Putin has already failed

305, With regard to Syria, Israel has killed fewer Syrians since its foundation in 1948 than Assad’s father killed in one single day. The same thing goes for Jordanians who killed more Palestinians in a single day than Israel has ever done in its history as a nation. Israel is smart. The West prolongs this war by supplying Ukraine with weapons so they can commit suicide in a war they cannot win. The U.S. has been a running a proxy war in Ukraine against Russians, and Putin is putting an end to it.

This war will not last long if the West leaves it alone. It is a dangerous war because we’ve got a feckless, incompetent administration. I will give Biden credit for nixing the fighter jets and not committing US troops on the ground. The West must stop sending weapons to Ukraine. Putin has threatened to stop the convoys. If the West does not stop, Putin will lay waste to the Western border areas of Ukraine.

Don’t believe the exaggerated MSM reports of the Russian army not achieving its goals. The army is under severe restrictions to minimize civilian deaths and setting up corridors to evacuate cities. The Ukrainian fighters are holed up in the cities and using civilians as human shields.

If the West is at all interested in saving lives and keeping Europeans from freezing to death this winter, it needs to meet most of Putin’s demands and settle the conflict. There is not one chance in a million this war would have occurred had Trump been president. Stupidity of America and its allies is responsible for the whole damn thing. There is nothing patriotic about supporting Nazis…

What does this have to do with anything?

This is how proxy wars are fought…

And if Putin is at all interested in saving lives and not causing the deaths of Ukrainian civilians and also not having young Russian men freeze to death in the snow, he will call off the invasion. There is nothing patriotic about supporting Nazis…

Russia asked China for military aid. Fucking embarrassing.

This isn’t a proxy war between the US and Russia, it’s a proxy war between the US and China. Russia’s just a pawn state at this point…

Every breath is a


POS traitor

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Emotional damage!


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Interesting week ahead for sure.

Wonder our tolerance level or how fast it would evaporate depending on our how our talks with China go? We’ve been signaling for China to stay out of the way pretty hard core. China has at least appeared hesitant, although we will quickly understand their financial commitment which has been speculated on.

This war has been a complete failure for Russia and Putin. He honestly thought he would be welcomed as a liberator. He thought the people in Ukraine would just put their arms on the ground and say thank you for saving us. He miscalculated…anyone can see this. Their military is a joke. After this disaster is over the right will have a hard time convincing people that our leaders (Biden) and the Dems are against having a good military. It would have taken us two days to take over Ukraine with our military. I am shocked they allowed the convoy to be so exposed. Can you imagine what the us Air Force would do…they have wiped them out in 30 minutes.

Putin has some decisions to make. If this war continues past a couple of more weeks then he either needs to get out of Ukraine or he has to start to worry about someone in his inner circle taking him out. When russia is reaching out to China to help finance this war it tells you where Russia is at.

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Russia is in a tough position. They thought the blitz would be the end of it.

China is in a tough position. They would have supported the blitz but now they see the world against Russia. It is speculated that China will need to denounce Russia soon.

I think China will go somewhere in between - try to lead peace talks with Russia. That will bring them clout on the world stage and the West will see them as a good influence.

Did they? Or is there something else going on?

You keep repeating this but have no evidence for it.

I believe Russia did think they could win with a blitz.

I mean, Russia literally executed a blitz, by the military definition. Their armor moved so fast they outran their supply.

You don’t drop off 200 paratroopers by the capital to then abandon them to their deaths. You do that because you assume you can capture that position. Russia did this in the opening hours of the invasion.

There is also precedent for this being quick. Taking Crimea was almost automatic. It happened before anybody could react to it. It was the definition of a fait accompli.

And then look at how fast the Taliban took over Kabul. With enough shock and awe and fear, an army can literally shock a city into submission. The problem is the Ukrainian people chose to fight.

Another point of fact is even the US administration has publicly said they were surprised Kyiv didn’t fall in a week or so. If the US was surprised, Russia was probably surprised too.

There was also the recovered Russian intelligence that said this would be a 2-week campaign. This was after the initial blitz had already failed.

Lol, just like you keep repeating the bio-weapon angle without a shred of evidence? At least I have dead paratroopers, stalled convoys, Russian intelligence, and military opinions to back me up. What do you have?

He has Gateway Pundit, Qanon, Putin and Trump.

You serious?

We admitted it.


I know I know 305- she said “bio research facility” not “bio weapon” so irrelevant right? Lol.

Why would she also admit that the Russians are seeking to get control of these facilities? Why would that factor into their “invasion?”

Seems like a distraction, no?

Yes, bio-research to bio-weapon is a jump. I’m glad you recognize that.

It’s also a jump to say this is the main reason for Russia’s invasion.

Why would Russia divert its invasion to control these labs?

Have they diverted? Do you have a map of the bio-labs? I’d be interested in seeing their locations.

Not confirmed but able to find this

It basically looks like all over the country. I would imagine Russia is happy to take over any infrastructure, just as they are the nuclear plants. I haven’t seen reports of their army diverting for them. But I would like to read them.

To ensure their protection

To steal research

To prevent rogue pissed off Ukrainian from releasing radom chemicals and Russia is blamed for it.

To control messaging by “proving they were right”

To justify further genocide

Who knows and who cares, really. As 305 stated, what do you mean diverted? The Russian army is a joke, no need to make excuses for them.

GSC, so yesterday a news lady went on a tv and protested the war…did it with a sign. She is now getting locked up. How can you honestly defend this type of behavior. How anyone can support Putin or Russia is mind blowing. These people have no rights in that country.

How anyone can ever complain or compare this country with one run by an authoritarian is crazy…the ironic thing is trump actually was buddies with this clown. Remember trump wanted that military parade…unreal. Keep carrying on.

Hold on Elite80! Now if you even mention Trump’s name, you are now accused of having tourettes. :roll_eyes: