Texas shooting

You are all in on the “mainstream reporting bs”…See I can play too

Mind you this happened in Texas.

??? Who cares where it happened? What does this even mean?

I read a couple of lines on why they waited. One was the (supposed) belief that it was no longer an active shooting situation; that they believed it had changed to a “barricaded suspect” situation.

Obviously, this is appalling if true. A guy enters a school with a gun - that is active shooter. I don’t care if a shot hasn’t been fired.

The other more appalling line I read was that they didn’t respond right away in part because they didn’t have the equipment they wanted……and that “they were afraid of getting shot.”

Obviously anyone in that situation would be afraid. But that’s their job. They are REQUIRED to engage.

I won’t be shocked to see criminal indictments coming out of this.

Because he asked questions?

What is your answer to “innocent people and children dying”? Attacking someone you consider to be a conspiracy theorist? That’ll get it done I’m sure

So they didn’t hear 19+ shots being fired 51? You believe that?

This is what I mean. You’ll accept any explanation if your approved sources say them.

Border patrol 40 miles away had to come and defy the local order to save lives.

Unacceptable. This was an operation. An inside job. You don’t like that I say that? I don’t care. Give me a better explanation than “cops didn’t hear the gun shots slaughtering children”

Or “cops were scared.”

I’d go in with nothing. They can go fuck themselves.

Where did I say I accepted them? I don’t know what happened or what to believe. Was it an inside job? Maybe. Could the simplest explanation be the correct one? Maybe.

Rarely do you go with a simple explanation. Your brain automatically goes to complex conspiracies. This is fine, but you offer no evidence to support this. If it’s an inside job, let’s see proof. You ask us for proof all the time yet you rarely give proof when asked.

I’m less concerned with what happened and much more concerned that we allow this to happen over and over. Even if the cops engaged when they should. We let the unacceptable happen all the time.

And yes, I’d run in with nothing too. I’d rather die trying than live with the guilt of being able to but choosing not to.

Police standing down while children are murdered IS proof!

Explain also to me how the Feds were in touch with the Bufffalo shooter and just slowed him to do this?

It’s time to wake up 51.

Your own government sets up atrocities in order to create the impetus and justification to enact policy they favor. It’s that simple. They encourage and allow these events.

Look 51- now they are just gloating.

They are thankful officers weren’t hurt? Officers who didn’t engage? 19 kids dead. They did nothing to save them.

Fire them all. Take away their pensions. Start an investigation. This is bullshit.

No, it’s not. It may well be criminal dereliction of duty, but it’s not proof. Provide proof this was an inside job.

This is a joke, right? How many times has this shit happened? And how many policies are in place from the side you patently hate that they claim will prevent this? NONE. It still happens over and over.

I agree. To me this is criminal.

We always find out the feds “were in close contact” with these shooters. You know what that means? They were groomed for this. Encouraged and empowered to do it.

The federal government has 1 true enemy. It’s not Russia or China. It’s the American people. Only the people can, if committed to doing so, reign in the Federal Government’s power. So they divide us. Create fault lines for us to yell at one another about while they fuck us up the ass with onerous and unconstitutional policies.

The plan is to get rid of guns. A disarmed population is one you can control with no protracted, ugly fight. This is their way of getting what they want.

They get guys like you and Fish to scream that guns are the problem when in reality, it’s the Feds who most likely plotted and allowed this to happen.

One day you’ll wake up.

You’ll realize that the government LOVES atrocities. It gives them all sorts of levers. And they’re never questioned because they can depend on you and Djrion to yell at guys like me to try and silence us.

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Prove. It. I’m not saying I don’t believe you. But you need to provide proof of this.

Prove it. And if this is true, they’re doing a shitty job.

Show me where I said guns are the problem in this thread. I’ve never said that. I support the second amendment. So, if we’re all able to be armed, how can we stop this shit from happening over and over?

A whole lot of talking and no proof backing that talk.

Let’s see the proof. I’m waiting.

You’re asking me to definitively prove the greatest crime in history.

Just think of it like this 51…. If nothing tragic happens, the Feds can’t usually enact anything new. There would be no impetus to do so. No pressure from the people. They THRIVE on tragedy, war, fear. It gives them moral license to act. To point their finger and say “WE MUST DO SOMETHING!

