Putin has already failed

You guys really don’t know what’s going on, and your knowledge of Ukraine prevents your understanding. You are very easy to fool.

Ukraine has been for years a Western proxy war against Russia. It has been Ukraine where American oligarchs including the Biden family have enriched themselves. Wayne Allyn Root explained well the situation in today’s edition of the Gateway Pundit. We know from Hunter’s computer that Biden is “the Big Guy.” A colleague of Hunter’s even identified Joe as the Big Guy. How did Hunter get a job with Burisma paying $80,000 a month? Does he speak Ukrainian? Is he a petrochemical engineer? Just what was Biden selling in Ukraine? Why isn’t Hunter in jail when there are photos of his drug use. Evidence of his drug possession. A laptop displaying his perversion. Where is the demand to see Hunter’s taxes? Where is the demand to investigate the Big Guy?

There are Ukrainians fighting on behalf of an independent Ukraine who call themselves Nazis, not my word. The idea of an independent Ukraine began with the Nazis. The Nazis in Ukraine have been fighting for years against Russian rebels in Eastern Ukraine. Take a wild guess where the Nazi group gets its weapons. Since Russians invaded Ukraine, the group fears for their lives against the Red Army and presently has taken refuge in the cities.

If you think the Ukrainians can successfully fight the Russians, you are naive and believe the propaganda created by the Western media. Russia’s operation in Ukraine is succeeding as planned, and Putin has generally restrained his army from annihilating the cities. The resistance to Russia comes from soldiers and the Nazi faction holed up in cities using the civilians as human shields to fend off the Red Army.

Wayne Root is a smart guy, hard to fool, and great admirer of Donald Trump… He has nailed it in this article. The Democrats are guilty of doing everything they’ve accused Trump of doing, and they’ve created a false image of Russia being the world menace in order to protect their interests in the nation that is the true world menace–China.

What a mess Biden is making of America. As Trump has said, the amount of damage Biden has done to America exceeds that of all recent presidents including Obama who was this nation’s worse president prior to Biden. How badly America misses the steady leadership provided by the Orange Man.

Says the guy who’s never gone two sentences without a lie, still believes Trump was elected President, and has parroted Russia’s talking points from day 1.


Wayne Allyn Root -
made his career beginning with a sports handicapping business
Then involved with Wealth Masters, which was shut down for being a pyramid scheme. Root was named in the finding.
Then he was promoting false covid medicines

So, a lifetime con artist known for spreading conspiracy theories and outright lies.
Claimed - Obama was not born in the US. Obama did not go to Columbia. Claimed Obama was gay. Claimed Obama was a manchurian candidate hired by the Bilderberg Group and kill us all
Claimed the Dems murdered Seth Rich.
During the White Supremacist Unite The Right Rally, falsely claimed the murderer James Fields was a paid actor hired by Soros.
Claimed the Vegas shooter was a Muslim
the list of lies goes on and on and on

of course, he also sells “silver products” to morons…the proverbial silver cure con.

the rest is just boring…you’re a pathological liar. About half way through each time, I remember…you’re one of the least honest people I’ve literally ever met and have almost no redeeming qualities as a human. What’s the point of writing all of this to respond to such a sack of trash

My point isn’t that I do know what’s going on. My point is that no one outside of US, Russian, NATO, and Ukraine intelligence knows.

But you all write war reports and make these claims as though you’re embedded with Ukraine troops guarding Kiev.

From what I can see from my humble position, the Russians aren’t in this primarily to take land. They have other objectives. If we believe them at face value, it would seem that they are, indeed, attacking American/Ukraine bio chemical installations.

That would make everything make sense. It would explain why they haven’t advanced like the media was telling us they were trying to. It would explain why they didn’t go after hard military targets like Ukraines air fields and air defenses. It would explain why civilian locations are being shelled. And it would explain why the tank convoy remained in place- most likely as a rear guard to reinforce and to guard from a counter strike.

But you keep on thinking the Russian army is, on one hand, able to achieve all of those high level Geo-political objectives you posted the other day while not being able to accomplish local objectives like defeating their little brother 1 v 1 in their backyard while their starving for resources.

If that makes you feel better, have at it. Stay in the slumber my man.

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Neither do you bikki.

Very true. Russia poisoned a presidential candidate, who lived and won anyway. Then they got their puppet installed, then the CIA got him ousted. There’s a political back and forth, and then there’s Russia resorting to poison and invasions.

There are people in every country who call themselves Nazis, not my word. There are people on both sides of this conflict who are racist Nazis. I doubt you could call Zelensky, of Jewish descent himself, a Nazi.

