Oregon passes law to require menstrual products in boys bathrooms

I’ve already been over it over and over again. The science has moved way beyond

The idea that science can make definitive conclusions about a person’s sex or gender is fundamentally flawed. Just ask sports organizations such as the International Olympic Committee (IOC), which have struggled with this for decades. In the 1960s, concerned that men would compete in women’s events, officials tried classifying athletes through genital exams — an intrusive and humiliating process. DNA tests that check for the presence of a Y chromosome did not prove reliable, either: people with XY chromosomes can have female characteristics owing to conditions including an inability to respond to testosterone.

Nowadays, the IOC classifies athletes by measuring their testosterone levels, but this, too, is flawed. Certain medical conditions can raise women’s testosterone levels to the typical male range, and the tests leave them unable to compete among women.


Nyt posted a story about this research today. Well worth the read but you will have to find it yourself.

Says the distraught little board troll who sits here and dick rides everything I say about covid agreeing with me…He was long ready to move on (he just supports the side who wouldn’t let ANYONE move on ya know)

And notice he doesn’t address the comment at hand.

Lost little sheep strikes again.

Imagine thinking there are really just all these transgender people all of a sudden and that many of them won’t be changing their mind in 2 weeks and some of em just aren’t identifying like this because they had a rough day?

But I’m sure we can twist some numbers and fuck with everyone’s life about it in some way. However did the world operate before science discovered all these transgenders for us!!

Also…That is still a ridiculously low proportion. So what’s your maniacal, temper tantrum progressive beef here you bleeding heart cunt?

They are trying to program our children in order to justify the lifestyle they want to live. This battle is on the spiritual level. That will sound folly to those who don’t believe in spiritual matters.

jesus fucking h christ

What a load of horse shit.

Your god created these humans.

Now you want to run a campaign against him? Good luck with that manure. No one is trying to program your kids lmfao. The level of idiocy and conspiratorial nature you guys live in is astounding. Honestly don’t know how you fuckwads function outside of your own home. I pray to whatever power exists, if there is one, that your children can escape your evil confines to live free.

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What’s the point here you’re trying to make?

Flesh it out for us.

You raise your kids, and I’ll raise mine. You don’t believe in eternal consequences, but I do.Your idea of freedom is the road paved to hell.

God created mankind and gave them free will. The very freedom you are exercising right now in choosing not to believe in Him. I hope for one of two things. 1. You realize the error of your ways and repent. 2. When you face the Almighty, that you keep that same energy that you have right now.

Happening everywhere with these wack job left wing teachers unfortunately

Oh no anither GWP LIE

Show us the lie. You’re saying it wasn’t in the budget?

From Drag Story Hour | Brooklyn Public Library (Brooklyn library)

Drag Story Hour (DSH) is just what it sounds like—drag queens reading stories to children in libraries, schools, and bookstores. Drag Story Hour captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity in childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.

Is this a lie?

What about this from Drag Story Hour website https://www.dshnyc.org/

So far in 2022, we’ve produced 49 Drag Story Hour programs for 34 individual public schools and special needs schools in English, Spanish, and Cantonese. In May, we launched Reading with Royalty, our new middle grade and YA book discussion program for middle and high school students, with discussion questions on five of our favorite queer middle grade and YA books. This year, we have also provided four paid trainings for our drag storytellers, on topics ranging from working with older adults to redefining beauty in drag.

May your children lighten your soul, for it is heavy with hatred.

So now that you realize it’s real… you approve of this?

Taxpayer funded child abuse isn’t real

And kids don’t give a fuck if you are a boy, girl, black, yellow, gay, straight, cross dresser, trans, or from Mars. That’s the beauty of children.

Doesn’t matter what kids “give a fuck about.” They are kids you dolt. They don’t have the experience or intelligence to understand whether to give a fuck. That is why adults are their fiduciary until they become of age and make their own decisions.

Your daughter comment becomes more clear everyday.

Wow, you really got something there, GSC. You found a Youtuber who has an opinion you don’t like. Wow.
Real substantive, there. You’ve made your point, obviously.

Um…aren’t you Catholic? Or was it Baptist?