Texas shooting

Well, you’ve sure spent a lot of time trying to argue that I don’t. So there’s that.

I read the article. I created the post. I welcomed the debate.

You came on here to troll. Fuck you, toilet wine. You leave.

Sure. You can comment. But you’d be ill-informed.

Moron. You really don’t know how conversations work. That was a joke about how fucking stupid everyone knows you are. Oh my god. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I did nothing that you haven’t done many times…And I didn’t attack you

This is all you…“moderator”

Sure. You can comment. But you’d be ill-informed.

Not at all…I’ll never fucking read another word from CNN. I’m informed all I need to be on the author…And that’s what I commented on. Something you do all the time.

Moron. You really don’t know how conversations work. That was a joke about how fucking stupid everyone knows you are. Oh my god.

Got caught in a lie…Now he was “joking” lol

And then he used emojis…What a fucking twat

If you never cared about the article or subject you didn’t have to open your dumb fucking toilet wine loving mouth.

This is exhibit A of how tragically ignorant and stupid you are.

Caught in a lie? I wasn’t joking about how stupid you are. But I was making a joke about it.

Holy hell. :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

I’ll do as I damn well please…And since it’s something you do constantly…You’ll suck dick and say thank you.

This is exhibit A of how tragically ignorant and stupid you are.

Notice nothing to refute sound logic and reasoning…Dumb cunt does it to himself.

Caught in a lie? I wasn’t joking about how stupid you are. But I was making a joke about it.

Holy hell. :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

You have been caught in misquotes, lies, and goalpost moving for 3 days…And chill with the emojis…We know you’re feminine, you don’t have to go out of your way to look like a fucking broad

What part of I read the articles before commenting don’t you understand?

You don’t read the articles. You’ve admitted it. You likely don’t know how to read that well anyway.

So you can offer an “opinion” on a matter for which you refuse to do research, but you’ll pardon us for dismissing it entirely. But thanks for your admitted willful ignorance.

One cannot have sound logic or reasoning when they don’t read articles or do research.

Prove it.

What part of it doesn’t matter if you read the article if you are simply going to dismiss the author when you comment about it. We both did this…No different. What did “Gateway Pundit nice source” have to do with what you read.

Prove it.

Scroll up faggot

For starters saying GSC’s comment “I don’t give a fuck about this war” actually means he supports Putin…

And then my comment “I’m not doing as much Covid research as I did last year” actually means Skeeter doesn’t do research

Your lose…Go away faggot. The rest is in this thread. Quit making me repeat myself…You were made a fool of 2 days ago.

You did it. I didn’t. The (few) times I’ve acknowledged GWP articles to have some validity/worth a debate, I’ve commented on. You have literally admitted that you have no leg to stand on in this area because you don’t read CNN articles.

That’s not the only thing he said, you moron. If you cared to read up on the subject and his responses, you’ll know that he has taken the position that because a lot of these states were formally Russian and speak Russian, they should return to the motherland.

But you don’t read or do research. So we wouldn’t expect you to know that level of detail.

You lost the second you commented in this thread for the first time. Read the article, or fick off.

Toilet wine.

And other times you haven’t…So those “other times” is the same thing I did.

You have literally admitted that you have no leg to stand on in this area because you don’t read CNN articles.

Yes that’s why I didn’t comment on the article. Pointed this out very early

That’s not the only thing he said, you moron

Ohhhhhh…more goalpost moving.

But you don’t read or do research.

Ahhh another misquote…Eitehr “prove it” (you can’t)…Go fuck your dirty whore pig mother.

Read the article, or fick off.

Not necessary, since I’m not commenting on the article.

Which is more than what you’ve ever done.

You’re not on a good side of this argument. Toilet wine.

Thanks for admitting you’re wrong. I’ll take it.

Really. More goalpost moving? I’m dying to know how I’ve moved the goalposts here - considering it’s me that reads the articles he posts along with reading all of GSC’s responses and thus, I know more about his views than you do.

You are getting curb stomped, toilet wine.

Thanks for admitting that had you decided not to open your dumb fucking mouth, none of this discussion (or me handing your tragically uneducated ass to you), would have happened.

Incorrect and also…non-pertinent.

I’ll take it.

Why didn’t you take it on Monday and save everyone this fucking torture?

I’m dying to know how I’ve moved the goalposts here - considering it’s me that reads the articles he posts along with reading all of GSC’s responses and thus, I know more about his views than you do

The argument isn’t about what I know about GSC’s words…So apparently you know more than he knows about his own opinions then too? Interesting.

Because he flat out told you to stop misconstruing his words. I’m merely pointing out you have done the same thing to me…Get it, twat?

Thanks for admitting that had you decided not to open your dumb fucking mouth, none of this discussion (or me handing your tragically uneducated ass to you), would have happened…

I told you I didn’t read the article, wouldn’t read the article, and wasn’t commenting on the article on what…Monday?. So why did you make a fucking idiot of yourself for the entire week over it? “Thanks for admitting”???..I told you the exact same fucking thing on Monday, Tues, and Wed

Absolute fucking moron

It is correct. And entirely pertinent. Because it’s literally what we’re talking about.

