Texas shooting

And you do the same

So deal with it

I read the articles. Unlike you.

Apparently wherever you had to run to isnt that important. Toilet wine.

Already explained, twat

On very, very many of your responses…You do exactly what I do. So if you do read them, you don’t elaborate. You simply respond with “Gateway Pundit nice source”…So the so-called “reading” means nothing and does not differentiate anything

You run and hid on that explanation the first 3 times I’ve given it.

So I’ll expect the same here…cunt

From the guy who said he had to run 30 minutes ago. Still here. Still getting his 44 IQ ex convict ass handed to him.

You’ve admitted you don’t read or do research. You’ve beaten yourself.

Toilet wine.

Nope…Already refuted this…Stop misquoting me, again

Keep trying though faggot, embarrassing yourself.

(look how he deflects to his own behavior when he does the same thing in threads…“I read the article”. which, although why would anyone believe a cunty liar like him, means nothing, when he responds with the exact same response I did toward CNN). You’re just getting bludgeoned now, run along

You’ve already lost this. You lost a long time ago.

And you’re still here despite saying you had to run!

You’ve got nothing to contribute. You’ve admitted you don’t care. So fuck off. Toilet wine.

Sure, Mitch Green

(Look how he ran and hid, pure comedy)

Didn’t run and hide at all.

You said you had to run. But didn’t. It was your odd way of conceding.

Sure did

Still haven’t addressed it…Ran and hid like the overmatched little twat you are. Par for the course with you.

Hid from what, toilet wine? What are you even talking about? You’re delusional.

You lost two days ago. You admitted you lost two days ago.

Where’d you have to run to again that you didn’t run to?

Ran and hid from the fact that you are bitching about me for the same shit you are doing and why the fact that you CLAIM to read all the articles means nothing when you didn’t post any commentary on the articles and simply posted the same type post I did. So yes it’s the same thing…“reading the article” means nothing if you simply post the same shit questioning the source just like I did.

And also running form the fact that I have given you the DIRECT QUOTES from GSC and I…And you change the subject when I ask you why you are changing these quotes

Run and hide, run and hide you little deflecting fucking twat. Thought so

Of course I didn’t lose…Responding first doesn’t = losing. My response wasn’t an attack and as I said was no different from your response posts when you question GSC’s sources. I would have lost or proven hypocrite if I would have pretended to comment on Alex Jones.

Glad to straight you out and correct you while also exposing your hypocrisy and deflection

Now go back to running and hiding twat… More your speed.

This is factually inaccurate. I’ve read the articles. And I’ve stated that most of them are bullshit because they aren’t objective. Why? Because they literally lead off with lines like “WE GOT ‘EM”.

I read them.

You didn’t read my articles. Or GWP, which is hilarious to me - because you’re already indicating that you agree with those articles over CNN’s.

And do you know what you have in common with both?

You didn’t read any of them. Not one. Yet you defend one side.

Congratulations. You’ve won at being stupid. Toilet wine.


Lost count how many times when you’ve chirped in with a “Gateway Pundit nice source”

Just stop lying dipshit

I’ve never said such a thing…Again just like you have done all day with me and another poster…You are putting words in my mouth

you lying…fucking…twat


Not lying at all.

Ironically, your honesty (saying you didn’t read the article) proves how full of shit you are.

Exposed for the lying little cocksucker you are

Run and hide…run and hide.

I own you you little fake ass cunty moderator.

Then call out GSC for posting a GWP article.

Call one out. Say you don’t trust the source. Say you won’t read it because the source is bullshit.

I’m Waiting.

Why does it matter who I call it? I didn’t attack you to begin with?

You brought this humiliation upon yourself you little cunt

This faggot will post all night

Exposed to the fullest and doesn’t know when to quit

“board moderator” ya know…Yet he clutters it up with this dumb shit