Putin has already failed

Then why’d you call me a racist last night you fucking cunt?

Because you are?

I don’t know if bikki’s figure is correct, but I highly doubt this (Warden’s) statement about Zelensky’s net worth. He was in the Pandora Papers (or one of them). He has offshore accounts and properties. Even legitimate business people in Ukraine need to do it because their system is unstable. Case in point is the war currently going on. You better believe the rich have assets elsewhere.

Zelensky wasn’t just an actor/comedian. He owned/operated TV production companies. So the guy has money.

How so…Tell me why am I racist

You absolute clueless piece of shit.

I’ve never had a racist thought or said a racist word in my life…I hate racists

I’m just not cool with this contrived war on race sheep like you sign up for. And you just proved it, by using everyone in America’s favorite trendy fallback, get-out-of-jail free card and calling someone a racist.

Clueless pieces of shit don’t do research. Sound familiar?

Waiting on that racism example…

Figured deflection.

Latest information has his fortune as $700 million. I guess I was off by a mere $200 million. Never realized how profitable it is making movies in glamorous Ukraine.

It’s only because he didn’t invest in South American coffee.

Plenty there. I don’t need to repost it for you


Thought so cunt

Run and hide

Little race baiting fucking cunt…Gets called out and…crickets…Little Joy Reid type

I’ve never made a racial statement or even had a racial thought in my life…Wasn’t how I was raised, and have lifelong black friends that are like brothers to me

Fuck you and your whore mother. You got nothing, chump



or studied law

Or one of bikkis other 500 lies about his fictitious career.


Still waiting for any post where I said something racist you fucking cunt?

Let’s see it you blabbermouth, race-baiting idiot…Waiting.

It’s all there parasite. I don’t need to tell you what you already think.

Thought so you fuckin cunt

I didn’t respond because I drove 500 miles today. With my wife and kids. You know, the people you’d assault simply because you don’t agree with me?

Call me whatever you want. Don’t care. The simple fact remains that parasites like you rank down there with sexual predators. And nothing you can say will change that.

Ya but where’s the racism?

You called me a racist you blabbermouth fucking faggot…I’ve never said a racist word or had a racist thought, or carried out a racist action in my life

Where’s the racism you little fake ass Joy Reid?

Thought so cunt…

Part of the little bullshit racism mob…Fuckin sheep


Yeah. You’re lying. And you know it.

You’ve NEVER had a racist thought? NEVER?

You make this so easy.

Never…Why…Have you??

Also…I figured you’d tap out. Still no proof/not one example…Typical race-baiting CUNT

Everyone has, including me.

Stop lying.