Sydney Powell’s Defense

Every time I read posts like these I hear violins in my head for some reason.

It’s part of your dementia. :joy::joy:

Or part of yours brother. :laughing:

Glad there is at least some activity going on there (in your head).

There is. And it’s not blatant racism that you try to pass as non-racism.

Lipstick on a pig, my friend.

I am never racist. I believe in equality of all races including the white race. You obviously do not. You believe government racism is necessary and not invidious. But 51, it is invidious. It is because to reward a black person, you must discriminate against another who usually, at least in court cases on the subject, is substantially better qualified. Hence, you believe that justice is served through discrimination. I do not. You then would be the racist, and I the egalitarian. Apparently, you reject the equal protection of the law clause of the 14th Amendment.

Your posts about the shootings of unarmed black men, along with anything that has to do with immigrants or, god forbid, Muslims, disagree with you.

You may have fought for civil rights 50 years ago, and for that I commend you.

Nowadays, no mas. Make all the excuses you want. Your long history of posts about blacks, immigrants and Muslims suggests otherwise.


I sure can. And it’s readily available.

But you’re not worth the effort.

Unless, of course, you tell me how and when the Obama treason trials are coming, how Trump gets sworn in this year and under what circumstance.

Then I’ll do all the research you want.

I’m waiting.


I continue to fight for civil rights for ALL people including WHITE people. The problem in America as I perceive it is black criminality and Black racism. Blacks are not murdered by cops but overwhelmingly by other Blacks. All FBI statistics support this premise. Your views are based on feelings not FACT. For example, BLM riots in two hundred cities resulted in 25 deaths, two hundred injuries to cops, and thousands of others injured. It was the greatest mass civilian turmoil in history. In thirty states the National Guard was called which was the greatest non-wartime mobilization in history. Property damage was in the billions of dollars, not mention the billions lost to insurance companies due to such fine social justice activities as looting stores. The capitol riot was a nothing burger in specter compared to the BLM rampage. Further ,more is going to transpire unless Chauvin is found without reasonable doubt to be guilty which really shouldn’t happen considering the 5 time ex-con thug Jacobs had twice the lethal limit of fentanyl in his system together with two other drugs as well, and three heavily occluded arteries. Jacobs also resisted arrest and battered one of the officers. The decision to put him a very large, powerful man, on the ground was the right one. The neck restraint is pictured in the police handbook. There is no way in hell Chauvin gets a fair trial in Minneapolis. The judge is so far off not granting a change of venue that even a tyro lawyer would know the case is already subject to an appeal. There are 15 jurors in this case, and all 15 must agree with the verdict. If just one feels there is reasonable doubt, there is no conviction on the charge. The guy has been seriously overcharged. The case should be about involuntary manslaughter, and in my judgment considering all the evidence released to this point that Chauvin is not guilty. In the meantime, the lives of the jury are now in danger. Their families may be threatened by the RACIST mob wanting revenge not justice if they do not yield to the mob. If Chauvin is found innocent 51, should cities be burned, our stores looted, our cops sent to the hospital?

How many unarmed black people are killed by police?. The problem is I know this information, and you obviously do not or you’d not raise the issue. The number 51 for an entire year is 11 nationwide. During the same year, the police killed 23 unarmed white people. When you lack data your commentary reverts to being rude insinuation.

Illegal aliens are criminals breaking our laws and they should not step to the front of the line to acquire citizenship. Furthermore, it they were perceived as majority Republican voters, the Dems would be busy building the wall.

Islam is intrinsically radical and propagates terrorism. It should be rejected for its inherent lack of ethics. For example, lying is acceptable so long as it benefits Islamic supremacy. A daughter may be slain (honor killings) for such trivial things as making eye contract with a stranger, the ultimate goal of Islam is world domination, women are perceived as chattel without inalienable rights, Sharia Law is manifestly unjust, genital mutilation occurs now in America, homicide bombing is acceptable, bestiality is acceptable, apostasy punished by death, and so forth ad infinitum. It is a retrograde influence that is destroying Western Civilization in Europe. You bet I will not be foolishly tolerant of something so iniquitous.

That’s what I thought.

Bikki - if you defended civil rights - and the civil rights of blacks (according to you) are rarely violated - then fight for those few that are violated.

I’ve yet to see you EVER defend a non-white person under any circumstance. Not one.

So you’ll excuse me if I think your long paragraphs about how you fight for racial equality ring hallow.

You don’t get to say you’re enlightened and love all people when the last time you did it was 40 years ago.

Until I see you passionately defend a non white person treated unfairly, my opinion of you will still be the same.

I am not going to defend person I believe are guilty. Their race is immaterial.

I have defended Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Niger Innis, Roy Innis, Condaleeza, Ben Carson, and numerous others. Presently, we are in an era of Black Crime and Black racism. Even mass murders during the past two decades have been overwhelmingly committed by blacks. Violence in Democrat cities is unacceptable. Rudy showed how to stop it cold. It’s only when a white person kills a black that there is any controversy.

For example, a terrible rape/murder occurred during Spring Break on South Beach. Do you see white mobs out in the street. How about looters? How about some news of the slaying? Our thinking has become perverse. All people have civil rights. How can you have justice if you cannot discuss the problem. Why should Black people be relegated to crap schools, not given school choice. Why do we put up with gangs

There’s plenty of news about the slaying. It’s horrible. Don’t act like it doesn’t exist.

Again, I’ve not seen you defend a single black person. Or Latino. Or one who isn’t white. It’s always about “their past.”

Lipstick on a pig.

I commend you on the past.

Prove it to me now.