Texas shooting

Yep. Lost argument and resorts to calling me a douchebag.

This guy lost his marbles. Totally unhinged. Hahaha.

You said where are Dems removing police from schools. I show you where that has occurred and that you are wrong. You shift the argument and call “my side” satan or whatever. And around and around we go.

You lost, it’s ok. You have no solutions. Would like to hear from someone else that has an intelligent thought. You’re clearly clueless here.

And a douchebag. Did I do that right?

Warden is that kid that was neglected by his parents and has a lot of pent up anger and frustration. Takes it out on here and pretends he’s just amusing himself and he’s a tough guy.

Parents were divorced right? Dad didn’t spend much time with you? I would have more sympathy if you weren’t a complete tool.

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Very strange for that article to say “Video evidence shows teacher propping door open” and then to say “police BELIEVE the shooter used that door.”

I mean, if you have video evidence of the teacher, it stands to reason you should have video evidence of the shooter entering through said door. The lack of clarity here could just be a simple journalistic mistake, but it could also be the police deflecting blame away from themselves.

It’s criminal how much information is being kept from the public in this one.

I don’t know what to believe. Is is just a small town not having their shit together?

Why is the Texas Department of Public Safety leading the press conference? Why didn’t they have any good answers? Why did it take 12 minutes for police to get there?

So many frustrating questions.

There was a shooting a few years ago in a town next to me and it makes you wonder what more can be done.

Good girl

Good for her. What happened in Texas? Police waited for 45 minutes. Where were the good guys with guns? If it doesn’t work with kids in a school it’s a shit argument.

Just like 9/11 has kept us taking off our shoes, the need for people to have such easy access to high powered weapons has our schools turning into a prison like atmosphere.

Metal detectors. Heavily armed security. Teachers with guns.

What happens when one of the security or teachers turns bad? Do we need two layers of security?

Just preposterous. All because in the 1700’s some dudes wrote about it. They had slaves, they had no idea what an automatic weapon was, they certainly didn’t have armed guards at school, they shit in a hole in the ground, but yea let’s let them continue to keep us from advancing as a society in 2022 where technology has advanced.

I don’t know if you are naive or just stupid. Bad guys will get the guns. You get that right?

Gun control that limits access to guns means two types of people will have them, the government and criminals.

Do you really think everyone is going to shake hands and throw their guns into the abyss of the ocean at the same time and the problem will be over?


You’re such a goofball.

Oh I’m sorry- you want a 100% success rate.

You need brave people to step up. People who will sacrifice their own lives. Ofcourse. Nothing is foolproof.

No- he’s just as liberal as they come. It’s a damn shame because he’s actually a very bright guy.

Of course not, but it should be a lot harder to legally buy one than it is right now. This 18 year old kid bought a weapon legally that had 19 cops sitting in the hallway shitting in their pants.

I’m assuming the background check came back clean. I agree with you that it would be awesome if monsters like this didn’t get guns.

What’s the change that needs to happen if he comes back clean and then later snaps?

Sub, you hit the nail on the head. All we ever hear after these types of events…IS EXCUSES…The right to bear arms…They had fucking muskets back then. I am so tired of people abusing this. It is like everything else. No different then religion. People cant respect it…they abuse it. Does anyone actually think that when the 2nd Amendment was written they ever imagined that people would have access to the weapons they have today. Next, for any idiot that thinks if the military of the US actually came to take them over that anyone would have a shot at beating them in a war…SERIOUSLY. You know why politicians don’t want to put money into education…BECAUSE THEY WANT TO KEEP PEOPLE STUPID. They want to be able to control people. This is the problem we have in society. I get it people have the right to have a gun…BUT THEY DON’T HAVE THE RIGHT TO GO AND USE IT IN A CHURCH, A TEMPLE, A SCHOOL, A GROCERY STORE…NO. They don’t have that right and we as society should not accept it. At some point there needs to be changes made.

This will not end until someone like Ted Cruz loses a kid…It needs to happen. i don’t wish ill will on people but someone like Cruz or one of these other idiots that make this political lose someone close to them in a school shooting. You know damn well he would change in one second…Heck the guy has no balls…He allowed Trump to shit all over his wife and he still talks to the man.

What’s your solution, Elite?

As always- you are dead wrong.


Multiple automatic and heavy arms existed. They had ducking cannons Fish. And they were legal to own.

Indiana, I can tell you that one thing that needs to be fixed is the access to these schools. I just think that no matter where we go today there needs to be metal detectors. It may take longer to get into the school but it is a must.

It is just so easy to get into a school. Heck, I remember just days after Douglas, I walked right into a school behind this lady who brought a dog in. She let me in behind her. That should not be allowed. I think you have to have an armed guard at the front of the school. One of the things they should have is staggered start times at each school 6th graders at 7:00, 7th at 8:00 and 8th at 9:00 and each kids bag is checked and the kids have a metal wand put on them. It sucks but it is no different then the airports. Allowing it to get this far has forced us to give up some rights but it is for the safety of our kids. I have a son who is 12 and I more concerned about some nut walking into the school with a gun then him getting into a fight.

Indiana at the end of the day, I am not paid to come in and fix these issues. I think if you put some smart people in a room they can figure this stuff out. I am over the thoughts and prayers bs every time this happens.

gsc, honestly you must be a women…I am dead serious. You are like my wife…Never wrong. If I want to argue with someone that is never wrong, I dont need to come here. I can just turn over in bed and hear it from my wife…If you want to believe they had weapons back then like today go ahead…believe what you want. Next, you will tell me how they had electric cars back then as well. Good luck.

Here’s Elite’s argument in reverse.

Democrats only care about dead children when it’s time to push gun control. They don’t care about them when they’re killed in the womb.

Did I do that right Fish? Did I sound like Mrs Fish?

Gsc, you can say what ever makes you feel better. Problem is that guilt is starting to settle in. Thoughts and prayers just does not work anymore. You can’t rely on the oh it’s actors anymore. This happened in a red state…can’t hide behind Alex Jones saying that the kids were actors as well as the parents. You are starting to have to own the fact that ACTUAL innocent people and children are dying. But carry on.

There are more deaths in Texas then illinois…fact. But let’s ignore facts to try and make your point. No matter how strict the gun laws are made in this country we will never be Cuba.

People like you politicians love because how easy you can be brainwashed.