Texas shooting

I’m telling you what I BELIEVE. You’re free to disagree and surely I don’t really care if you do or not. I’m also not trying to change your mind.

If you want to continue believing that these events are random and they our LE agencies are helpless to prevent them OR stop them early in their attempt, keep continuing to do so. That’s your problem, not mine.

By the way- notice how no one has answered ANY of my questions.

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Explain it :point_up::point_up:

Explain it!!!

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I’ve seen the video. It’s terrifying. And it’s being called the worst police response to a shooting on modern US history.

Now prove this was a government operation. Police standing in the parking lot isn’t proof.

And I love how you never addressed my question to you on Parkland. I’ll bet you also believe this was a government operation because the resource officer didn’t do enough and because the police took defensive positions outside? If you do, prove that too.

In order for it to be the worst police response in history THE POLICE WOULD HAVE NEEDED TO RESPOND.

They didn’t!!!

We’re talking about the same thing.

So, admit it: the Parkland resource officer was in on it.

The Sandy Hook kids, and teachers, were in on it.

GSC is what happens when people pray at the altar of Alex Jones.

I don’t make granular claims of “who is in on it”

That resource officer had orders. He could have just been following them. No clue.

What I do say is that there is some coordination between federal and local leadership to “allow” these weird stand downs to happen.

Storm made a great point…. The cops are barricaded but the killer happens to find the one door slightly ajar.

You keep believing that’s “coincidence.”

Still……no proof offered.

I think I’ve made it clear that all the proof I have to
offer is circumstantial. You act as though I have Q level security access.

See that

They actually CAN stop these atrocities from happening. It’s all a rouse.

The FBI and CIA have listening intelligence far greater than anything in the private sector. They are linked to every police station in the country and get Intel faster than any entity in the nation.

These events can all be stopped if they had the will to stop them.

Then you’ll pardon me for being skeptical.

A guy with circumstantial “evidence” takes it as gospel and says that the simpler, more likely explanation is simply possible.

Curious way to go through life.

He’s not saying he has proof?

What proof do you have?

We are all voicing our opinions…We just saw cops let kids be slaughtered. And you are acting like what he is saying is anymore “out there” than anything else we’ve heard. Letting kids be slaughtered is “out there” wouldn’t you think?

Yes, he is. He’s admitting his “proof” is circumstantial.

I was never asked for any. But I do have basic logic.

What’s your logic for 20ish grown men letting children be slaughtered. That’s the point here…There is no logical explanation here that anyone else is providing.

Yes, he is. He’s admitting his “proof” is circumstantial.


It’s terrible. Provide proof they were told by the government to stand down because of some crazy Dem conspiracy.

Because that’s what GSC is claiming.

Prove that they just all turned coward at the same time…That’s just as insane.

And again, he’s giving his opinion.

He’s telling us this the latest in many “stand down” orders.

The guy who pretends to be moderate defending the shit out of a Q believer.


Why are you attacking him or me?

Why do you continue putting people in a box?

What if a moderated agreed with a Q believer some things and not others? Or only 1 things?

And again it is his opinion…And again you can’t provide any proof for yours?

Board Moderator ^^^