Oregon passes law to require menstrual products in boys bathrooms

I mean I’m repeating myself for the 1000th time on this subject. While it may not have been directed at you before, I know you’ve chimed in. Which means you are not paying attention and revert back.

That link right there regarding Intersex proves your logic is 100% wrong. I guess unless you deny their existence…

So please reframe your position or stop insulting people with gender dysphoria.

I’m man enough to admit when I’m wrong. This is an unfortunate condition.

I think it isn’t unfortunate nor a condition. It just is what is, life.

What’s this have to do with putting tampons in a men’s room?

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Agree. Still dumb.

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Nah! No grooming.

Normal! Nikki Jizz! Lmfao

Your hated for the Other is fed by fire.

It literally consumers you.

Christ, please save his soul from himself

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I see the trans issue as an multi-tiered existential threat to our society.

Funny, I see your political ideology as the same

I would absolutely believe that you are either that dramatic or insincere. Both extremes fit your demonstrated personality.

Well, let’s take a look at it objectively, shall we?

You support taking over private business by government force to those you don’t like or agree with, i.e the media. That’s communism by definition. Authoritarian by principle.

You support the overthrow of a Constitutionally elected President, having shown support for both the fake electors scandal and the Jan 6 violent insurrection on the nation’s capitol in an effort to have the votes sent back to the states as to subvert the national will as represented by a legal vote, violating the Constitution in the process.

You support overt corruption, time and time again, as long as its on behalf of your team

You show support for our enemies while disparaging our allies and our global alliances

Seems pretty clear that you’re not in favor of that which benefits our country, in mores, our allegiances, and in favor of the very things our enemies want, sometimes favoring them directly.

Whereas the other side is just gay people existing and you are terrified your kids will get infected.
I pray to Jesus that your kids march in each and every gay pride parade throughout their lives and are the gayest things you’ve ever seen, in Christ’s name, I pray…Amen.


I see them as humans.

Good read below:

Premise isn’t true. I believe the corporate media is completely controlled by government agency forces doing their bidding.

We disagree as to whether Biden was legally elected. So again- bad premise. Just because YOU believe it doesn’t make it so.

Nope. I’ve never supported any one who’s been corrupt.

I’m assuming you mean Russia. And I never “supported” Russia. I only said we should not get involved.

Ofcourse you would pray for something like this. You’re a sick human being who wishes evil on people. That’s the difference between me and you. No matter how much I believe you are wrong or not a decent person I still pray for only goodness and good health for you. That’s what makes me a Christian.

Bullshit. You said the (Trump) government should take over the media to make things “right” - whatever that means.

You literally support a guy who wanted to illegally stay in power.

You support Russia.

No one wished evil on you or your kids.

You can believe in Smurfs if you want. It’s still private industry and you still want the government to take it over. That’s Communism, by definition…authoritarian without a doubt.

Facts are facts. Again, because you choose to believe Smurfs exists and underpants gnomes steal your underooz in the dryer doesn’t make it a viable argument. To date, no credible evidence of any kind has been presented. Even Trump’s daughter, attorney general, head of the NSA, etc…all said it was horseshit. His WH council threatened to resign multiple times over it and were forced out of the room by the handful of what they all called “Crazies” - ie.e Powell, Giuliani, etc. They’ve been dismissed time and time again and even both admitted that no credible person would believe them while in a court of law.

A flat out lie. Every time we’ve listed the crimes of Trump people, you’ve defended or dismissed. You’ve overtly and consistently defended corruption.

False. Another lie. You’ve supported Putin directly, attacked our allies like NATO, the UN, and celebrated authoritarianism like Hungary, Putin, etc.

There are a LOT of differences between you and I. At the forefront, you consider people evil based upon whom they love, despite both being consenting adults. You consider those with whom you disagree with to be enemies, existential threats to your way of life. You show regularly that you support the most corrupt, the most openly sleazy thus showing your character, or lack thereof. You show that you don’t recognize “goodness” itself, instead typically wallowing in archaic dogma, conspiracy and grievance towards others.

If the Mosaic covenant was replaced by Jesus’ only commandment - Thou shalt love one another even as I have loved you" - then, you are a terrible Christian through and through. You might be a good Catholic, but you’re a horrible, horrible representation of “Christian.”

However, I still pray for you. I pray for your good health and good health of your family. I pray, in our Heavenly Father’s name, that your children will be as gay as the mustache on Freddy Mercury’s face, will march in every single parade, get tattoos of Harvey Milk and Ru Paul on their chests. I pray to our Lord Jesus Christ, by and through all things come, that your holidays will be filled with rainbows, Disney back packs…that each of your children will experience absolute and true love, but with their own sex, continuously throughout their lives and your lives as parents…in his name I pray, Amen.

He’s not going to be able to. He’s simply going to point to an article that he’s already posted to get information from that’s formed from an opinion based on feelings. If you are born with certain body parts, you are what you are. How you “feel” doesn’t change the fact that if you use sex organs the way they are designed to be used, you are capable of reproduction.

Can any liberal cheerleader on this board differentiate the two?

It’s so funny how these people say “our enemies”…Race-baiters and the BLM narrative is my enemy…Anyone forcing others people’s kids into masks are my enemy. A couple of other things are obviously my enemy too (pedos, people that harm my family and close friends)…Other than that I can give a shit less.

You suck as much cock as your whore mother does.

HAHAHA!!! Meltdown Mollie is back…can’t even go a full week. What a weak willed piece of gutter trash. You’re the weakest man I’ve ever seen outside of Trump.