Putin has already failed

How??? By posting on a message board? I’ve done the same thing…Are we both heroes?

Huh??? English only

I just gave you two examples above you fucking moron.

Yeah, that’s about right.

Still waiting proof

Knowing the media and the left has created a bullshit racism narrative and race war…Being disgusted by it…And refusing to take part in it

Doesn’t make one a racist. If there was a real, justified civil rights movement in this country…I’d be honored to take part in it

You’re just a sheep and it’s easier for you that way

Really hard to convince someone of a point when it’s literally right in front of their (stupid fucking) face and they don’t realize it.

Your point is incorrect

You re that fucking stupid and that much of a sheep…Knowing a race narrative is bullshit does not make you a racistt. Knowing that BLM is a fraud and intent on destroying the country…Doesn’t make you a racist, and doesn’t mean that black lives don’t matter to you.

Just like voting for Trump…Knowing covid is serving other purposes…etc, etc…Does not make one hard right

It means I’ve been blessed with the ability to step back, not be tied to politics, and say whoa…This bullshit is going to far, I can’t be a part of this bullshit any longer

Deflect. It’s Nancy’s middle name.

There was no deflection as usual…Although you have deflected all weekend, and still haven’t given one example or reason that I am a racist

Thanks for playing cunt…Owned again

You fucking sheep think you can just throw around this racism word…It’s the trendy, woke fallback…Little bull shit woke mob. You’re disgusting

Let me guess…besides me being a “racist”…you’re also an “empath”…I’m probably going to “asymptomatically spread” covid to you…And “experts” told you this

The big 4…Did I miss any? Racism, empathy, asymptomatic spread, experts…The 4 most abused words/phrases in America.

Bratty Incoming Response (Yet still no racism example) in 3…2…

It’s above. I’ve already shown you. But you’re either too stupid to read words (likely) or you don’t like it so you simply ignore it.

Disgusting people threaten to harm children.

No you didn’t lol…I addressed it and showed you why it’s fucking stupid…Already addressed you stupid little motherfucker…Already addressed

Just admit you made a mistake…Pulled the trendy sheep race card…And have learned from your ways and will try to do better

Little fake ass cunty racism police…You have no pride

Spitting on them isn’t harming them…It wipes off

Get over it bitch…Worry more about being a better fatherly example instead of the cunt you are

Thanks for proving my point. Again. You’re a liar and a parasite.

Yet another (in the line of many) examples that prove you’re not all that different from a sexual predator. But I’ve realized your general disposition makes complete sense based on what your mother considered.

Hey…Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

Quit milking it and looking for sympathy, you fuckin cunt

Just admit you made a mistake…It’s ok…You got exposed, were called out, and couldn’t provide one example.

This guy moderates message boards…And has a fake racism police badge…Man is he important!

On the contrary - I made a statement of fact and you made it worse by lying about it.

Never looked for sympathy. I’m simply pointing out that you’re a pathetic excuse for a human being. Threaten me all you want (no one is scared of you). Real men don’t threaten to harm children.

I can only imagine having your sad angry disposition. Really must suck being you.

As wacko as some of you are, none of you are racists. Nor am I, but I don’t like thugs, especially those turned into false martyrs. Some of you however are in great need of being mugged. It’s a great attitude changer. Same goes for waterboarding. I still maintain that holding “fighting Warden” under water in the bayou would do him a world of good. After words, if I didn’t drown him, people might even like him.




What a dramatic little cunt

On the contrary - I made a statement of fact and you made it worse by lying about it.

There wasn’t a fact in there…You say I haven’t come to any police shootings defense…I don’t know how you think we come to their defense on a message board…But if you mean by posting…I’ve made the same comments that you claim to have made on several police shooting victims on this board? Anyone on this board including 305ive has to back that up, as it is a fact.

I mean…Just because you do it more often…Doesn’t mean you are any less racist than me. It just means you are a more active (bratty cunt style) poster than me. I’ve been all for police reform and have stated that to no end on this board

So yeah, you’re beat here…And your statement had no validity…As most of your statements don’t

This is your only defense because you’ve undoubtedly been embarrassed by your comments.

You don’t want it to have validity. There’s a difference.