Putin has already failed

Well that’s you then…That’s not me…I mean my black friends and I may bust each other’s balls to with “why your people gotta” type jokes…And have since we were teenagers

But other than that, I can honestly say I haven’t.

And we all knew you didn’t have an example…Son hold that L and move on fuck boy

You can say that all you want. But you’re lying.

And you know it.

No I’m clearly not

So now you will make 20 bratty cunt faggot type posts…Telling me things you don’t know about me. Like you have for 6 months…That’s why you’re a fucking cunt.

And also notice I didn’t say anything about you for saying you have said racist shit…None of my biz. You, on the other hand, called me a racist and we weren’t even talking about race

You’re a fucking broad 51…Bitchmade fucking bratty woman…And you always be.

“And I always be”? :laughing:

Again - you can make any proclamation about never having a racist thought, but you’re lying. It doesn’t matter what you tell me or what you call me. You’re a lot of things. One of them is a liar.

Better to be a broad than someone on the same level as a sexual predator.

Bahaha…Dude get over it

I said I’d spit on your kids to get you to throw your hands up…I apologized for it

Quit milking it faggot…And that doesn’t put me on the level of a sexual predator, and it certainly doesn’t make me a racist

Get a grip you overly dramatic fucking woman…My god

And again I’m not lying about racist thoughts, when was I going to have racists thoughts? When I was 8 years old knocking on my black friends doors to see if they wanted to walk up to the store or come outside and play?

Never have seen color through my life…aAnd certainly never said anything racist…My mother would have slapped the taste out of my mouth

Damn, you must really be a fuckin racist to think everyone just has racist thoughts

51 is a racist!!! Hey this is fun…now I see why you race-baiters act like assholes!

You’ve run and hid every chance I’ve given you to show me an example that I’m racist…

Your response was “you know you have thought something racist”

This is how this thread went down right? OK…Just checking…Hold that L little cunt

I don’t care if you apologized. You say something as out of bounds as that, I can bring it up whenever I want.

You just don’t like that I do because you’re embarrassed. As you should be.

This is how fucking dumb you are: you think you’re going to convince me that the same person who claims to never have had a racist thought has also threatened my children. More than once.

No one believes you. No one.

You mean milk it? hey do what you want…I mean damn are you getting your money’s worth you fucking cunt

No one believes you. No one.

Why would they believe you cunt? Like I said…Keep running and hiding like the faggot you are…Didn’t think you had an example.

Watch how this faggot posts all night

“Moderator” ya know

You’re in lockstep with me, Nancy.

Ya but you accused me of being a racist…With no proof


You claim to be a board moderator

Run and hide cunt

Plenty of proof. It’s in the debates you both engage in and do not engage in. It’s obvious.

That’s funny. Because you claim to not have ever had a racist thought.

(Bratty incoming response coming in 3…2…)

Which debates…show me an example of one? Show me an example of “plenty of proof”. I guarantee you won’t show on…Because you can’t.


Just one…Just one itty bitty example…(It’ll be crickets)

(Bratty Incoming Response …BUT GUARANTEED NO EXAMPLE…In 3…2…)

Funny. I ask you for proof and you post nothing.

You’ve not once come to the defense of any black person shot by the police. None. But there’s plenty of posts about how appalled you are at “national funerals” for Floyd.

This isn’t hard. You’re hiding.

Has Chris Hansen ever had to interview you?

How have you come to their “defense?” Lol…

And yes I’ve spoken outt multiple times on this board against police brutality…Argued with Bikki back in the day well before the George Floyd shit when I thought he was wrong about defending police. I’ve said so many times I can’t count that I was fine with the Floyd verdict…Where were you then cunt?

Just because I decide not to buy into the bullshit narrative that this is happening because these people were black…And point out to FUCKING IDIOT MEDIA SLURPING SHEEP like you that for some strange reason white police deaths even though they outnumber black victims…Never ever make national news…And that when you adjust for resisting arrest, being armed, and previous criminal record there IS ZERO co-relation to policing killings and race…That certainly doesn’t in any way mean I’m a racist

So yeah…I’ve voiced my disgust just like you have and I’ve said 1000 times on this board I’m all for police reform. You can find that all over these message boards

Unlike you I’m just not gullible enough to buy the race narrative.

But even if I didn’t feel that way…If for some reason I didn’t come on a message board and make a point to sympathize…That still doesn’t mean I’m a racist. It means I didn’t fucking feel like doing it…How could any idiot like you classify that as racism? That’s not racist

As for the Floyd funeral lol…That should have pissed everyone off…That exposed two fucking agendas at one time…And if you think that was justified…Racism is the least of your problems…You are just a delusional fucking idiot.

You literally just typed that me being outraged at George Floyd having multiple national funerals while others weren’t allowed to bury their parents…Makes a person a fucking racist?

You are lost, you fucking sheep

Well I know your mother was of age…And I assumed your disgusting whore wife was? Why would he interview me for fucking those dirty (but of age) whores?

Bratty Cunt Incoming Response (but still no proof or example ) in 3…2…

Yes. I have. More than once.

Remember the kid in (I believe) Cleveland who was running from a cop? He turned and pulled a gun, the cop shot him dead? Some media outlets immediately casted it as a wrongful shooting. It was entirely justified.

His name is escaping me - but the dude shot in the back several times because we went back and reached into his car (survived but is paralyzed)? Celebrities were wearing shirts in his honor. Shooting entirely justified.

Now you show me proof where you defended same.

I’m glad your mother didn’t. But I can understand.