Texas shooting


I didn’t comment on that “shit”…Specifically didn’t

Told you about 10 minutes later in my 2nd or 3rd response that I “don’t know much about Alex Jones” or something to that effect…But you were will into bratty cunt mode by then.

Awesome. You dont know shit shit about any of it. Which all goes back to the two words I’ve been telling you all along……fuck off.

I created a thread about you calling me a racist

I created a thread asking why it was deleted

I created a thread updating my recruiting posts

None of them were about the topic at hand…

You deleted them all…You won’t delete me again. Imagine being a message board “Deleter”…you got issues you bratty little twat.

I don’t respond to things I don’t know about…You should try it. Because you’re pretty fucking stupid and you would save this board a lot of clutter.

Nah…Go fuck your filthy whore mother

Anyway I’m done with this shit

Keep your bratty cunt responses coming as long as you like…I could give a fuck about a Storm Shelter. But if you guys want the recruiting updates, Dallas knows my terms. They are pretty simple…I don’t ask for much.

Also…I just pump faked 51 again…You should see him start and stop typing. Still as funny as the first time…What a twat.

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All in retaliation because you didn’t lie what I said.

Never one deleted a recruiting thread you create on your own.

You do. It’s literally how this started.

So? You have no right to delete them.

You do. It’s literally how this started

I do? Where? I didn’t say a word about the Alex Jones article…Because I didn’t read it. You dramatically over-reacted because you are THE ONE AND ONLY BRATTY CUNT…That’s how this started

Do you really think Warden and djrion read every one of GSC articles before shitting on the source…And vice versa?

Lol…you’re lost man. Reel it in. You got some fuckin issues.


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:smiling_face_with_tear: [quote=“skeeter, post:443, topic:4013”]
So? You have no right to delete them.

Posts that are redundant and do nothing but attach posters will be deleted.

This isn’t anything new.

Yeah. We know you didn’t read it. Toilet wine. That’s my point.

I don’t know why you bring them up. What they do is none of my business. All I’m doing is focusing on what you’ve admitted you didn’t do. Read the article. Which means you’re not in a position to say shit about it.

People with issues threaten to harm the children of others.

They weren’t that

You called me racist…I posted about it

No redundancy…No attack…And even if there was…It’s not going to be you. I’ve made myself clear.

Which means you’re not in a position to say shit about it.

Didn’t say shit about it. So what’s your problem, cunt?

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They absolutely were.

No redundancy? No attack? You called me a cunt! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Yes. No attack.

Fuck off. Toilet wine

You called me a racist

I started a thread about it to show what a piece of shit you are and because the other thread wasn’t even about race and it deserved it’s own thread. You don’t get to act like the asshole you do on this board…Then when someone starts a thread pointing out your cunty behavior, you run to your little bullshit moderator button.

Nice emojis faggot

Also…Where’s the redundancy. And then why were the posts reaching out to Dallas deleted?

Yes. No attack.

Deflection. You know you’re beat on every front

No you didn’t. You predictably started it because you’re getting your ass handed to you and you’re frustrated.

Because they were in your redundant threads?

You’re pathetic.

Says the guy who has to create multiple other threads trying to call me out. Cool.

No it clearly was about being called a racist…The title stated it.

Because they were in your redundant threads?

You must not know the definition of redundant.

Says the guy so insecure about being called out that he has to run for his moderator button…Not to mention you gotta be a fucking dork to be a message board moderator in the first place.

Imagine deleting someone’s post? Fuck is wrong with you?

Pathetic fucking cunt.

I hate when he does this. When he keeps repeating something you’ve already explained to him a million times. I can’t tell if it’s sincere or to get a rise.

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I think he’s just really slow…I do

Anyway…Dallas has my terms. I’m not putting up with this shit. I’ve talked about it with him in the past. And this m’fer 51 just keeps running wild with his little delete button

So, the recruiting posts are down…If there isn’t demand for 'em or Dallas doesn’t think that demand is important enough I’ll just fade away. I won’t be censored by this clown again. Dallas has told me in the past he will have a word with him…And nothing changes. No biggie though, it’s just a message board and I’ll satisfy my recruiting hobby regardless lol.

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Get a room!

Other than the redundant “bratty response coming in 3…2…1…- name the other posts from you I’ve deleted.

Get back to me on that.

Odd to me that you have such a problem with me deleting a few redundant posts while at the same time threatening to harm my family and I - and I’ve left those up.

I’ve deleted your recruiting posts? Which ones again?

You’re literally melting down over redundant Shelter posts (above). You need to relax.

Oh no….where will we get info on the Hurricanes and their recruiting efforts? :rofl: