Oregon passes law to require menstrual products in boys bathrooms



Talk about being brainwashed. Lmfao

I’m a follower of Christ. I don’t necessarily claim one denomination over another. If I did, I would not consider myself Catholic because I don’t practice going to confession via visitation of a priest. I pray directly to my Heavenly Father.

What I respect about you Warden, even though you come off a little rough times, you have no issues holding me accountable to what I believe. You also challenge those beliefs because at one time, you once shared these same beliefs, only to have those come into question because of knowledge acquired during your life experiences. I believe you have had some pretty troubling problems and issues that have made you very skeptical and now you question everything and accept nothing unless you can back it up with sound wisdom/theology/knowledge.

Djrion: I don’t know what to think of you exactly. I don’t know if you grew up in the faith/church, was hurt in some way, and now want the entire institution of faith burned to the ground. Growing up, I knew a lot of atheists and agnostics. Even though we didn’t share the same beliefs, we were able to have discussions and walk away still respecting other’s vantage points. What gives with you?

I find the hypocrisy in your faith, enlightening. Your faith, at the onset, is meant to divide.

What the church does to kids is horrific as well (indoctrinate through fear or rape or both).

Not an ounce of truth in this one bit. The man simply doesn’t know our religion

That’s very kind. I appreciate it, greatly.

Who might that be?


What evidence do you have of that?

Definitely not you. You know scripture just as well as I do. In some cases better, because you’ve brought up scriptures that I had to be reminded of. That’s why I respect you even though we don’t always see eye to eye. It’s the fact that you know scripture so well that allows you to hold me and other fellow Christians accountable. All I have to say is this. Don’t classify the whole faith based on the actions of a few. Each individual person is accountable for their own actions. Whether it’s 1 or 1000 or even 10,000. The ones who committed wrong actions should be the ones who are held accountable for said actions. Not the group as a whole.

Thanks, man. I used to be MUCH more adept, but then I just quit caring. It’s been years and years but it used to be a daily thing. Shockingly, I used to teach Sunday School many many moons ago.

Totes. Most people, it seems, are pretty solid folks.

Nice. What a great library experience in Nancy’s home district.

He used to work for a site that promoted racists — now he edits a Canadian news outlet | Canada's National Observer: Climate News.


With the nazi crew

I’m sure you just happen to always post from white nationalists

It amazes me how this white nationalist/racist trope is always used when there is no ability to actually debunk the information presented.

And for the record, Cassandra Fairbanks is a liberal that is just disgusted with what your party has turned liberalism into. She’s a healthcare for all, animal enthusiast, who is against all foreign intervention. Yea- white nationalist because she thought Trump was a better option than Clinton and Biden.

You are using the thumbscrew of the establishment against its opponents. You’re an unwitting shill…. A useful idiot to the powers that be.

Well, let’s see if we can break this down, yeah?

First, Cassandra Fairbanks WAS a liberal, but then went on to support Trump, work for Russia owned Sputnik news, far right wing conspiracy and fake news websites like GateWay Pundit and Big Leage News, and then went to work for far right activist Tim Poole at TimCast.
She is pictured in the above with the following

Michelle Malkin
Nick Fuentes
Jaden McNeil
Steven Franssen

Jaden McNiel

Jaden Patrick McNeil (born May 17, 1999[1]) is an American white nationalist[2] and far-right[3] live-streamer. In 2021, the Anti-Defamation League described McNeil as an “America First” Groyper.[4] He is most notable for being the former Turning Point USA chapter president of Kansas State University.[5] He is the founder and former president of America First Students.[6] McNeil was formerly treasurer of the nonprofit organization America First Foundation which organizes AFPAC (an annual conference associated with the Groyper movement) and other political events.[7][8]

He was described by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as a “sidekick personality” of Nick Fuentes. In May 2022, he broke ties with Fuentes and the Groyper movement.[9] During a podcast, McNeil stated that after “years as a loyal footsoldier to Fuentes,” he was left with “no money, no friends, and no prospects”.[10]

Steven Franssen
White nationalist vlogger Steve Franssen called on Trump supporters, including retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, to begin killing “communists” during a recent livestream. The outburst was part of a tirade in which Franssen urged President Trump not to concede the election, suggested Jews controlled the media, and claimed that a ban on immigration would “save” the white “race.”

You think the Founding Fathers would be, they’d be like ‘Oh, Orientals stole the election. Well that makes sense. Let’s allow it to happen’?” he asked. “Oh yeah, Jews were a big thing at the signing of the Constitution. Oh there’s a bunch of Jews here. Like Jew lawyers Jewing us to death.”

Minutes later, Franssen said that if Biden is ultimately inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2021, he will simply tell people that they missed their opportunity to “destroy” leftists and communists. “No, I’m gonna be like we had a chance — we had a chance — to shoot Stalin,” he said. “We had a chance to destroy Joseph Stalin. We had a chance to destroy Alger Hiss. … We had a chance to destroy FDR. And we didn’t take it?”

“Trump is in killing range now,” he said, continuing his rant. “He’s right there with the knife. And he’s in killing range. And he can kill the Satanists. And I’m supposed to dick around and think what the fucking electoral college thinks about this? I don’t give a fuck! I don’t give a fuck what Mike Pence thinks about this!”

Addressing Trump’s supporters directly, Franssen suggested enlisting disgraced retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn to lead them in killing “communists.”

“Kill the communists,” Franssen said. “It’s that simple. We have a general. We have a general who’s willing to kill all the communists, his name is General Flynn. He can be our George Washington. He can kill them all. He can be our Patton. He can kill them all. We have the streets covered. We’ve got the street fighters. … And then we’ve got Trump. We’ve got the man who can close it all out.”

“Let’s go,” he declared. “Let’s fucking go. I don’t care. I don’t care what the electoral college has to say about this and neither should you, quite frankly.”

Michelle Malkin -

Nick Fuentes - avowed white supremacist
ite nationalist[5] political commentator and live streamer. The Anti-Defamation League has described Fuentes as a white supremacist.[6] A former YouTuber, his channel was permanently suspended in February 2020 for violating YouTube’s hate speech policy.[7] Fuentes has described himself as an American nationalist,[8] Christian conservative,[6] and paleoconservative.[9] He has expressed antisemitic views[10] and Holocaust denial[11][12] and is opposed to women’s right to vote.[13]

Fuentes has feuded with Turning Point USA and its founder, Charlie Kirk, for supporting views that Fuentes believes to be insufficiently conservative.[14] On October 29, 2019, Fuentes’ followers, known as Groypers, began to heckle Turning Point’s Culture War Tour, including a speaking event for Donald Trump Jr.[15] In 2020, seeking to rival CPAC, Fuentes began holding the annual America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC).[16][17]

Fuentes was an attendee and speaker at events preceding the 2021 United States Capitol attack.[18]

So, that coves the people in the picture -
to Dzsurdzsa and Post Millennial - see the above. Another one working directly with neo nazis and white nationalists.

So, you’re “trope” notion is horseshit. You’re a dishonest man, at your heart. Obviously, you have clear white nationalist sympathies, favor authoritarians, penchant for fascism, and are entirely supporting of a coup in the United States to dismantle our Constitution. You favor our enemies, defend nazis, and lie about it…obfuscate, etc.

Pretty shitty guy as far as it seems