Texas shooting

Really? So, the rest of the world has mass shootings just like we do, on par and just as often?

If “bad guys will get the guns” argument is the one you’re riding…does the rest of the world not have as many “bad guys” as we do or are they just hiding the overwhelming and comparable # of mass shootings in their countries compared to ours?

Because they stop some, doesn’t mean they CAN stop ALL. You’re being dishonest or a moron. Typically, both for you.

The rest of the world doesn’t have a 2nd amendment they have to destroy. You dig?

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Another example within a week @sub150

Guns are the great equalizer. They give folks a chance. I’ll take a little tragedy for the security they provide.

Once again, I still have an example of 19 good guys with guns doing absolutely nothing against 1 18 year old with an AR-15 because they were too scared.

But go ahead and keep posting your good guys with guns, which I know happen on the reg, it doesn’t do anything to my point of mass AR-15 style shootings (high capacity, rapid fire weapons).

A shotgun or 9mm at home is not the same as an 18 year old legally buying an AR-15 with a $50 background check. I’m not against having a gun myself, but I would expect a harder process than what there currently is.

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Yea- I have a theory about that buddy.

Now, that is a response I would expect from the same person who blames Catholic’s raping children on the media and said it “wasn’t that bad.”

Here’s you’re “little tragedy”

202 mass shootings in 2022 so far out of 215 days.

These are your “little tragedies” that you care nothing about


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They’ve abandoned that bullshit line of reasoning. Now, as seen with GSC, dead kids are just part of the territory and they’re willing to give them up as long as they don’t have to alter, amend or agree to a single law on the books prohibiting literally anything relating to guns.

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Yeah, but you’re an imbecile who thinks literally everything is a grand conspiracy and believes that all or most of our shootings are secretly done by the government. In reality, you just don’t want to take any responsibility for your opinions and their repercussions, so instead, it must be monsters under the bed.

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Winner winner chx dinner!!!

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The sentiment is mutual

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Please tell me you don’t think it’s ok for 9 year olds to get mowed down in a school.

Liberal prosecutors and judges allow a goodly number of crazies out on the streets when they should be in prison. I’d have prisoners serve their terms in Alaska above the tree line without television, just nice books to read or redemptive classes to take, along with healthy physical labor such as breaking rocks.

How did Giuliani cut the murder rate in New York by 70 per cent. You have to have the courage to punish the criminal element and remove them from the peaceful environment. There would have been no riots in America if we threw the book at the BLM criminals. There would be no homelessness in big cities if we banned outdoor living in the city, made people sleep in public shelters. There would be no smash and grab robberies were store owners armed and willing to defend their property. The Koreans proved this during the Rodney King riots in California.

Crazies who commit mass murder have records of anti-social behavior. Some of them are constantly in trouble with police. Good citizens with guns aren’t murdering people wholesale as is the case in big, liberal cities. Thousands of crimes are prevented by good guys with guns. Teachers should definitely have firearm training. Our schools should be filled with volunteers with weapons. A no gun zone is an invitation to a crazy. If the crazies learned that retired cops, grandparents, and old fuddy dutties were armed at schools, they wouldn’t even think about committing such crimes.

With liberals running things, we really need the Second Amendment. I love having my concealed gun with my knowing that I won’t be begging some demented terrorist to spare my life. In a flash, I’d pull out my Roscoe, focus the red dot on a forehead, and I’d save the community litigation and prison costs.

Take away the deaths in big liberal cities and America is a pretty safe nation. The problem is liberalism, and its penchant for provoking and permitting hateful acts. Hate and liberalism are bed fellows.

There’s no crime in our fish camp and everybody is armed to the teeth. We’re good citizens and have received instruction in using firearms. Hunting is great fun. When we have high water, we go hog hunting. We donate thousands of pounds of meat to feed local poverty-stricken people. There is no season for hog hunting in the State of Alabama. You can shoot hogs all year long. And, small hogs are delicious.

Wonderful report, GSC, of Alabama homeowner saving taxpyaers monies by getting rid of vermin. How dare thugs invade a man’s castle. Yes, guns are great equalizers. Had we no guns, we’d now be British subjects.

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

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This is not what I’m asking you.

I don’t think we should be so quick to bash law enforcement in this. It looks like they were following protocol but woefully understaffed and didn’t have the equipment they needed like ballistic shields. That might have factored in to why they didn’t rush the door.

The tactical swat teams were 30 minutes away. Remember, these local police aren’t experienced in this type of situation.

Are you kidding?

Listen, I understand that the SCOTUS has ruled that a police officer has no duty to actually defend the public, but there is one thing I won’t tolerate- standing by while kids die.

If a cop doesn’t sacrifice for the most defenseless of our society I say they are not even worth having. There were men willing to run into that facility to save children who weren’t their own. They were willing to sacrifice their lives.

The Uvalde cops should all resign in disgrace. Bunch of fucking pussies.

They should have defied their chief’s orders.


I’m all for doing whatever you can to save the kids but what if they rush in and shoot innocent kids?

The shooter barricaded himself in and presumably used the safety measures of the school to his advantage.

Maybe they royally f’d up, but I’d like to hear the full report before I crucify them.

Information has already been disproved. We don’t have the full story.

I completely disagree.

This thing was over long before SWAT got there. The police there were REQUIRED to engage. That they didn’t do something that will weigh on them for the rest of their lives.

Indiana- explain how off duty border patrol were able to do what the cops couldn’t. Absolutely unacceptable.

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