Texas shooting

This is so dumb. For this type of order to be implemented in time, it would need to be a standing order made well ahead of time, all over the country. There would be proof of such a thing.

Not to mention, this still would have been a tragedy had the cops rushed in and taken out the kid. The calls for gun control would be just as loud.

So dumb…

Lol. Ok

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This turned out to be false. Looks like the egg is on your face dude. So pompous and so wrong. And a total idiot.

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First, the Texas Department of Public Safety held the press conference with the Governor Gregg Abbott and stated this was the case, publicly and officially. Turns out they lied or got several things wrong. To consider repeating the official and recorded story as “egg on your face” is pretty childish and short sighted.

You’re the idiot who started the conversation by stating why schools don’t have armed security guards. They do. There was a “district officer” outside of the school. Again, the TDPS stated they interacted and I repeated their official story at the time. Turns out, they didn’t interact. HOWEVER, they had an armed security guard. Hell, I’m 45 and we had them when I was in school in Texas.
So, first off…the “idiot” tag is at your doorstep right off, right at the start of the conversation.

Secondly, in Texas, most schools have teachers who are trained and have monthly requirements at the shooting range. Not sure if this place did or not, but it is a standard and common practice in the DFW area, Austin and Houston. Uvalde is a tiny little place, not sure.
But, how exactly do you not know about the basic security measures in schools? Don’t you have kids?
You didn’t even look shit up before posting this nonsense.

At this point, however, I’m not sure you have the mental ability to grasp any of this.

Again, you’re showing the weakness of your argument and your hypocrisy in bitching about personal attacks and then levying them so regularly.
There were trained officers and a slew of guns outside the school. They didn’t do shit.
We have data. States that have passed right to carry concealed handguns laws saw in increase in violent crimes by 13-15%. The data spanned from 1970 to 2014.

In 2019, KXAN News in Austin worked with the ALERRT Center at Texas State University to compile data on 316 mass shootings in Texas between 2000 and 2019. The data showed that citizens stopped shooters 50 times out of 316 but only 10 of those instances were by using a gun. The other 40 times, the citizen used either their hands or another weapon.

Armed guards in school is a good idea, but in several cases they fail to engage like Columbine or Parkland.

In 2020, FBI’s Uniform Crime Report found about 77% of reported murders in the U.S. that year were gun-related. This is an increase from 74% the previous year and an all-time record high.

Over 45,000 people were killed in 2020 by a firearm, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In addition to murders, 24,292 of these were suicides.

The state of Texas has the 28th highest gun death rate in U.S., Giffords Law Center reports. According to the organization’s data, there are 12.7 gun deaths for every 100,000 residents – an average of on gun-related death every two hours.

All that being said, I’m not an anti-gun guy. I might own more guns than all or most of you. I also love the AR-15. Banning the scary looking gun can result in a much higher caliber, less scary looking gun, taking its place. Think of a .30-06 and how many people that’ll go through in its stead. The AR is popular because its customizable, but not a high caliber weapon. I’m not in favor of sweeping gun laws as most of these shootings have no link to those laws outside of just banning all guns, which is impossible here.

I’ve offered no solutions because I have none. We’re the problem. How do you fix “us”? Not sure. Maybe what makes us great in some facets is also what makes us dangerous to ourselves. Just dunno. Maybe we require insurance for all gun owners, for each gun. That’ll require a registry, which people hate, but what if we tie your financials to your gun ownership and if its used in this or that, you’re financially responsible?

That wouldn’t fix this one. He bought them for this purpose. But, not sure…that’s all I came up with. I don’t understand a lot of things, like physics, and I have answers for even less than that. The fear and pain involved in seeing this when you also have children is heavy, and a weight I cannot imagine. You guys have children, I am not smart enough to have an answer to this problem, so I’m just a bystander on this one. Glad ya’ll with children have them safe today.

The Dems are the ones that pushed defund they police and the ones that did not increase funding for police in schools.

In this case, it seems pretty clear that a trained individual inside the school and better security is a pretty good deterrent, but it’s not the end all be all.

I’m asking the questions and not providing the solutions. Do you want to provide any solutions or just argue because you need an outlet on here?

Well it turns out that my argument holds here. Better security likely prevents the magnitude of this tragedy.

Being wrong isn’t a crime, but it pays to wait a bit and not jump on the first piece of information that comes out.

You’re using words you don’t understand. “Defund the Police” was a slogan. It meant redirecting/reallocating some funding into more specific areas of need, like mental health people, to non-policing forms of public safety. Right now, the police are tasked with handling things far beyond what they should, like mental health calls where they are untrained and end up shooting a person going out of their mind and not in control, though not a threat. Doesn’t seem like an unreasonable request or idea. I know police officers, as I’m sure you do as well. Ask them if they deal with too much shit that they shouldn’t be. So far, I’ve gotten back a 100% agree mark on that one.