The goal here is to have so many of these incidents that guys like you and millions of others just concede that guns have to go. It’s pretty obvious.

They could have stopped this guy cold. They chose not to. That’s my proof.

Because enthusiasts like me and millions of others won’t be fooled.

They timed this perfectly. A week before the NRA event and 6 months before mid terms.

Then I take it back because it sounded to me like you supported a gun ban.

If every teacher in that school could choose to be armed, you think 19 lives are taken?

I’m not saying these teachers shouldn’t get training or permission to carry, they are around small kids, they should be thoroughly vetted. But if there’s 1 gun in that school in capable and brave hands, many of those kids go home to their parents.

Dude- we have declassified documents talking about false flag operations.

We have Pearl Harbor that was recently revealed as a false flag. We knew it was coming. We allowed it.

We know that 911 had 50 unexplainable things happen that appeared to be allowed or manufactured that day.

We know that we lied to go into Iraq about “yellow cake” and weapons of mass destruction. They also lied about babies being killed in incubators.

The world you live in is a lie 51. It’s time to wake up.

Got a tip- did nothing

Investigated but did nothing.

Interviewed and knew he was a threat- nothing.

Another one

How many more do we need 51?!

Are we always gonna say “incompetence?”

Maybe the FBI needs to go then, no?

Yes. That’s right. I am. You can’t claim some wild conspiracy theory as gospel without proof, while at the same categorically dismissing more likely (and provable) reasons.

But nothing has been done to stop this. It’d be one thing if something did happen to try to stop this crap. But nothing has been done. So you’re making my argument for me.

The resource officer at Parkland did not engage. So same thing?

Sure can’t wait until nothing changes and we have another one. And another.

No. Admittedly, I used to. But I’ve come to realize that wouldn’t solve anything.

Now, I think it’s more debatable to ask ourselves whether or not some kind of gun control laws make sense. Should they all be registered? Do we need all these high powered weapons?

I’m not saying yes or no. What I am saying it’s that we need to try something to stop this crap.

Perhaps. Although a Glock in the hands of a teacher vs a guy with an AR and wearing tactical gear doesn’t seem like a fair fight. But it’s at least give them a chance.

We know? Where’s the proof? And because it may have happened in some instances, that means it happens in all? To you there’s no such thing as a mentally unstable person who has access to weapons?

If you’re going to believe in the conspiracies, then you also need to entertain the possibility of a “simpler” explanation.

For better or worse - you need something to go on before you make an arrest. What’s your answer to these then? If interviewed, should these guys have their guns taken away - even when there’s not a lot of tangible evidence/probable cause to do so?

You are an idiot of epic proportions

I really hope your kids can get as far away from anything you have ever instilled in them

Uneducated nj salesman.

That’s all that needs to be stated.

Lowest of the low

Pure human trash a deplorable through and through

So we let this happen to make guns go away. Honestly if this is how you believe there is no talking to you. We allow kids to get slaughtered over and over to make guns go away.

You can’t make this stuff up. Did storm find the company that brought the building down in surf side.

If we have actual people running our country who plan mass shootings to get rid of guns we are in worse shape then I ever thought. It would be easier to just buy people off for their vote then to kill innocent human beings.

I can’t argue with someone that is not rational. It’s crazy people talk to think this was a conspiracy. You would think after 20 or more years of that strategy not working that you would change direction. Would it not be easier to for Biden to just add 3 more judges to the Supreme Court and then push through hard core gun laws…

Where did I say guns are the problem. I just think common sense tells us that keeping guns out of certain people’s hands is the smart thing to do. You can pass laws where it takes longer for you to get the gun. I am sorry I just don’t think you should be able to buy a gun at a gun show and no one ask any questions why. I don’t think you should be able to get a gun at a store that day. To get a boat captain license you need to take a class. You can’t get that in one day.

The lie that people like you GSC keep putting out there is Dems are trying to take your guns away. This is complete and utter bs. Next, the reasoning that the government is going to take over to why you need guns is also bs…because if they actually wanted to take over your guns won’t help you.

Both points are spot on. It is also the simplified and easiest way to think

Can you fucking people at least admit it’s a possibility??