Texas shooting

Odd statement coming from a guy who, when easily proven wrong, does not have the ability to admit it. You either abandon the read altogether or move your goalposts.

Your recent comments on Ukraine and concerts are a hilarious example.

Also odd to me that you’ll defend skeeter at every turn - other than to passively say every now and then that sometimes he takes it too far.

We may disagree on a lot but I’ve never threatened you, your family or anyone else on this board. Skeeter sees no issue with his behavior but has a stroke anytime I delete a redundant post of his. Which, by the way, is rare.

They weren’t redundant

Me starting a thread about you calling me a racist isn’t redundant…It was the first one after you called me it. Therefore it can’t be “redundant”…Then I addressed Dallas in a thread and you deleted that too.

I’ve deleted your recruiting posts? Which ones again?

No numbnuts…I deleted them. I’m not going to be censored, let alone by a cunt like you.

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Says the fucking idiot who was literally waiting there for me to post so he can jerk off with his little moderator button

You relax…and go fuck your whore mother

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It’s hilarious to me about how soft you think some on here are but you lose your mind when I delete a redundant, needless post.

Please explain to me how “Bratty cunt response coming in 3….2….1….” Isn’t redundant.

If you can convince me I’ll agree with you.

That wasn’t the post you deleted prick

And I don’t give a shit whether you agree with me or not

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It was.

What was the other one you claim I deleted?

No it wasn’t…

I posted 3 new topics last night…All deleted. They were their own topics. 1 was about you calling me a racist. The 2nd was asking you why it was deleted and pointing out it was a new topic. The last was a message to Dallas.

You deleted them all you faggot ass fake moderator.

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Bullshit. All were redundant threads you posted to call me out when you could have stick to the thread they were in.

Stop lying.

Seems like this could be settled pretty easily. Skeeter backs off the attack a bit and 51 stops deleting posts?

Not that hard right?

Just agree to disagree at this point and move on. But don’t delete posts and all is good.

But I’m rarely deleting posts. Only redundant ones meant to attack me. Literally 3-4 of them.

He can’t stop attacking me.

Incorrect faggot

The first post was in response to you calling me a racist…It deserved it’s own thread because you are a piece of shit fake ass racism police. You deleted it

I then posted again asking you why the fuck you deleted it…You deleted that.

Then I posted for dallas to show him an example of your fake ass moderator power trip…You deleted that

You fucking lying twat.

Ding ding ding ding

It’s ok to call me a fucking racist for no reason in a thread that wasn’t about racism…And then when I call him out on it he cries “attack” and reaches for his little bitch ass moderator button

I’m not getting censored. Or they can go elsewhere for the recruiting stuff…Which is no big deal…There is recruiting info out there everywhere. So whatever is fine…But this absolute piece of shit fucking cunt will not my posts. I have been told by dallas that this shit will come to an end and that he will “talk to 51”…The talks obviously haven’t worked.

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“I’m a moderator”
“I don’t delete anymore”
“I delete sometimes”
“I rarely delete”

Make your mind up you fucking twat…No one here other than commie cunt djrion (who has been attacking people on these boards for years and years now) wants your bullshit censoring…and you go out of your way on Dallas’s board to do it. So you two can discuss, I don’t give a fuck. There are other Canes message boards. I’m not getting censored…And I’m certainly not getting censored by a little pussy ass faggot like you.

Imagine thinking we need a moderator to begin with.

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All of which were redundant threads because you were having a tantrum. Had you stuck to the 2 threads we were already in, they wouldn’t have been touched.

Imagine calling me out for being a moderator while pretending to be so important that you’re threatening not to post recruiting info here. Like we can’t get that from hundreds of other sites.

The guy who sees no problem with calling people cunts and threatening to spit on posters’ children goes insane over a couple of redundant threads being deleted while having a tantrum. Odd way to go through life my friend.

Calm down, Skaren.

No faggot

That isn’t the definition of redundant…The thread we were in wasn’t about racism and people need to to see what a phony racism police cunt you are. It wasn’t a tantrum…You were simply being the fucking bratty cunt you are and prolonging an argument…And then you decided to call me a racist. So it was a new thread not about Alex Jones and not about the Texas shooting…And since there is no way people were still reading or following your prolonged argument with me…I started a new one with a new topic. And who are you to delete the other thread directed towards Dallas?

And I won’t be part of a message board where you can make up your own wild definition of redundant, anyway. I never agreed to you as a moderator…And I can’t believe you are so pathetic to want to moderate. You are a worthless piece of shit. You won’t delete my posts. I have made this clear to Dallas in the past.

Imagine calling me out for being a moderator while pretending to be so important that you’re threatening not to post recruiting info here. Like we can’t get that from hundreds of other sites.

Didn’t say it was or that they can’t (although most of it, if you want it timely and organized, you’d have to pay)…And that’s fine.

Calm down, Skaren.

Ever notice the nicknames he makes up just aren’t even funny? Fucking dork.

I know. I created it. Remember? And you decided to be a troll and comment on it without even reading the article.

Didn’t you say something about leaving?

Yup…Like you have done countless times you cunt. There was no trolling…If you classify my first response as “Trolling”…Then you are a troll as well.

“Prove it” that you read them when you simply say “Twitter lol”…“Gateway Pundit Lol”

Absolute fucking cunt…And imagine being so worthless and pathetic that you take “message board moderator” serious…And then you abuse that power because someone point you out for being the phony racism police piece of shit you are.

But they fit you. You’re having a tantrum. And even when you aren’t you call people cunts. It’s like you know no other mood other than rage. I’d hate to cut you off in traffic.

I created a thread that you had no reason to comment on. So you’ll pardon me for calling you out.

Imagine pretending to be so important that you threaten to go on strike. :rofl:

Says the number one tantrum throwing cunt on this board. In that thread I simply said “I don’t know much about Alex Jones, but I certainly don’t read CNN…No thanks” (you can read that response yourself)…And you turned it into your 5 day tantrum of your usual misquoting, brattiness, lying to exaggerate points, etc…etc… 5 fucking days you twat! Then you have the balls to delete a post of mine? Then another one asking why (with no explanation)? Then another one that wasn’t meant for you?

I created a thread that you had no reason to comment on.

You comment on threads in that fashion and so do others…There was no attack geared towards you

Imagine pretending to be so important that you threaten to go on strike. :rofl:

Nice emoji, faggot… I’m not pretending anything. When we came to this board there were several posters who asked me multiple times to move my recruiting posts from the old board…And there are people who ask me for updates and opinions quite a bit on there. I don’t care if I’m important or not…But I’m not providing that on any board where an absolute cunt living out his moderator fantasies can delete my posts. Again, no thanks.