Putin has already failed

He has Kamala Harris, Raw Story, Vox, Maddow

You’re better than this SC

That OrangeManBad sheep shit is tiring with you people

Shocker…Another Board Idiot brings up Trump

You people really have problems…Control yourself with the Trump shit, my god

No context. We’ve already discussed this.

They all have to take their turns melting down over it GSC…Let em play it out.

hate to state facts to you. I know you live in a world that does not consist of reality. Carry on…

Were Biden not such a demented fool, it would never have happened. Biden has been a disaster in the realm of foreign policy beginning with his failed pull out from Afghanistan leaving for the Taliban $80 billion worth of military hardware. To his credit, Biden refrains from sending in troops or establishing a no fly zone. Lindsay Graham has also gone nuts exhorting the assassination of Putin The West cannot win this thing. It’s not a matter of appeasement. What are we appeasing if none of the NATO members will commit to fighting. As it stands, it is a no win contest, and Putin is offering a reasonable solution. Israel got it right. Ukraine should accept Putin’s terms, get rid of its army, and accept the $14 billion the U.S. has pledged to rebuild the country. Wayne allyn Root explained the situation well in his piece on the Gateway Pundit. Root is a pragmatist and his article is eminently logical.

Alternatively, the Russians will lay waste to Ukraine, Tens of thousands will die. Europe’s energy supply will be cut off, and discord will ascend on the entire European continent. Additionally, there will be food shortages and famine in Africa. End the friggin war.

This is a lose-lose for Putin. He has destroyed his economy and set his country back 2 decades. It will be a long hard road to recovery for them, and I very much doubt Putin will be there to see it.

You don’t even need to read anything else. Blinded by ideology. What a fucking liar and traitor. Russian mouthpiece. White trash mother fucker

If you haven’t yet, watch Zelensky’s address to Congress. The guy is a modern day Churchill.

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The video they show will make you wilt.

Imagine supporting Putin. We got 50% of Americans lapping that shit up. Bikki stooging for Russia.

You can’t make this shit up if you tried.

I would completely support a no fly zone at this point. Putin will not stop at Ukraine. Everyone knows it.

If it doesn’t something is wrong.

You’d support World War III?

You think a “no fly zones” is a request?

It has to be enforced with anti aircraft weaponry and fighter jets.

Do you know who they would be enforcing it against?

The media has you nuts dude.

Good speech by an actor and Ukrainian millionaire. It appealed to dummies who want to send the world into prolonged chaos. Perhaps a rational thought will return when people begin starving to death in countries outside of Europe. People were once enthralled by Hitler after suffering decades in an economic depression.

Instead of listening to the Ukrainian actor, watch this excellent video by Wayne Allyn Root, excellent forecaster of events. Root to a top drawer columnist who exhibits good old common sense.

Don’t look now GSC - but you’re fully supporting Biden’s strategy here.

You need to remember and understand history. Yes, it’s a risk. And I would fear sparking a larger conflict.

But appeasement will not work with Putin. He will not stop at Ukraine.

From the beginning I would have supported NATO troops on the ground in Ukraine BEFORE the invasion. With NATO troops on the border, Russia wouldn’t have invaded.

Actually, most Western media is against a no-fly zone. Stories warn against it. everything on my first page of Google results matches that idea.

My thoughts on the no-fly zone are mixed. I do think implementing one without troops on the ground would be difficult, but it might be possible.

I have said before that NATO troops west of the Dnieper would send a clear message: we are not attacking Russia but we will attack invaders. If NATO did this, it would protect Kyiv and supply lines indefinitely and Russia would be forced to withdraw.

Reasonable position to take. The best way to solve a problem is to prevent it. The only issue I see would have been one thing. How long would they have stayed? In other words, would it have prolonged the inevitable if it were only a temporary occupation?

This comment wasn’t about the no-fly zone but about his, and others, girly emotions over Zelensky.