Texas shooting

I don’t know what you said (because it doesn’t matter), I didnt read it.

Have fun with your multi day 13 year old girl tantrum.

Didn’t stop you from a bratty cunt 5 day argument did it?

Bratty cunt little troll…Turns into a maniac post deleter at times…Nice combo, faggot

Says the dude who just had prolonged a 5 day tantrum over “No thanks, I don’t read CNN”

Absolute fucking cunt

Whatever you say, toilet wine.

White flag accepted

But hey as long as this little 5 day temper tantrum throwing twat has his moderator button in hand what can we do?

@dallascanes …Deal with this dallas.

You rail on me for responding then claim I waived for trying to end it. Never did such a thing - you’ve admitted you don’t do research, don’t have an opinion on the subject (because you won’t read), so while your free to comment on it, your “views” are irrelevant.

It’s odd to me that you say I ruin this board, while in the same breath, threaten my children.

6 days…And 3 deleted posts later…Now you are “trying to end it”. Got fuck your whore mother.

Never did such a thing - you’ve admitted you don’t do research,

Why do you keep going out of your way to misquote me, faggot? You keep going back to this like you’re cute. The statement was never made by me.

don’t have an opinion on the subject (because you won’t read)

That’s how we all should operate…If you don’t have an opinion on a subject then don’t comment on it. I certainly didn’t violate that. I didn’t have an opinion and didn’t read your article, so I didn’t comment on it.

It’s odd to me that you say I ruin this board, while in the same breath, threaten my children.

Non-pertinent. This is about you prolonging a 5 day argument then having the authority to delete posts. Your behavior doesn’t merit you having any authority at all on here, but regardless of that I don’t come here to be censored by anyone, let alone a cunt like you.

Also, get over it…And quit milking it you pathetic little cunt.

I deleted posts in this thread? Or did I delete entirely separate redundant topics you tried to create?

Not misquoting you at all. Case and point: you didn’t read the Alex Jones article.

Read it and give an opinion. Otherwise, fuck off.

You did comment on it, without reading it. You admitted this.

Not milking anything. Threatening any man’s children - one time - is unforgivable.

You must be so proud.

Weren’t redundant…And one of them wasn’t even addressed to you.

I deleted posts in this thread?

As I explained yesterday when you said you were deleting the “incoming bratty cunt” statement posts, which you weren’t…They were new threads. So now you are saying you knew they were knew threads.

And they weren’t redundant…They were about you calling me a racist, and I believe the board needed to see that…A question why you deleted it, since it was a new topic…And then a post for Dallas, you are not Dallas, why are you deleting a thread for him? Why are you fucking deleting any threads to begin with you bitchmade little cunt?

You did comment on it, without reading it. You admitted this.

Incorrect…Commented on the author, not the article. Already explained. I’ve explained it at least a dozen times in this thread.

Not misquoting you at all. Case and point: you didn’t read the Alex Jones article.

You have said repeatedly, annoyingly, and incorrectly that I said I don’t do research…That’s not the case. I didn’t read the Alex Jones article…Because I don’t read articles by that author. Therefore I didn’t comment on it. Already explained

Yes. They were. Do you know how I know?

I read.

They 1,000% were - you knew they were - and only created them after you had the tantrum. Otherwise - you wouldn’t have created them.

You don’t. When was the last time you read an article and posted with an opinion?

You’re a sad angry ignorant troll who threatens posters and their children.

You must be so proud

How the hell is this thread still going?

Embarrassing. End this thing. Canes51 is offended by Skeeter’s trash talk and Skeeter thinks Canes 51 singles him out.

Just end the thread! There isn’t a winner here.

None of this is me…So I don’t give a fuck if you read it or not.

This was almost of this cunt mfer and his bullshit…This all could have ended with me saying I don’t read CNN and him ignoring or moving on. He’s lied, he’s misquoted me and another poster…He’s made redundant post after redundant post. And when called out on it he runs for his delete button

He is a disgusting fucking cunt of a man…All there is to it.

A. I have recently
B. I have my own thread and try to keep things in that thread…So I don’t look like asshole warden cluttering up a message board with…(Drumroll)…R-E-D-U-N-D-A-N-C-Y
C. This is non-pertinent…We are talking about you deleting a post, not the amount of research I do.

They 1,000% were - you knew they were - and only created them after you had the tantrum. Otherwise - you wouldn’t have created them.

This is a flat out lie…And who are you to comment on a tantrum when we just had to suffer through your 6 day bratty cunt tantrum because I don’t read articles from your source?

A. First post was in response to you calling me a racist for no reason…Since no one is reading this cunty argument of yours I decided to make my own thread to point out your behavior. It deserved it’s own topic. If there were post after post about this…THEN THAT WOULD BE REDUNDANT YOU DUMB FUCK…This was not that.

B. You saying that I said “I don’t do research” approximately 15 times in this thread IS BOTH REDUNDANT AND FALSE…@dallascanes…Who moderates this faggot 51 for redundancy? There is one redundant poster here and it’s this fucking twat redundantly posting lies because he knows he has his little cunty delete button handy.

C. The 2nd post asked you why you deleted my post. This obviously isn’t redundant…

D. I then posted for Dallas to respond…You deleted that too. That isn’t redundant and why the fuck are you deleting a post for someone else?

Do you even know what redundant means? It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve had to define a word for you you half retarded fucking twat…Remember when you didn’t understand the meaning of “prevent”?

This piece of shit lying to hold on to his dear moderator status is fucking pathetic.

I’ll be the better person and call it. Didn’t even read his last two responses.

He was never worth the effort.


This cunt motherfucker starts this shit by attacking me, prolongs it for 6 days…Lies, misquotes, attacks more…Then abuses a role he shouldn’t have to begin with…Then acts like he’s taking the high road? I was worth the ongoing effort for 6 fucking days then when you don’t want this board to see (Because you know they stopped reading this argument a long time ago when it was stuck in this thread) the bullshit you were pulling…calling me a racist…and me pointing out your cunt behavior to dallas…You simply delete posts and say “I’ll be the better person”

You didn’t read the last 2 responses because you know that’s how it went down, but instead you prefer revisionist history and lie again to make it look like you didn’t abuse your role as moderating cunt

You’re a fucking twat and always have been.

You’ve been exposed…again

This ignore feature is nice. Should have used it long ago. :laughing:

This ignore feature is nice. Should have used it long ago. :laughing:

Ya think? Could have saved yourself 2 years of being corrected, embarrassed, and exposed

Also if you are ignoring then how did you know I posted twat? (He responded in 2 minutes after me not responding for 3 hours) You can’t make this shit up with this pathetic dork

“Be the better person” = run and hide when I know I’m beat and I also don’t want the board to see how I abused my role as fake ass moderator…You prolonged this thread with your bratty cunt behavior for 6…fucking…days… Now you want to take high road when you know you went overboard deleting posts that did not violate any bullshit rules that we shouldn’t have and no one agreed on to begin with.

@dallascane…What’s it going to be? I’ve explained to you how this went down 2 posts ago.

51- I love the guy. I really do. But he will respond to anything. He can’t help himself.

Because he’s a piece of shit

And a fucking cunt

Imagine the skill set required to be both “fake ass racism police”… and “message board moderator”


Lot of overlap there…Explains a lot