New Twitter Anti-Progressive Fairy Tale Narratives thread (5)

Yeah. He denies EVERYTHING.

And you deflect/defend everything he does……regardless of whether he did it or not.

I’m not deflecting or backtracking. I’m actually confronting it head on.

No man should be in a room with naked women/girls without their consent.

  1. But we learned they weren’t naked by their own words.
  2. Trump was the owner of the pageant giving him a legit reason to be in the room.

That’s called a direct response after careful consideration of the known facts.

Only you would consider this a good thing. He’s talking about walking in on paegant contestants getting dressed and standing there watching because he can…5 girls who were teens at the time claimed he did that to them as well. Again, only you would consider this a good thing



Again, no morals in the slightest

4Chan and Tucker Carlson you trust without question…


Such a fucking sheep

“Well-documented”…No one ever exaggerates or lies about things Trump did huh. Remember…He conducted a big, bad, coup

You people are so fucking lost.

GSC….ever defending Trump at every turn. He’s just an innocent victim in each of the billion situations he’s been in.

It’s pathetic. :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

Deflection from the faggot sheep

Let me guess guys

Now your holy politifact…Doesn’t matter


Absolute hypocrite sheep. oRanGEmANbAd

Not true, they were.

And you absolutely are deflecting. Not worth rehashing what I’ve already rehashed. He should never have gone into a place where it was even possible underage girls were getting dressed.

But but but…I was told.l… Politifact is the be-all, end-all when it comes to truth

Well at least he’s wisened up from ratard to just moron…He doesn’t think the world is ending next year and admits it’s all about $$

Of course you don’t believe in climate change either. What a right wing parrot

Of course I believe there is some changes in the climate.

No I don’t believe we are doomed and going to die in 5 years because of it

Wake up sheep…You don’t need to rock every self-important liberal bumper sticker out there. Reel it in

So what if they were naked. Liberals support co-ed showering in public schools. Why try to debase Trump about nudity. What is truly perverse is Biden’s behavior with children. I thinking sniffing is a helluva lot worse than appreciation of feminine curves. Why do beauty pageants exist? Trump can certainly recognize talent in a variety of ways. That is why he is such a successful businessman and leader. The man started 500 private corporations in his life. Biden has never had a real job.

Is America better under Biden? Is it more prosperous? Are store shelves empty? Are perverts putting on entertainment spectacles at elementary schools? We have a full scale invasion going on at our Southern border. Small wonder even minorities miss the marvelous Orange Man. Even the robotic-voting African-Americans are rejecting Biden and wokeism in general.

Liberals are incapable of fooling logical people such as Skeeter, GSC, Indiana, et al. These people love their country and judge by content of character. They reject what is inherently ridiculous. These people are bedrock patriots, well-informed, erudite, and kind, and most of all, they don’t suffer fools.

This to me is the sticking point…And only reason I have more opinions boiling over last couple years.

Ya gotta know theatre of the absurd and lies when you hear/see them.

Because they were underage?

Trump literally walked in on children undressing for a fashion show.

As always, zero integrity.

Liberals shouldn’t worry at all about nudity. They support co-ed showers so they should never complain about indecency of being unclothed. Lia Thomas walks around the dressing room with his schlong hanging out. Walking in on kids changing is nothing compared to the sniffing fetishism. Biden is a perv. Trump is a supervising adult.and exhibits many qualities with respect to social propriety that indeed would lead one to label him a “Boy Scout.”

Liberals (or anyone else) not being worried about nudity is irrelevant to this conversation.

I would certainly hope that if some old geezer walked in on your underage daughter getting changed you’d have a major problem.

Of course you would. Anyone would. But you have zero integrity and will refuse to admit it.

It they were not worried about nudity of minors, those liberals would be pedos. So it does matter. Slight clarification.

Indeed. My response was to Bikki who clearly has a problem with pedo democrats (as he should) but apparently believes it’s not that big a deal if it’s a Republican (or Republican president, for that matter).

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Oh I know what you meant. Didn’t want him/them to distort.