Really? Show me where. Also, has a school officer EVER stopped a school shooting? Just curious

Does it now? A trained individual WAS at the school. He was outside instead of inside. He didn’t do shit. The Parkland officer, who was trained…hid outside.

I offered a solution and corrected the mus-statements you made regarding your “solutions” earlier.

The irony here is you started this by saying we need armed officers at schools

We do. There was one there.

Being wrong isn’t a crime, but it pays to wait a bit and not jump on the first piece of information that comes out.

Take your own advice

I must have missed it. What’s your solution?

No, there wasn’t. Did you hear the press conference from yesterday?

There was NO armed officer at the school.

Big problem. The school was also unlocked. Another big problem. The left was so gleeful online yesterday when they thought this happened despite the fact that an armed officer was there and confronted the suspect.

Turns out that was all BS. Care to say you were wrong or do you want to keep repeating the lie even after it’s been proven wrong?

Sure. Despite the initial claims by law enforcement, doesn’t appear to have an a resource officer there. Is that your point, we need a resource officer there that day…like Parkland? We had cops there, a whole bunch of them…what the fuck did they do?

In what regard? The left doesn’t want kids to be killed all the fucking time. What’s the right wing response to these mass shootings?

Thoughts and Prayers and attacking the parents of dead kids and attacking the kids themselves.


What’s your NRA do?

Blames Super Mario Bros

Turns out your entire party has been BS on this from day 1. Bullshit thoughts and prayers, no action in any way, removing any barriers to owning or acquiring a gun, and then attacking those who were harmed

More guns, more guns, deflect, lie, attack.

Your party is without morality on this issue. I’m not sure what the answer is, but it sure as fuck isn’t making it easier for everyone to pay home to the gun manufacturers have fight every single attempt at literally any regulation on guns. I mean, your party doesn’t even want to bar people on the terrorist watch list from getting guns

Could be because your party more and more protects those terrorists

Also, in another example of how dishonest you are, or how much of an idiot you are…being wrong isn’t lying. You have to have intent to lie and know it’s a lie.

You attacked me before the facts were out.

The reality didn’t fit your narrative.

And you have no good solutions. Got it.

So basically a post full of hot air.

Let’s just see how the GOP is acting today.

Cruz fought against the embargo on Russian ammunitions imports

The sanctions were first imposed in response to the 2020 poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny with the nerve agent Novichok. He survived this attempt but was imprisoned on dubious charges upon returning to Russia.

'Two weeks before the letter was sent, the lobbying arm of the NRA wrote about the sanctions, calling it an ‘overreach’ and ‘crusade against law-abiding gun owners’ by the Biden administration," said the report. “The letter mirrors the same points the NRA made in its article. The organization wrote that it is exploring all of its legislative, legal and policy options to block the policy.”

MAGA candidate cites domestic terrorist as inspiration

Christian Summercamp leaders ignore sexual abuse and attack the victims

racist GOP School board member convicted of cyber stalking is being forced out, or trying

When he doesn’t have a response to the topic, he deflects.

What do any of those stories have to do with the shooting?

One thing is clear in this entire scenario and that’s a good guy with a gun can’t stop a bad guy with a gun. That whole trope is so fucking false. Cops love to shoot a black guy running away but give them a target with an AR-15 and they stand in the hallway for 45 minutes scared like little bitches. A lot of cops are wanna be soldiers that act tough when it’s easy and when things get real are running away.

This whole thing is just so sad. Nothing will get done. It will happen again. T’s and P’s will be tweeted.

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I agree with some of this. Armed guards aren’t the end all be all. But they are certainly better than nothing!

And the school obviously had terrible protocol with the doors being unlocked. WTF was that?

Have to find a way to keep the guns away from the monsters and maybe even hold the parents accountable. The dad knew about this kid. The authorities did too. He regularly cut his own face.

Sweeping gun control measures don’t stop monsters like this. They only take arms away from law abiding citizens.

More evidence of the lack of integrity - I’ve answered every question you’ve asked

You were saying, Warden.

Again, partisan hack. Smart guy I’m sure. But total partisan hack. Do some research.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to prove here. I’m starting to think you have a mental handicap.
So a school district in the country wanted to remove officers from schools? Okay. So what, exactly? We have them in Texas. Texas is where school shootings are going down at the present time. What exact point are you trying to make?
It said it doesn’t affect more than 100 public safety officers who work for the district who aren’t cops.

Again, wtf are you even getting at? Your solution is locking the fucking door and putting a cop in there? Okay, how’d that work out in Parkland. Your fucking party won’t even stop domestic terrorists from acquiring guns.

Maybe you have a mental handicap. Storm probably thinks it was a false flag operation. 27 school shootings have happened so far this year. GOP response? Cut the embargo on Russian ammunition, block any attempt at anyone from acquiring a gun even a domestic terrorist, suck the NRA’s dick even though they’ve been caught abusing the money and funneling Russian money into GOP coffers, calling things false flags…and you, you only care about rainbow back packs.

You’re a douchebag