot?

For someone who says he doesn’t care, he’s certainly devoted.

Toilet wine.

I said I’m not reading an article from CNN…How is that attacking you, bratty cunt?

Ohhhhhhh…So now you’re changing it from Putin support to being “devoted”

2 years of handing this bitch his ass like this while he moves goalposts.

Go away cunt, go away.