Sydney Powell’s Defense

LOL. Bullshit. Coming from the guy who said Jan 20th was the date.

You didn’t get the year. Then how? Surely you heard this.

Let’s hear it.


Read it again:

Watch out, 51. There’s a nationwide blackout happening before 1/20. If I were you I would take your life savings out of the bank because ATMs are gonna be busted (just like the Pope).

Most of you miss the most important element of the case The plaintiffs must prove that Powell acted with MALICE in libeling Dominion. Inasmuch as there is a veritable trove of evidence that has never been presented and weighed by a tribunal, it is premature to arrive at the conclusion Powell has “lied.” In order to lie, one must know the truth and act willfully to the contrary.

Storm’s posted a letter by Gen Flynn that gives a reasonable explanation for Powell’s pleadings in the case.

Good post, Stormfront.

@bikki228 i get the legal argument to support it. Completely.

I’m less focused on that, and more on Powell literally admitting that “no reasonable person” would believe the horse shit she spewed.

Ya’ll defending this AND still believing her claims (which she admits aren’t true in a legal briefing) wins the gold metal for denial and deflection.

I personally think it’s a trap being laid. Hear me out.

The court has ultimate discretion in terms of what they will allow to be discoverable.

If Sidney initially calls for a dismissal and Dominion perceives weakness, it may push them (Dominion) to ask the court to not dismiss, thinking they can get a PR win and perhaps even damages.

Meanwhile, if they argue to the court that the case should continue, they will be in a difficult position later to argue that full discovery (of their systems, property, organization, etc…) is off the table.

Let’s see how it plays out. Everyone forgets that a court case is an adversarial battle. Yes you must be honest with the court or risk contempt, BUT there are ways to be honest and play coy at the same time.

Powell has an arsenal of evidence that might wind up embarrassing to Dominion, and yes, compel them to drop the suit. There is simply monumental evidence of wrong doing in the election.

60+ judges and 3 different trips to the SC would disagree with you.

I’ve said it before - the GOP NEEDS to be focusing on 2022 and beyond. The fact that there are effectively 2 different GOP parties (for and against Trump) will all but guarantee a split of the votes and a democratic winner in 2024.

Yes, but the legal definition for actual malice means knowingly saying a false statement or a reckless disregard for its truth.

This is not true. You can also lie by asserting a truth that isn’t true, whether or not you know the actual truth. I can tell you the planet Eros is purple with red spots. I don’t know what the true color is, but I just lied to you.

They wouldn’t have filed the lawsuit if they were afraid of discovery. You guys are fooling yourselves.

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What he’s upset about it Obama is the only President since Ford to not have anyone indicted, while his Fuhrer is under about 5 criminal investigations and half his close staff were convicted felons
Obama was the most stand up cat in the role in years and Storm can’t take it. He’s lost it…entirely

Notice how they don’t dispute her lying, but defend her none the less. Again, proven time and time again - these cats are traitors, immoral to no end, and have zero integrity.

Sure they would. I don’t know what you do for a living but I’m going to go on record and disclose that I’ve been in sales for about 20 years. I sell directly to lawyers for 12 of those 20 (the remainder was media).

I’ve learned a hell of a lot via osmosis (and I’ve always been legally inclined anyway which is why I excel in the profession).

I have literally prepped with lawyers prelitigation.

There are all sorts of reasons you could bring suit even if you were scared of discovery.

The optics alone are motivation. Look at the way 51 walks around as though Dominion proved anything with their suit.

Remember also they can drop this case ANYTIME without repercussion. It’s not like the judge is going to say “Hold on now”… what does he care? It’s a civil matter and if plaintiff drops the case it is what it is.

They could also be looking for quick damages. Maybe they make a calculation that the defendant just wants to settle. Put some pressure, build it up, and negotiate.

So don’t sit here and tell me there’s no way a guilty party would never sue because of the liability it would bring. It happens.

And considering the size of this operation, I will bet my last dollar Dominion has been provided with the best of the best in terms of legal counsel.

Where did I say that? Show me.

The only thing I’ve said is that Sidney Powell is literally saying her accusations aren’t true.

But somehow to you, they still are.

Sure, but Dominion’s just getting started.

Fox is the easy target. They will settle. They don’t have a dog in the fight and will try to get out of this quickly. Irrelevant to my point.

Irrelevant to the point that you know Powell is full of shit?

Dominion really has an uphill burden to overcome since their machines are proclaimed faulty and subject to fraudulent interference. Numerous experts attest to these problems and the State of Texas rejected their use based on these findings.