Texas shooting

You are busting my balls for commenting on the article.

I did not comment on the article.

I commented on the author (s)…You also comment on authors

You threatened to harm me because I called you a racist? What? Look at the post above.

Yes…you said “you are”…My “threat” to you comes after the quote “you are”

It is. Too bad the toilet wine killed your brain cells and as a result, you can’t understand.

More jokes…Figured you’d run and hide

I never busted your balls for commenting on the article, you fucking vegetable. I know you didn’t read it.

Dude just fucking get it out of your system and threaten me and my kids if it makes you feel better. It’s the last line of defense you have - especially when you know you’ve been curb stomped.

You literally came into a thread and tried to insert yourself into it - while at the same time admitting you didn’t know shit about it because you didn’t read it.

You may as well done the same with a conversation about nuclear physics. You’re better at threatening to spit on children than you are at speaking in coherent sentences.

In other words, fuck off. Toilet wine.

I never busted your balls for commenting on the article, you fucking vegetable. I know you didn’t read it.

You’ve done it for 5 days. 2 whole threads full of it.

You literally came into a thread and tried to insert yourself into it - while at the same time admitting you didn’t know shit about it because you didn’t read it.

You do it plenty of threads. I didn’t attack, I didn’t insult. I did nothing more than you do…So if I pinky swear and say I read it…it makes it all ok?

Reel it in dipshit

You attacked me. Prove me wrong.

I created a post and you decided to be a troll. And in your view, I’m not allowed to respond. Cool. Got it.

I guess that makes sense to you. You believe you get to say words without consequence….which is why you are…well…where you are

Not doing this childish shit…Go to the other thread and read it. I didn’t attack you…And I told you for 4 days I did it

You’re ruining this board man dickhead.

If that is trolling than you have been guilty of it many times…You do the same shit with regards to GSC sources, twitter sources, etc…

All I did was create a thread that you didn’t care about. But you chose to respond to it.

Fuck off. Toilet wine

I did nothing that you don’t do.

I read the articles. You admitted you don’t.

For the millionth time.

“Prove it”

You admitted you don’t.


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This is hilarious.

I have proven it. Because I’ve commented on it.

It is pertinent, because you’ve admitted you don’t read them.

This is too easy.

What the hell are you doing?

So when you don’t comment on them…And simply say “Twitter nice source”. “Gateway pundit nice source” or something to that effect

A. There is no proof there.

B. Why does it matter that you read them?

It is non-pertinent because I’m not commenting on them, cunt

Who cares if I don’t read them if I’m not commenting on them…Pretty simple.

Newsflash: when you read, get to understand and form an opinion.

Try it sometime. Toilet wine.

And by the way, the creation of redundant threads won’t work.

Just because you’re frustrated and can’t effectively debate doesn’t mean you can create redundant threads.

Stick to the threads where you’re getting your ass handed to you.

Which brings me back to my original point.

Contribute. Or fuck off.

Toilet wine.

No lol…I don’t have to listen or fall in line with your version of “contribute”

If you are allowed to simply say “nice source Gateway pundit”

I’m allowed to type (and note I did not attack you when I posted this) with “I don’t read anything by CNN no thanks!”

If you’re allowed go type about something you never read them I’m allowed to tell you to fuck off.

A. I didn’t do this…Not one word about the article.

B. I’m allowed to point out your hypocrisy

Getting a little pathetic with your delete button aren’t you cunt?

You try to comment on shit you know nothing about because toy admit you don’t read it.

You don’t get to create multiple new threads or “3…2…1……” raspiness because you’re having a tantrum about getting your ass handed to you.

Either way I won’t be around for it…I’ve said what I had to say

Either Dallas will reach out or he won’t. I’m not caving in to this faggot’s censorship.