Texas shooting

I have. Read my responses above.

Shouldn’t people like GSC admit that it’s also a possibility that this was a mentally unstable person who had access to a deadly weapon and went on his own volition?

Fair enough then…I missed it. But he’s giving his opinion and we have 4 people come in here and drub him with the conspiracy shit?

Not one person has aswered anything he has asked with anything valid. Not one answer or theory with anything any better than what he is giving…Hell most of these people just ignore the questions and scream CONSPIRACY!!

I won’t speak for the others. I’m just saying that GSC immediately goes to conspiracy theories and acts like the more simple explanation isn’t at all possible.

This is not true. I’ve given reasons. And of those reasons are true, some cops need to be indicted.

Conversely - GSC has not offered any proof of a conspiracy, other than the officers were standing outside.

Shit, I’ll stand outside if you want me to. Doesn’t mean there’s some shadow operation going on.

I won’t speak for the others. I’m just saying that GSC immediately goes to conspiracy theories and acts like the more simple explanation isn’t at all possible.

“Immediately” left the building long ago…We don’t know what GSC said “immediately”. (the first school shooting, pre-covid bullshit, absurdly contrived race wars, police being told to stand down and DAs flat out saying they won’t prosecute for riots yet punish people if they try to open their business, every Hollywood asshole telling you that blacks are "being slaughtered in the streets (in case you missed it, this is not happening)…etc all would have been his “immediate” response)…This isn’t “immediately” anymore

Because the officers DOING NOTHING why shots are being fired is something that is insane.


There is nothing more the NRA would like more than for us to take the focus off the individual who used a gun to mow down 19 kids.

Yes, we do. His words at the top of this thread as to why this happened:

“Most likely forced to stand down. They have policies to create and mid terms to win. Need ultimate mobilization right now.”

I don’t know the answer to this. Were shots being fired while they were standing outside? Or was this thing already over? Either way - I agree that they absolutely were required to engage. That’s not GSC’s argument. He said they were told to stand down because midterms are coming. But he’s provided no proof of this, of course.

Which is every place he starts from on every argument he makes. Everything is a big govt conspiracy :rofl:

Yes, we do. His words at the top of this thread as to why this happened:

“Most likely forced to stand down. They have policies to create and mid terms to win. Need ultimate mobilization right now.”

Nope…Missing the point. It is a long chain of inexplicable events which has “conspiracy theorists” believing this shit…Not just one incident. “Immediately” started long ago…Not with this event, not with the beginning of this thread.


Missing point here too…Doing nothing and letting kids be slaughtered is a pretty big offense, almost inexplicable…So his answer is as good as any

You aren’t providing proof of anything either. It’s his opinion…But for everyone on this board to make it like it is so far fetched as compared to anything anyone else is offering as to why (what was it 15-20) cops.

You’re right…Every thing is just fine and dandy and there is no one capable of such evil huh? You sleep through the last 2 years or is it just we aren’t allowed to ask questions if we stamp “global equality” on something right?

I’m not missing the point. The point is GSC goes right to conspiracy theories. And those events aren’t “inexplicable.” They all have rational explanations. I’m not saying they’re true - but they do exist. And GSC believes none of them. Because to him, the simplest explanation is impossible.

I agree, it’s terrible. And if they did because of what GSC is claiming - it’s even more terrible.

I’m just asking for proof. That’s all.

I’ve never made any outlandish claims. It’s on him to provide proof.

According to GSC, individuals can’t do this on their own. It’s all an orchestrated plot.

And you’re defending him.

What’s rational about this one?

And GSC believes none of them.

Because of a pattern.

I’ve never made any outlandish claims. It’s on him to provide proof.

Nope… What happened is outlandish. Why is what he said anymore outlandish than another explanation.

According to GSC, individuals can’t do this on their own. It’s all an orchestrated plot.

And according to all attacking him in this thread there is no way it could have happened. All 20 out of 20 cops are randomly cowards or whatever.

Also he didn’t say “can’t”

Embarrassing anti-humans

That a crazy POS got easy and legal access to a gun and shot up a school?

Provide proof. That’s all I’m asking. I’ve never disbelieved it as a possibility. I’ve only asked for proof.

Just asking for proof of his claims. Why is that so difficult or so off limits to ask for?

And yes - he’s entirely dismissed the more likely possibility that this kid was disturbed and acted on his own.

Hey 51- I never said “someone can’t do this on their own.”

I said I see a pattern.

The pattern is

Mentally deranged person that the FBI knows but failed to stop or report to local LE combined with local LE standing down when they should be rushing in.

Please don’t twist my words.

Great. You never acknowledge this as a possibility. That’s my point.

Again. You claim that these atrocities happen so policy can be changed.

What policies have changed that curb this fucking shit? How many does it take? Because there’s been numerous mass murder events over a short period. And nothing has changed.

Let’s hear it.

He doesn’t have to review every single possibility and break each of them down for you or us … I don’t see you doing so when you give your opinion.

I never asked him to. I simply asked him to consider something that isn’t a conspiracy theory.

I’d ask why you’re defending him, but I already know.

I see a pattern

The pattern is

You pretending you understand something, not understanding anything, jumping to a conspiracy theory, sticking by your pretend story with holes shot through it over and over again (no pun intended), you convincing yourself that you are right while never providing a shred of proof, intentionally lying and get called out for it, then wash and repeat.

You are a fucking joke.

Because this thread has 3 or is it 4 fucking people attacking him and calling him a conspiracy theorist…But yet there isn’t an even attempt to answer his legit questions. I don’t see what the point is of that.

I’m really not even defending him…I’m just in awe that after all we’ve seen the last couple years…How in the living fuck do you people still have the balls to call someone a “conspiracy theorist”?

No one dare offers an answer…But don’t worry we attacked those nasty conspiracy theorists!

GSC and “conspiracy theorists” aren’t the problem here you fuckin clowns.

He’s making the claims. All we’re asking for is that he prove them, like he demands of us.

Not sure why this is so difficult to understand.

Because a) he is and b) he’s admitted that he is?

Where did anyone say he was the problem here?