Texas shooting

You’ve been attacking me the entire thread you fucking moron.

If you don’t care, fuck off. If you do care, offer an opinion (helps to read - which has never been your thing).

I was talking about you, toilet wine. Follow along.


After you attacked me

I simply said I’m not reading CNN. The attacks and hysterics were started by you…That’s how it has always been on this message board.

I was talking about you, toilet wine. Follow along.

You were talking about “I don’t care”…Which I was (accurately, unlike you) quoting GSC…You somehow turned I don’t care into being devoted.

How am I devoted? I rarely talk about this “war”

I told you to contribute or fuck off. Since you won’t read the article, you can’t contribute. You’ve admitted you don’t want to.

So fuck off.

How do you operate day to day? I was saying you were devoted to defending GSC (dickriding).

Can you even make it through a movie - any movie - and understand what happened during it?

Holy hell.

I was referring to toilet wine defending you.

No faggot, I’ll respond how I want and you’ll suck dick and say thank you.

I did the same exact thing in that thread (and I didn’t attack you) as you did to a Gateway Pundit or whatever GSC post…And even though you claim to read them, it doesn’t matter because you don’t contribute anything…I can’t count how many drive by "Gateway Pundit nice source"s you have thrown at this message board

So even though you CLAIM to read them…you certainly don’t elaborate anything further (you may here or there sure, but there’s been MANY times you did exactly what I did)

How do you rarely talk! You fucking Putin supporter!

No thanks.

You can respond. But you’re stupid and no one will take you seriously.

Odd that you attack me for trolling threads without me contributing……when you know……you’re doing exactly that right now.

Another odd thing to say. Since you’ve admitted you don’t read articles.

Toilet wine.

I’m not doing anything of the sort…I’m responding to your bratty cunt tantrum over me saying I don’t read CNN articles

Fixed it for ya, bratty cunt

Really? And was it me who attacked you first, or was it you who commented that you don’t trust CNN first? Hmmm……

Yes I just told you that…I’m allowed to respond with I don’t read CNN articles. When you have done it regarding right wing sources over and over again

Is this clear by now…I have only explained it a dozen times over a couple threads

Me saying I don’t read CNN…Isn’t any different than you not reading a far right source. So if you call that an attack (which it wasn’t) than you are guilty of as many “attacks” as anyone on this board. Stop being a fucving hypocrite and move on.

Thanks for proving my point. Fuck off. Toilet wine.

GSClown Never takes accountability. More of the same. He doesn’t care that he’s a raging lunatic

Hold that L and go fuck your whore mother bratty cunt

Here come a post from the goatee faggot djrion

I’m sure this will be grounded in reality huh?

You just admitted that you commented first that you didn’t care because you didn’t read the article.

It’s over.

You lost. Again. Toilet wine.

Fuck off.

I admitted it 2 days ago

I responded first in a manner that you have done so many times on this message board I’ve lost count…

I responded first

You attacked first…because you are a bratty cunt, and that’s what you do on this message board. Hold that L

Thanks for admitting that you lost 2 days ago.

I thought you had to run. Toilet wine.

Look how long the bratty faggot wants to drag this out for

Me responding saying I don’t read CNN…Has nothing to do with you. You lost because you turned this into a shit show and you’ve been exposed.

You said you had to run. Great. Fuck off.

Yeah, it does. I posted a subject and you had to respond, despite you having zero knowledge on the topic.

Fuck off. Toilet wine.