Texas shooting

One other thing less then 50 percent of the shooters are diagnosed or have been diagnosed with mental illness. You make shut up to try and prove a point.

Oh boy storm front logic. Unreal

Listen- the Polk County Sheriff- it’s a nice sentiment and now he better back it the fuck up. He just challenged every nut job and federal agent to test him. He better be ready. Stupid publicity stunt.

I’m not claiming to know the answer. But I do know that what we’re doing now doesn’t work.

It is simply unacceptable that we’ve normalized this shit. School/crowded location get shot up, people die, the right and left argue about what should be done.

And what’s been done? After all these debates and arguments following these tragedies?


And we wait for the next one. And the next. And the next.

It’s indescribable frustrating and unnecessary this is.

What if “we” were causing it?

Ever consider that?

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“We” clearly are causing it. By our actions (or lack thereof).

Not sure what your point is?

Nothing like a nole80 meltdown…All punctuation run and hide

Been a while. Life is good

We as in our government.

There was a stand down order. Local Police were told not to engage. By whom and why?

Don’t you find that fishy?

Ok…but you aren’t looking at the root cause. The police didn’t engage - that’s unacceptable and there may be criminal indictments as a result.

I was referring to the ability to get a gun and walk into an unlocked school in the first place.

The police didn’t engage because they were ordered not to.

The school was locked. A staff member opened the door for the shooter.

They found the assailants mother and father and already interviewed them (weird interviews by the way) but bet you they never go looking for this “teacher” who opened the door.

I’m also willing to bet that the gun was given to this maniac.



Hilarious. I’ve always stated GSClown should learn to show humility.

Oh Jesus fucking Christ

Here is where the train leaves the track

From crises actors to the government now slaughtering 19 kids to take away gun rights. YOU ARE FUCKED UP

Why did the police stand down smart guy?

Why was a door conveniently propped open?

You want to continue to be an idiot the rest of your life go ahead, but don’t ever confuse me with being like you.

Gsc is all in on the conspiracy bs. Mind you this happened in Texas. The guy who lost his wife only for him to die with a heart attack two days later they both deserve Oscars for their performances. Very impressive how they pulled it off. Like 51 said at some point you can’t keep going down the same road, same thing happens and then say oh no biggie and move on.

Dickride time

What a cheerleader…Guy tells another guy you remind me of my wife…drion comes up with his pom poms


What was next “mic drop”

Do you know 80’s wife?

What a spazz…Absolute faggot

The famous line……the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Honestly I don’t know the answer on how to solve this. But what we’re doing now is clearly not the right direction. Whether the answer means more guns or less, something needs to change.

We’re the only civilized nation on the planet where this happened over and over.

Sadly it’s wash rinse and repeat with this crap. Shooting. Death. Debate. Arguing. Nothing happens. Another shooting. And another. And another.

And there will be another.

You are an embarrassment to the entirerty of the human race. You can’t think about a single issue without invoking a conspiracy theory.



Why did the local police stand down?

Why did they not respond to their own CHILDREN BEING MASSACRED?

Why did it take off duty border agents to come and rescue the children.

Instead of calling me names can you answer the above?


Bunch of fucking assholes in this thread.

Border agents 40 miles away had to deal with this?

And I’m the conspiracy theorist?

Dickheads. All of you.

I don’t know what happened…But how anyone can keep going back and blindly accepting what is being reported on mainstream after all we’ve seen in recent years is beyond me.

You all should be considering any “conspiracy theory” in the world.

Since you like to call everyone a “conspiracy theorist”…you must have easy, clear-cut answers to the questions GSC is asking?

Let’s hear em then?