This is Russian propaganda, something Putin would say, and it is categorically false.

The Ukrainian People’s Republic was founded in 1917, before the founding of the Nazi party.

Here is a picture taken today of the Ukrainian Army bikki swears doesn’t exist:

It’s a bit more complicated, as there are neo nazi type militias in Ukraine that started fighting the Russian forces during Crimea called the Azov detachment. Bikki is giving you the full Putin ruse on it though. Takes about 2 minutes of research to see Bikki is doing what Bikki does - lie for our enemies.
Dude is just trash

They want to oust the pro-NATO government. They literally poisoned a president to install a pro-Russia one.

They’re also attacking nuclear facilities. They are, in fact, attacking anything dealing with security.

But this idea that they’re not advancing is idiotic, because they indeed are advancing. Tanks getting stuck in the mud and armor being abandoned aside, Russia is trying to push forward.

It is very curious that you, GSC, the great skeptic, doesn’t believe anything the US says, doesn’t believe anything Ukraine says, doesn’t believe anything Western media says, yet you are willing to take what Russia says “at face value.”

I mean, what the actual fuck? You call yourself a skeptic but believe what Russia says?

They have. CONSTANTLY. Because even if you “just want to take bio research centers”, you MUST take hard military targets. This statement is so mind boggling.

There’s no explanation for shelling civilians if they just want to take bio research facilities.

It’s not a rear guard, they are leading the charge. And they are overextended and cut off from supplies.

Many of their soldiers don’t even want to fight. They are sabotaging themselves.

But hey, if your little bio conspiracy makes you feel better, have at it. Stay sleeping my man. It must be a beautiful dream.

Yea- but I’m reading in other places that it wasn’t the Russians hitting that plant. It wouldn’t even make sense. What strategic benefit would that achieve them?

I am a skeptic, even about this.

I don’t believe the US narrative and I also don’t blindly believe the Russian BUT, at least Russia’s gives explanatory power. The other just makes no sense.

Additionally, I do think Russia would have secondary goals. Installing a Pro-Russian government in Ukraine would help them sleep better at night if, for example, the Bio-Weapons lab story is true right? You think Putin is just gonna roll in, destroy it and leave? Nope. He is going to take as much land as possible and install his people. We do it. Look at Iraq and 75 other countries we’ve run The same playbook.

In the end, I think the Russian story is more believable because when you observe the events on the ground they can be explained by it.

Don’t forget, Russia made the EXACT same claims about Georgia


If the claims are true then you’d expect this lol.



Nah, the explosion thing was overblown. But the fact is that Russia is advancing on and taking command of nuclear facilities as they reach them.

Except Russia has already listed like 10 different reasons for doing this. They listed NATO, demilitarization, Donetsk/Luhansk genocide, false flag provocation, Nazis, nuclear dirty bombs, etc. Russia is throwing everything at a wall and seeing what sticks. If you decide the bioweapon thing makes sense then whatevs. I just don’t see any credence to it. I don’t see how that one makes sense over the others.

It makes sense if ANY of their claims are true, right? It makes sense if there’s a genocide of ethnic Russians, right? It makes sense if Ukraine is making a nuclear dirty bomb, right? So again, why does the bioweapon one tick all the right boxes for you?

Except we didn’t take land.

Conspiracy theorists are down 0 - 16. Literally never right.

Sure we did- then we installed a government we liked and had a forwarding operations base in place.

And then we left the land.

Seriously? 20 years later.

Cause his buddy trump told him so.

Lmfao at him parroting the anthrax facilities now when he didn’t know anything about until SO dropped that seed 2 days ago. I knew immediately what that nugget would do, go straight to his delusional brain and send him down a conspiracy rabbit hole from hell.

Fucking traitors, the lot of them. Embarrassing trash. They’ve been taught not to trust anything and so here we are, arguing logic on a message board to uneducated, mouth breathers who think they are smart. The reality is their knowledge is always subjugated to their ideology.

Fucking traitor trash.

No matter what your write about Root, he’s right about Ukraine. Soon the Red Army will take Kiev, then move into Western Ukraine, and the war will be over. Israel smartly advised Zelensky to take Putin’s offer.

Ukraine will be tallied as another Biden failure to go along with Afghanistan and giving away the store to the Iranian mullahs.

Do you not see the difference between annexing parts of the country into separate states and not doing that?

Smart for Israel, sure. They’re goal is free rein in Syria.

No you tell us fuck boy

And make sure to include a “Raw Story” link with it please…

They’re also the flee point for the oligarchs
