Texas shooting

Fucking owned.

Toilet wine claims to be moderate yet has not once gone after GSC or anyone else on the right, saying their sources are bullshit. Hammers away at me and others who challenge them all day, but not them.

Fuck off toilet wine. Everyone knows what you are. And what you are is full of shit.

Oh yes I have

Storm front, quite a few times

Lies just keep spewing…Got any more lies you little cocksucking weasel cunt?

Very few times.

And with kid gloves.

And you know it.

You suck at pretending to be moderate.

Diggin all in this little hypocrite fake ass moderator’s asshole for him


Most moderate person on this board…Or at least top 2

Not one far right or left stance do I support

But keep blurting out lies you desperate little faggot


All of your statements and behavior disagree with you entirely.

Toilet wine.


And you and warden have both been exposed on that front many, many times…

Next exposure or you sick of getting bludgeoned here cunt?

Nighty night…Kiss your whore wife good night while she dreams about a real man instead of a faggot ass little cunt like you.

I can’t wait for you to show me examples of this…that you can’t show.

Walk away as always, toilet wine. This whole thing would have been avoided if you have just admitted to yourself that, because you didn’t read the article/topic that I posted, you didn’t have to comment.

But because of your prison IQ, you had to comment, and wound up embarrassing yourself, mostly through your own statements.

You’re the classic example of letting them talk their way into making an ass out of themselves.

A+. Toilet wine.

You know…Where we name every left and right political stance and I lean left on as many or more than I lean right. I mean we’ve only done it a dozen times on this board.

Walk away as always, toilet wine. This whole thing would have been avoided if you have just admitted to yourself that, because you didn’t read the article/topic that I posted, you didn’t have to comment.

I’ll comment and expose a faggot like you when I feel like it. Again your supposed “reading” of the article doesn’t help you in this little spat because there’s been many times when you simply say “Right Site nice source”…With no elaboration on the article. All that reading and you contribute “Gateway Pundit must be true”

Just clowning this little faggot now.

This is not true.

You’re clowning yourself, toilet wine. You’ve already admitted you never read the article yet felt the need to comment. You’ve admitted you don’t do research. You make statements of opinion based on impulse. Its like a version of Tourette’s that you must have.

Sure must be a site watching you communicate with people in public who are unfortunate enough to have to communicate with you.

Yes it clearly is…And we’ve been over this 1000 times

You’ve already admitted you never read the article yet felt the need to comment.

Just like you do, faggot

You’ve admitted you don’t do research.

False, we exposed your misquotes yesterday…Never said those words and you just keep going back to this lie to prolong arguments as if they aren’t long enough already. You’re supposed to be working on that for homework, junior. Let’s improve…

Cut the lies, you are embarrassing yourself…Thanks.

I’ve never seen you take on a right wing opinion even close to the level you take on a left wing opinion.

I’ve admitted that I don’t do research or read articles? Interesting. Show me where I said that?

Not lying at all. And you’re right - I do homework. Know what it’s called? Research.

I know it’s hard, but try doing that before opening your fucking mouth. Toilet wine.

Because the left is the clear bigger problem in America right now

And because the right wing guys on this board aren’t assholes…Pretty simple. We have the same convo over and over again.

I’ve admitted that I don’t do research or read articles? Interesting. Show me where I said that?

No…Dickhead. You comment on the source without elaborating on anything in the article. Always? No…But you’ve definitely done in plenty. I have now addressed this about 5 times in 2 days.

Not lying at all. And you’re right

Yes you are lying. I never said those words. You’re a fucking lying cunt.

You suck at pretending to be a moderate.

I read the articles. Therefor I’m in a better position to comment on them then you are.

This isn’t difficult.

You never had to say you never did research. It’s obvious you don’t, based on your uninformed opinions.


Nope doesn’t matter…

A. You don’t elaborate. You just drive by and call out the source…Like I did
B. I commented on the author, not the article. Simple stuff here, but you can keep going in circles bratty cunt.

You never had to say you never did research. It’s obvious you don’t, based on your uninformed opinions.

Ahhhh he finally admits to the lie. You’ve typed the words “you admit you don’t do research” how many times…So now you’re changing your stance/moving goalposts. Shocker

You’re a cunt, always will be

More meltdown Mollie.

Quickest thread exit ever by me

Who gives a fuck when. you enter and exit a thread commie cunt?

Awesome. I still read the articles. And yes, I’ve commented on them before other than questioning the source. Already way more than what you ever bother to do.

Yeah, without reading the article. So you’re choosing to be ignorant. But we already knew you were. Congratulations.

Now you’re lying and saying I moved the goal posts?

You said you don’t do research. I agree with that. You don’t. Not sure where the goal posts were moved to.

Toilet wine.

Not pertinent…Who cares if you read them if your comment has nothing to do with what you read? My comment wasn’t about the article

You’ve literally made a 3 day message board cluttering argument about this you fucking idiot. We could have walked away 2 days ago…You don’t like Alex Jones, I don’t read CNN…But you are too much of a brat to do that.

Yeah, without reading the article. So you’re choosing to be ignorant. But we already knew you were. Congratulations.

Lol are you fucking serious you cunt? I don’t need to read the article to comment on the author. What the fuck is wrong with you? You absolute twat

Now you’re lying and saying I moved the goal posts?
You said you don’t do research

No I didn’t faggot…And you agreed with me last post. See below

You never had to say you never did research. It’s obvious you don’t, based on your uninformed opinions.

Owned. Quit lying and grasping and changing your argument…Cluttering up the message board with this ridiculous goalpost moving and lying.






in 3…2…