You suck at researching and deflecting.

Why didn’t you decide that because you didn’t read the article and didn’t have an opinion on it, to not open your dumb fucking face?

You were referring to him when you claimed I moved the goalposts - so it absolutely does.

But you won’t do research, so I don’t expect you to back up your claims.

Which all equals to……you’re a troll, you opened your dumb fucking face and wouldn’t stop.

And as a result, you got curb stomped. Again. Great job. Toilet wine.

I research just fine…And I admit the times I don’t.

You claim to do all this research and are a fucking idiot. So either do better research or stop lying.

Why didn’t you decide that because you didn’t read the article and didn’t have an opinion on it, to not open your dumb fucking face?

That’s right get it allllll out you little fuckin brat…Hands on hips, stomps feet “your dumb fucking face”. Meanwhile your mother’s a two bit piece of shit fucking whore.

But you won’t do research, so I don’t expect you to back up your claims.

Back to the lie…And he himself said the same thing I’m saying about your Putin claims…So again you obviously think you know about what GSC is saying than he does.

Which all equals to……you’re a troll, you opened your dumb fucking face and wouldn’t stop.

And as a result, you got curb stomped. Again. Great job. Toilet wine.

There goes Mitch Green talking that shit again.

You’ve been exposed on every level here and as board moderator you have prolonged this argument for 4 days now. I didn’t even attack you to begin with.

This is all you cunt…Emotional little brat.

Remember the time you called me racist?

Remember the time I had to teach you math?

Now I’m making you look like a fool for lying through your teeth misquoting me and another poster. You are a fucking troll and a parasite on this board. You’re a fucking feminine little brat.

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So…you don’t. :laughing:

I do research.I post articles. I read them. You’ve admitted to doing none of this.

That’s a great retort to my question of why you chose to open your dumb fucking face regarding my an article you had no intention of reading.

I do know more. Do you know how? I read. Try it sometime.

And this all goes back to nothing other than you choosing to open your uneducated mouth on a topic you had no intention of researching.

Researching. A word you see a lot, but never do.

You are.

You taught me math? You don’t even know how to do basic research.:laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

You know what foods do? They comment on articles without fucking reading them.

A+. Toilet wine

You’re just blurting any old thing out now cunt…And you have way too much message board time.

Name one thing I’ve ever said that’s racist…Come on big mouth cunt…Name it…I’m waiting!

And if you were standing in front of me you wouldn’t have a chance to think about it. I’d take your teeth out of your head for you. I hate racists (here’s where he makes some faggot ass drunk comment like ohhhh you must hate yourself --faggot voice)…The problem is I hate racism police and race baiters just as much…You’re a cunt.

You know what foods do? They comment on articles without fucking reading them.

I agree…That’s why I didn’t comment on the article.

I do research.I post articles. I read them. You’ve admitted to doing none of this.

Huh? I read plenty of articles…Just not CNN articles, for instance…Luckily, I don’t comment on them.

That’s a great retort to my question of why you chose to open your dumb fucking face regarding my an article you had no intention of reading.

The question was non-pertinent…Because I didn’t comment on the article

"Dumb fucking face waaahhhh!!! I hate your dumb fucking face!!! Bratty little faggot.

You taught me math?

Yup…It was so funny the way you kept doubling and tripling down on your fucking vaccine/ER math…Had to correct you, then finally you saw your error and went away.

I do know more. Do you know how? I read. Try it sometime.


See this GSC??? He knows more about what you are saying than you do! He reads ya know…You don’t ever read huh?

Oh! He’s really pissed off now! Here comes the threats! I’m terrified.

I said I know more about what he says than he does? What?

Let’s go back to the beginning.

I read an article.

I thought it was good debate on this board, so I posted it, assuming those who would contribute would actually read it.

Some did. You didn’t. You admitted you didn’t but decided to comment anyway.

Now you’re trying to somehow win an argument on a topic over which you’ve admitted you never did research.

You’ve gone all the way to threatening to harm me - all over an article THAT YOU HAVENT FUCKING READ.

Ok. That’s where you are in life. Cool.

Uhhh ohh….he’s responding….can’t wait for more threats to kick my teeth in or spit on my kids!

No one is scared of you.

Toilet wine.

Not on the article…For the 1000th time…Got it?

I commented on the author(s) of the article

You’ve gone all the way to threatening to harm me - all over an article THAT YOU HAVENT FUCKING READ.

Nope…You called me a racist.

I said I know more about what he says than he does? What?

Right here dipshit

I do know more. Do you know how? I read. Try it sometime.

Pretty clear what you said

I copied and pasted that exactly how you quoted me and responded to it.

That is literally my point you moron.

You threatened to harm me because I called you a racist? What? Look at the post above.

It is. Too bad the toilet wine killed your brain cells and as a result, you can’t understand.